President's Distinguished Service Awards

In 2006, USHJA created a new award category, the USHJA President's Distinguished Service Awards. These were developed by the President and staff to recognize and honor the dedication and service by members to USHJA and our sport. The staff and President reviewed the programs of USHJA and the work involved in developing and implementing them and those individuals who have gone beyond the call of duty to bring our sport to a new level and to benefit our membership.

These awards are presented annually at the USHJA Evening of Equestrians Awards Dinner. The recipients of these awards remain a surprise until the night of the presentations.

Past Winners

2023: Bev Bedard, Jim Hagman, Connie Tramm Hunt, Liz Soroka, Cricket Stone and Peter Wylde 
2022: USHJA Staff
2021: Fran Dotoli, Mark Leone, Oliver Kennedy, Patrick Boyle, Nancy Jones, Clare Warren, Kathy Hobstetter, Edward Glynn
and Dana Eaton
2020: Britt McCormick, Charlotte Skinner Robson, Robin Rost Brown, David Loman, Patti Harnois, Anne Kursinski
2019: USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Program Committee: Julia Hogan, Cricket Stone, Terri Young, Brooke Mallin, Elizabeth Blaisdell and Kristie Lynn Dobbs
2018:  Fran Dotoli, Jason McArdle, Oliver Brown, Frank Madden, Debbie Bass, Sandra Ruiz and Amy Center
2017:  Kimberly Risser, Rachel Kennedy, Terri Young, DiAnn Langer and Dianne Carney
2016: Julie Winkel, Tom Struzzieri, Tom Brennan, Fran Dotoli, Janine Malone, Howard Pike
2015: Mary Babick, Geoff Teall, Lori Cramer, Cheryl Rubenstein, John Bahret, Larry Langer, Maryne Langer, Diane Carney, Pat Boyle, Sally Ike, Charlie Moorcroft, Bill Schaub, Summer Stoffel, Carl Weeden
2014: Bob Bell, Charlotte Skinner Robson, Mary Babick, David Distler, Colleen McQuay, Mrs. Shelley Campf & Jeff Campf, Jennifer Burger, Geoff Teall, Louise Serio, Larry & Marnye Langer and Betty Oare
2013: Charlotte Skinner, Tom Brennan, Larry Langer, Mary Babick, Bill Rube, David Distler, Ron Danta, Geoff Teall, Bob Bell, Tobey Mcwilliams
2012: Shelley Campf, Jennifer Burger, Bruce Duchossois, Sally Ike, Colleen McQuay, Howard Pike, David Robinson, William Rube, Geoff Teall, Bernie Traurig and Peter Wyld
2011: Jeff Anthony, Katie Benson, Leslie Brown, Chris Collman, Sue Halpern, Kathy Hobstetter, Hugh Kincannon and Sandra Ruiz
2010: Debbie Bass, Otis Brown, Bob Cacchione, Ron Danta, Keeley Gogul, Cayce Harrison, Sally Ike, Larry Langer, Britt McCormick, Susie Schoellkopf, Geoff Teall, and Julie Winkel
2009: Bob Bell, Lynn Jayne, Colleen McQuay, Susie Schoellkopf, Melanie Taylor, Tracey Weinberg and Julie Winkel