My AFK is where you can view your AFK and request new AFK time. Read more about AFK and Last Minute AFK.

  • Upcoming shows your AFK requests for future dates.
  • Pending shows your unapproved AFK requests.
  • Archived shows your AFK requests for past dates.

Along with seeing the details of each AFK request, you can also click on the ••• menu to Edit requests (only pending requests) or Cancel requests.

If an AFK request covers time where you already have tasks assigned, these conflicts will show on the request. Read more about task conflicts.

Requesting AFK

Press the Request AFK button to request new AFK time.

  • What type of AFK is it? You can choose between AFK and Last Minute AFK (read more about the difference).
  • How long is the AFK going to be? AFK can be full days, multiple days, or half days (read more about Half Days AFK). Last Minute AFK can be full days or partial days.
  • Day / Days / Time: Use these to specify when you’ll be AFK.
  • Timezone: Occasionally it’s useful to note that you’ll be in a different timezone during your AFK.
  • Reason: Pick the reason you need to be AFK. Your AFK reasons can be customized from Admin Settings.
  • Any additional details? This will be seen by the team lead / manager who is approving or declining your AFK.