ASF Contributors Help ASF Software Remain Functional and Reliable for Users

Bug fixes are crucial to open source projects because they enhance the stability, and overall performance of the software. Timely bug fixes also help prevent security vulnerabilities from being exploited, while improving user trust and encouraging further contributions to the project.  This #FirstASFContribution blog post showcases ASF contributors who have helped ensure that ASF software […]

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Why Marketing is Important for Open Source Projects

Even the most brilliant piece of code can struggle to gain traction without effective marketing. Marketing – blogging, social media promotion, and participating in tech events – helps open source projects gain visibility and awareness and also helps build and nurture communities. Marketing activities such as highlighting a project’s technical milestones, sharing end user stories, […]

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First-Time ASF Contributors Fix Bugs for ASF Projects, Improving OSS Quality, Security, and Usability

Reporting, discussing, and resolving bugs in open source software is a frequent entry point for new contributors to engage and collaborate with a community around an Apache Software Foundation (ASF) project. Bug fixing is fundamental to software development; it is crucial in helping improve open source software’s quality, security, and usability. It also builds trust […]

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First-Time ASF Contributors Improve Technical Documentation for ASF Projects and Its Users 

To showcase the journeys of first-time contributors, we reached out to individuals from Apache Software Foundation (ASF) projects to learn about their initial tasks and contributions. In this #FirstASFContribution Campaign blog post, we highlight three ASF community members who have committed their time to improving technical documentation for the Apache APISIX, Apache Camel, and Apache […]

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First-Time Contributors Enhance Code for ASF Projects

To showcase the journeys of first-time contributors, we reached out to individuals from Apache Software Foundation (ASF) projects to learn about their initial tasks and contributions. Code contributions emerged as the most common starting point, with 92 percent of respondents indicating that code was their first-ever contribution.  In this post, part of our #FirstASFContribution Campaign, […]

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Write Your Way into the Open Source Community 

Open source software (OSS) projects thrive on the diverse talents and skills of contributors from various backgrounds. Among essential OSS contributors are writers. From technical documentation to marketing, journalism, and advocacy, writers use their expertise to strengthen and sustain OSS projects and communities. As part of #FirstASFContribution, a campaign to highlight the first-time contributor experience […]

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Apache Airflow Attracts First-Time Contributors

Earlier this year, we launched our First ASF Contributions Campaign to highlight the first-time contributor experience at the Apache Software Foundation. The people and stories in our #firstASFcontribution campaign exemplify our “community over code” ethos – our belief that open source community is ultimately more vital than open source code. In this blog post, we’ll […]

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3 ways to contribute to open source (that don’t involve coding)

There are many ways to contribute to ASF projects—and not all of them involve coding! Many people incorrectly assume that everyone in the OSS community is a software developer, but that’s not true. Open source requires more than source code to be successful. As the old saying goes, “It takes a village,” and in the […]

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Women Contributors in the Spotlight

We recently announced our #FirstASFContribution Campaign to showcase how diversity fuels our community. Our members’ diverse backgrounds, identities, experiences, input, and skills spark creativity and innovation. Whether you contribute code or service, your unique contributions make us who we are at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Our First ASF Contributions Campaign celebrates those who embody […]

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The ASF Launches #FirstASFContribution Campaign

Apache Software Foundation (ASF) projects are driven by the enthusiasm and expertise of a global community collaborating on hundreds of projects. Across the ASF, thousands of people make contributions to projects every month. We want to tell the story of how some of those contributors got started.  Today, The ASF is introducing the #FirstASFContribution campaign […]

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