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jQuery UI Selectable how to set default value [duplicate]

I want to select item with id="Today" by default. Here is my HTML: <ol id="selectable_date"> <li id="Today" class="ui-widget-content">Today</li&...
A. Gladkiy's user avatar
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Jquery-UI Autocomplete Setting Selected Text As 0

I have a table containing a row of textboxes - Category, Manufacturer and Model. When the user types a value in to the Model field, I want to show an autocomplete box showing similar matches to what ...
Gavin Coates's user avatar
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Sortable toArray() occasionally creates list with a duplicate at the end

I want to use a form to let users rank a list of items and store the ranking in a form field called ranking. I am using "Sortable" to and "toArray" for this: <ul id="items&...
Marco Lambrecht's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Bundle and Jquery Spinner issue

I'm facing a problem using Bootstrap 5.3.3 (BS5) bundle with JQuery spinner (for inputs with quantity spinner) - it all works fine however the up and down arrows don't display on the spinner - the ...
Stuart Palmer's user avatar
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How to use onclick event (jqueryui-selectable)?

When clicked, selected: function(event, ui) { if (!$(ui.selected).hasClass('selected')) { $(ui.selected).addClass('selected'); } else { $(ui.selected).removeClass("ui-...
Lee's user avatar
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DateRangePicker how to disable a date [closed]

I want to disable the date from controller. I try this but it doesn't work: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#dateRnage').dateRangePicker({ ...
MONSEF CH's user avatar
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jQuery autocomplete doesn't work on dynamically created input text fields? (ajax call included) [duplicate]

I have an input text with id school_name field that I would like to apply jQuery autocomplete on. I managed to make it work making an ajax call and fetch the data and show them as options but ...
pliroforiki's user avatar
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jQuery beforeunload not working as expected

The implementation of this jQuery function drives me crazy!!! I know there are a lot of articles about it and I have spend hours to read them, but could not find any useful solution! I created a ...
Georgio's user avatar
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Select2 Ajax Response is not binding to HTML properly

I am trying to implement data dropdown using select2. <input id="myInput" /> My JQuery Code $('#myInput').select2({ minimumInputLength: 3, dataType: "...
Gireesh Doddipalli's user avatar
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Jquery UI draggable and contenteditable conflict

I found that jquery ui draggable event and contenteditable="true" is in conflict. I mean its always draggable and you cant select text to edit. Becuse of that I write a code: $('....
Aleks Per's user avatar
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jQuery dialog inside iFrame not running close function

I have a simple jQuery UI Dialog. Everything is working as expected when viewing the page by itself except when that page is in an iframe. For some reason the close: function isn't firing. Everything ...
Viking NM's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker month select box opens and closes immediately inside Bootstrap 5.3.3 modal for firefox browser

I've encountered a conflict between Bootstrap's modal and jQuery UI datepicker in firefox browser where I can't use the month select box because something closes it immediately after being open. Steps ...
Irfan khan's user avatar
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JQuery Autocomplete function is triggering multiple times

I need to set a search bar in my code where it will retrive the data of the products present in the database.Here in the same project they have used the exact code to do the product search I used that ...
Guru1804's user avatar
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JQuery Datatable is not visible

I have an ASP.NET Core MVC web application written in C#. I created a Razor view and in that view, I show 2 jQuery datatables horizontally and in between these 2 data tables, there are 3 buttons. ...
KitKat's user avatar
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Open Razor View as popup from jquery datatable

I am working with an ASP.NET Core MVC app in C#, where I have a window with jQuery datatable (I am using C# and Visual Studio 2022). In this datatable, I have 4 columns. One of the column is link ...
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