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. b o u n d .



Someone would have done this sooner or later.

Here's Rio and her male version! (created by me, he's not an official character or anything xD) I think I call him Ryo :)

I got the idea for this from one comment in YouTube. The person said that she would die happily if she saw a male version of kittyler Rio, so.... xD

Ryo doesn't look like a guitarist, though. (Rio has a Hello Kitty guitar) I think a violin would suit him better. A Hello Kitty violin... that would be awesome :giggle:

Rio [link] [link] [link] © KEI
Ryo & art © me xD
Tools: black marker, promarkers

:kitty: .Rio [link]
:kitty: bemused Rio [link]
:kitty: Kitty'er Rio [link]
:kitty: Chibi Rio [link]
:kitty: Rio - KEI's kittyler [link]
Image size
768x590px 57.15 KB
© 2011 - 2024 nya-nannu
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waraulol's avatar
:iconsushi-rabu: makes her own Ryo too. =P