nya-nannu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nya-nannu/art/Chibi-Rio-195353370nya-nannu

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Chibi Rio



Kittyler Rio fanart again ~♥
Original Rio [link] [link]

I just had to draw SOMETHING. D8< I haven't been able to draw anything for... 20 days? (That's my new record, I guess xD) I won't probably post anything new here for the next 20 days either. My exam week starts next Tuesday and after that I'll start drawing a comic for one big contest.
Be patient, please ^^; (especially those who have requested something ^^')

:kitty: Rio - KEI's kittyler [link]
:kitty: .Rio [link]
:kitty: bemused Rio [link]
:kitty: Kitty'er Rio [link]
:kitty: Rio & Ryo [link]
Image size
1670x2517px 262.25 KB
© 2011 - 2024 nya-nannu
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TeslaTitanicX's avatar
Why her name looks like portuguese for river?