Solanum memphiticum

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Taxonavigation: Solanales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Solanales

Familia: Solanaceae
Subfamilia: Solanoideae
Tribus: Solaneae
Genus: Solanum
Subgenus: S. subg. Solanum
Sectio: S. sect. Solanum
Species: Solanum memphiticum



Solanum memphiticum J.F.Gmel. (1791:385)

  • Lectotype: Herb. Forsskål 421 (C10013456, C)
    • Designated by Edmonds (2007:665).
  • Type locality: "most likely Yemen" (Särkinen et al., 2018)



(After Särkinen et al., 2018)

  • Solanum grossidentatum A.Rich. (1850:101, "grossedentatum")
  • Solanum plebeium var. grossidentatum (A.Rich.) Chiov. (1919: 159, Solanum plebeiumS. villosum
    subsp. miniatum (Bernh. ex Willd.) J.M.Edmonds)
  • Solanum nigrum var. grossidentatum (A.Rich.) De Wild. (1922:431)
    • Lectotype: R. Quartin-Dillon & A. Petit s.n. (P00344046, P)
    • Isolectotype: P (P00344047), GOET, Z, possibly K (K001156454)
    • Designated by Lester (1997:285).
    • Type locality: Ethiopia. "Tchélikote" [i.e. Chelicote]
  • Solanum nigrum var. rigidum Dunal (1852:50)
    • Lectotype: P.E. Botta s.n. (P00055305, P)
    • Designated by D’Arcy (1974:738).
    • Type locality: Yemen.
  • Solanum hirsutum var. abyssinicum Dunal (1852:58)
  • Solanum memphiticum var. abyssinicum (Dunal) Cufod. (1963:872)
    • Lectotype: G.H.W. Schimper 46 (G00015053, G)
    • Isolectotype: BM (BM000942983), BR (BR0000008422200), GH (GH00139634), HBG (HBG511468), K (K000922192), L (L0700161), LE (LE00016944, LE00016943), LG (LG0000090028793), M (M-0105602), P (P00344000, P00343998, P00343999, P00344001, P00344002), TUB (TUB003999), W (1889-0283797)
    • Designated by Edmonds (2012:143).
    • Type locality: Ethiopia. Tigray: Adigrat, prope Adoam [i.e. Adoa].
  • Solanum pruinosum var. pilosulum Dunal (1852:59)
    • Holotype: G. Acerbi s.n. (G00144592, G-DC)
    • Type locality: Sudan. Blue Nile. Sennaar
  • Solanum subuniflorum Bitter (1912:546)
    • Neotype: G. Volkens 2108 (BR0000008800091, BR)
    • Designated by Edmonds (2007:665).
    • Type locality: Tanzania. Marangu near Mount Kilimanjaro

