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Beware these travel scams.

Twenty scams every traveller needs to know about (plus five new ones)

As the number of tourists travelling the world has boomed, so has the number of scammers and the schemes they’ve devised to part you from your cash.

  • by Michael Gebicki
Stanley Park on the edge of downtown Vancouver.

Ten major world cities with glorious central green spaces

When city sightseeing gets a bit too intense, it’s time to head to the world’s great breathing spaces.

  • by David Whitley
Fresh Japanese horseradish. The plant is commonly used in Japanese cuisine, usually referred to by what name?

Travel quiz: In Japanese food, what is ‘Japanese horseradish’ known as?

Are you an expert traveller? Test your knowledge with our weekly quiz.

Do I need to pre-book my UK accommodation?

Tripologist: Is it OK to ‘wing it’ with accommodation in the UK?

As long as you have a backup plan if your first choice is unavailable, you should be fine. Train bookings are a different story.

  • by Michael Gebicki
The Burleigh Pavilion is part of the gentrification of the south.

It’s the best part of the Gold Coast, but most drive straight past

The city’s rapidly gentrifying, cool “southern” end is not the high-rise hub you’re probably thinking of.

  • by Craig Tansley

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Destination guides


Rocks in Joshua Tree National Park illuminated by sunset, Mojave Desert, California.

Ten years ago I would have said ‘no way’ to this. Now it feels amazing

At several points during a desert “sound bath”, I feel completely disconnected from my body. My friend, meanwhile, feels like she is being abducted by aliens.

  • by Rob McFarland

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Reviews & advice

Reflecting on revisiting Cambodian landmark and tourist attraction Angkor Wat.

The travel story I got wrong. Really wrong

I was reading a travel column the other day that I vehemently disagreed with – which would be fine, except the author of that column was me.

  • by Ben Groundwater

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