2024 USHJA Annual Meeting

Tucson, Arizona, from December 9-12

New Format, New Changes, and New Ideas for 2024!

What to expect at this year's USHJA Annual Meeting:

Open Discussion Workshops
A series of workshops will serve as open forums for individuals and Task Forces to bring topics forward for discussion. These in-person meetings aim to engage participants in debates on issues vital to the growth of the sport and industry changes.

Working Group and Task Force Meetings
USHJA task forces and working groups will complete their rule change and specification updates before the Annual Meeting, allowing time spent at the Annual Meeting to focus on progressive discussion and debate.

Council Meetings
Chair's Council, Judge's Task Force, Zone Council, and Affiliates Council meetings will also be on this year's schedule, providing additional opportunities for each level of the sport to gather and interact.

View 2024 Hotel & Travel Information

View 2024 USHJA Annual Meeting Schedule

View 2024 USHJA Annual Meeting Registration