Peyser NyraxisBretzfeld •

Top edits to an page All edits made to a page by one user, in chronological order.

Pele Bretzfeld (Log · Page History)
Karber Nyraxis (Edit Counter· Top Edits)
Total edits 15
Vurriyayışê werdiyi 0 (0%)
(Semi-)automated edits 0 (0%)
Reverted edits 0 (0%)
atbe1 13.5
(bayti) bi cı2 10453
Deleted (bytes) -60
Vurriyayışê werdiyi · 0 (0%)
Major edits · 15 (100%)
(Semi-)automated edits · 0 (0%)
Manual edits · 15 (100%)
Reverted edits · 0 (0%)
Unreverted edits · 15 (100%)
1 Average time between edits (days)
2 Added text is any positive addition that wasn't reverted (texminen)
Tarix Gıreyi Ebad Edit summary
Ferq · Tarix 663 Coat of arms
Ferq · Tarix 209
Ferq · Tarix 1365 History:
Ferq · Tarix -60 Rappach:
Ferq · Tarix 1304 Gedelsbach: tbd
Ferq · Tarix 225
Ferq · Tarix 360
Ferq · Tarix 997
Ferq · Tarix 2778 History:
Ferq · Tarix 182 History:
Ferq · Tarix 25
Ferq · Tarix 659 History: Dimbach
Ferq · Tarix 167 Adolzfurt: Historical population
Ferq · Tarix 1336 History of Adolzfurt
Ferq · Tarix 183
All times are in UTC.