US Health News

Updated: 16:30 EDT

NYC Covid czar Dr Jay Varma admits breaking his own lockdown rules to attend wild parties

Former New York City Covid czar Dr Jay Varma has allegedly been caught on camera talking about how he got high and went to underground raves that were 'not Covid-friendly' during lockdowns. Dr Varma was former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio 's most senior Covid advisor in 2020 and 2021, appearing in daily public briefings and championing restrictions like school closures and vaccine mandates.

Doctors weigh in on mystery illnesses plaguing attendees at Donald Trump rally

At least six people who sat stage right behind the former President in Tucson, Arizona , last Thursday have reported suffering from eyes that felt like they were 'burning' or had turned 'red like hell' in the hours after the political gathering. Others say they are now 'blinded' by any bright lights, requiring them to hide indoors with a towel over their head. The pain is 'unbearable', they say. The illnesses only affected people sitting stage right from Trump , with those seated stage left - and Trump himself - unharmed, according to reports. Two doctors told they believed this may be an issue with the air-conditioning system, with it either blowing too strongly and drying out attendees eyes or blowing a fine dust into their eyes that caused irritation and damage.


Doctors report a case study where parasitic worms burrowed into the skin of a young boy, leading to mysterious, faint lines on his skin.

A mother has shared her 'traumatic' experience of giving birth when she was forced to remain in labor 34 days. She was forced to endure contractions every four to six minutes for over a month.

World leading experts found two risk factors - fizzy drinks and a diet low in Omega-6 - are among 23 factors, which combined are behind 84 per cent of cases globally.

It's not just vegetables that are better frozen - you should be scoping out the freezer aisle for meat and fish too, a top Harley Street Nutritionist has revealed.

Plastic surgeons reveal the new 'top up' procedures they believe Ivanka Trump has had

Plastic surgery rumors are swirling around Ivanka Trump again after she posted photos of herself with friends in Paris, where her skin, according to one plastic surgeon, appeared 'almost too perfect'. They added that she has received filler in her cheeks and jawline, has undergone at least one rhinoplasty, and received a chin implant.

The home-heating devices, which have become a popular fixture in middle class homes, are said to be one of the main drivers of harmful air pollutants in UK cities.

Top UK surgeons have performed an astonishing, grueling operation to separate one year-old conjoined twins who were attached at the head.

The method is also 'less invasive' than the much-lauded Heimlich maneuver, which can help prevent serious complications such as rib damage, paramedics say.

It WASN'T a lab leak! Scientists say they've finally discovered the truth about the

Scientists reveal the true origin of the Covid pandemic, silencing the theory that it was leaked from a laboratory. The major international study published today in Cell, insists that the virus did spread from a 'wet market' in Wuhan, China, and they have identified the animals behind the transmission to humans. The research found that the genetic sequence of Covid was likely to be present at the market from 2019 at stalls that sold live animals. 'This adds another layer to the accumulating evidence that all points to the same scenario: that infected animals were introduced into the market in mid- to late November 2019, which sparked the pandemic,' says author of the study Kristian Andersen from Scripps Research.

The most effective medicine for migraines has been revealed in a comprehensive analysis by Oxford University researchers - with paracetamol proving surprisingly effective.


An unidentified man from Syria had been suffering a runny nose, headaches and seizures for six years after having experienced a head injury. It turns out, his runny nose was actually brain fluid 'leakage.'

Following the Mind diet - which stands for Mediterranean-Dash Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay - was linked to lower cognitive impairment , a precursor for dementia.

Two people in Los Angeles have been infected with Baylisascaris procyonis, or raccoon roundworm. It is a raccoon-borne parasite that can burrow into the brain and cause blindness.

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How doctors dismissed a 11-year-old boy's stage 4 CANCER as 'growing pains'

At age 11 and entering his final years at middle school, Landon Motter was due a growth spurt. So when, in the summer of 2023, he began suffering an ache in his hip, doctors dismissed it as growing pains. The family, from Maryland , had originally linked the pain to go-karting, which they had done plenty of on the trip. But as summer wore on and Landon started school, the pain became so excruciating that he would wake up crying in the middle of the night. During soccer practice, his parents noticed he was limping. A bone biopsy revealed stage four blood cancer that had spread to his hip bones.

America's geriatric STD crisis laid bare: The states where seniors are having most

An epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases is tearing through the country, fueled by ballooning rates among adults 65 and older. CDC tracking of adults 65 and up shows chlamydia diagnoses more than tripled between 2010 and 2023, while gonorrhea cases multiplied about sixfold. Syphilis cases increased nearly tenfold.

Split into two groups, one was given a diet free of meat and milk proteins, while the other was fed a normal diet over six weeks.

Doctors aren't just blaming smoking for a rise in head and neck cancers. Instead they think oral sex could be the culprit.

Jamie Theakston revealed he has stage one laryngeal cancer. For many people the first noticeable symptom is a sore throat, but experts warn an earache is also a symptom.

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: A man in Saudi Arabia diagnosed with shingles suffered a rare and potentially life-threatening infection that ate away the flesh on his chest.

Dr Thomas Sollecito, chief of oral medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, warned over the little known side effect - saying that he felt many were unaware of it.

The memory-robbing illness has long been believed to be caused by a build-up of amyloid and tau in the brain. These clump together and form plaques.

Revealed: The viruses that can give you cancer. Experts now say one in five cancer-related

Quit smoking, go easy on the alcohol and stick to a healthy diet. For years, this has been the mantra for reducing our risk of cancer , a disease that now affects one in two of us at some point in our lives. But while that's sound advice based on masses of solid evidence, it's not always the case that cancer is the result of lifestyle, personal habits or even genetic risk.

Experts have revealed that certain health issues like obesity and heart disease, as well as normal aging, can cause penis size to shrink over time, along with difficulties maintaining an erection.


As a child Katie Thorington beat leukemia but the treatments that helped her led to her getting cancer again as an adult, she now hopes a new project will help other kids avoid a similar fate.

A clinical trial is under way in Italy to see if using a new gadget just twice a week can trigger ­sensations that override pain signals ­travelling from diseased joints to the brain.

The XEC Covid strain was first detected in Germany in June and has been identified in 15 countries across three continents.

One in five GPs admitted using programs such as ChatGPT and Bing AI during clinical practice, despite no official guidance on how to work with them, a study has warned.

The highly infectious virus 'spreads like wildfire', warns Professor Helen Bedford, Professor of children's health at Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health.

Mom reveals how subtle red mark was actually sign she was suffering a silent health

Hanah Thornton, a 23-year-old mother-of-one from Willow Springs, Missouri , began to feel a pain in her leg over the weekend, but put it down to being from the gym. But when she went to the ER, doctors diagnosed her with a blood clot - and said it had caused swelling across her leg up to 23inches. She was treated with blood thinners to help dissolve the clot, and must now take them for three months. She said doctors told her that the clot was caused by her combined birth control pill.

The drugs - taken by millions - have long been known to potentially trigger symptoms including dizzinessand nausea when coming off them.

Action movie star Dave Bautista has wowed fans with his drastic weight loss, having dropped 75 pounds in just over two years. He took in about 2500 calories and practiced jiu-jitsu.

As rising numbers of people are signed off work with long-term illness, better health is the 'most important medicine our economy needs for faster growth', a think tank has said.

Suicide prevention measures like emergency hotlines have done nothing to slow rate of suicide in the US, experts warn. In fact, deaths by suicide hit an all-time high of 50,000 in 2022.

Jack Last, 27, from Stowmarket, Suffolk in the UK, was only offered the Oxford AstraZeneca jab because records incorrectly listed him as living with his 'at risk' parents, a report has revealed.


Outbreaks typically peak every four years, with the last big season striking in 2018. Another peak was, therefore, due during Covid. But pandemic measures interrupted the spread of bugs.

Woman, 59, undergoes astonishing procedure to destroy hundreds of tumours that cover her

A 59 year-old woman who has faced a lifetime of taunts from cruel trolls about hundreds of tumors that cover her face will soon undergo a life-changing operation to transform her looks. Annetjie de Wit, from Pretoria, South Africa , has long been afraid to go out for fear of what people would say about her face - which is covered in lesions due to a rare genetic skin condition. Ms De Wit suffers neurofibromatosis, which affects between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 5,000 people, and causes non-cancerous tumors to grow along the nerves of the skin.

One of the country's largest cancer research organization's just released a report detailing six factors that could be contributing to the rise in cancer under age 50.

Researchers at Suzhou Medical College of Soochow University in China found that people who drank three cups of coffee a day had a lower risk of diabetes than those who had one cup.

Nursing student Christine, based in the US, warned online that the box could be infested with the disease toxoplasmosis - which can cause flu-like symptoms and, in rare cases, death.

The quiz made by the Global Osteoporosis Foundation, suggests reducing your risk by quitting smoking and drinking, lifting weights and getting plenty of vitamin D.

Two doctors are investigating industrial and agricultural chemicals surrounding concerning clusters of Parkinson's diagnoses in a handful of regions across the country.

Diets rich in flavonoids - plant compounds found in the likes of tea, red wine, berries and dark chocolate - can substantially reduce the risk of the incurable disease.
