Hold Your Team Accountable with Compassion, Not Fear

February 13, 2023
HBR Staff/Pexels


As a manager, it’s a tricky balance to promote accountability for business outcomes while demonstrating kindness to individuals on your team. How do you find the sweet spot between being compassionate and holding people responsible? The secret is to over-index on clear expectations and then provide frequent, low-impact coaching and feedback to give your team members assistance without ever transferring ownership of responsibility. This article covers some techniques to instill in your team the sense that they can be simultaneously vulnerable with you and responsible for hitting their goals.

Your team has a lot to accomplish, so you can’t afford to have anyone on board who consistently lets their colleagues down. You need individuals who understand their responsibilities and feel obligated to deliver — a team full of people who feel accountable. But building an accountable team is easier said than done.

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