ESPN's threat to Setanta strategy

Setanta Sports, who paid £392million for their existing two Premier League packages of live TV rights, are in danger of losing both in the second round of bidding tomorrow for the next three-year contract.

It’s understood that the Walt Disney-owned network ESPN, who have remained highly secretive of their intentions throughout the Premier League tender process, have made a significant bid for one of the two remaining packages still to be awarded. Troubled times: Setanta's Angus Scott and Steve McManaman

Worrying times: Setanta's Angus Scott and Steve McManaman

And the big worry for Setanta, whose business depends so much on their Premier League portfolio, is that subscription channel rivals Sky, who have already retained their four packages in the first round of bidding, will snatch the other available set of 23 games per season.

The Premier League, whose TV rights auction is under strict scrutiny from the Brussels-appointed accountants KPMG, would not want three different networks sharing their rights. But there is nothing to stop Sky claiming five of the packages with the sixth going to ESPN.

The massively-funded American channel would be satisfied to dip a toe into the Premier League with one set of games on Saturday lunchtime or Monday evening which they could broadcast on a revamped ESPN Classic Channel on the Sky digital platform. In contrast Setanta, who have gambled the house on their Premier League football content, would hardly attract many new subscribers if they lost half their live match rights or, even worse, the lot.


I could be so good for you

Channel Five, who have never devoted much energy to promoting their sports content,
ironically targeted last night’s FA Cup replay between Everton and Liverpool on ITV for guerrilla warfare around their remake of Minder.

C5 bought £15,000 worth of advertising on the perimeter display at Goodison to persuade armchair viewers to switch channels halfway through the football at 9pm to watch the programme.


Gudmundsson returns

West Ham Chairman Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson

West Ham owner Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson (right) is watching games again at Upton Park for the first time since his business empire in Iceland went into meltdown, sparking speculation that he would have to sell the Premier League club in a hurry.

However, the immediate financial pressures on Gudmundsson have eased following support from the Icelandic government, as has the need to quickly dispose of West Ham, where the owner feels confident enough to show his face again.


Chopra hot foots it

The rumour mill is in overdrive in Sunderland that Michael Chopra, who lives in Newcastle, was hurried off on loan to Cardiff on transfer deadline day because fans and team-mates were upset that he chose a risky pass when presented with a gilt-edged shooting opportunity to win Sunday’s derby against his home town club.

However, the move was agreed on Saturday morning, which could also explain why Chopra felt so goal shy.


At a loss over Rafa deal

The Rafa Benitez contract, in which the Liverpool manager is demanding unprecedented and unrealistic buying and selling powers, remains unsigned despite both warring American owners having separate weekend meetings with Benitez.

Tom Hicks had made great play about sorting out Benitez’s long-term deal during his latest visit to Anfield but flew back to America with nothing agreed.

It’s not surprising if Hicks is having second thoughts about granting Benitez the control he wants. Last summer the manager had the final say in signing Robbie Keane — subsequently sold back to Spurs for a loss — and then threw the toys out of the pram when the owners baulked at the cost of bringing in Gareth Barry.


It's coming home...

England coach Fabio Capello’s well intentioned comments yesterday in support of the FA’s 2018 World Cup bid that ‘football’s coming home’ would have made the 2018 delegation visiting FIFA president Sepp Blatter in Zurich yesterday wince.

It was the perceived arrogance that the game would be returning to its birthplace which derailed the failed 2006 bid.

And the 2018 team wanted to distance themselves from that approach as far as possible.

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