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Unanswered Questions

2,840 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
12 votes
1 answer

Can illegally obtained evidence be used in favor of the defendant in a criminal case?

Regarding US law, my general understanding is that if evidence was obtained in an illegitimate way (e.g. under false pretenses), then it may be inadmissible as evidence to support a conviction in a ...
10 votes
0 answers

What is the law regarding declaration of cryptology services and tools?

The French Prosecutor has released details of the investigation resulting in Pavel Durov's arrest, which ends with these three points: Providing cryptology services aiming to ensure confidentiality ...
8 votes
0 answers

Is it legal for the police to take you away from home and abandon you without means of getting to safety?

It is reported that police arrested a man at his home in the middle of the night, drove him three miles away and "dearrested" him nine minutes later. He was left with no money, phone and ...
8 votes
0 answers

Are Ontario municipalities allowed to stop issuing marriage licenses during COVID-19?

Some Ontario cities, such as Waterloo say on their website: "Due to COVID-19, marriage licences will be suspended until further notice." Here is a screenshot, in case the website changes. ...
7 votes
0 answers

What legal penalties may Twitter face as a result of the Eli Lilly fake tweet?

Twitter recently made it possible to get a verification check added to an account by just paying 8 dollars, causing a rash of fake 'verified' accounts. One of these accounts was for Eli Lilly, a ...
7 votes
1 answer

US Copyright Status of Software Source Code Created Prior to 1980?

I've been unable to find an answer to this even after doing extensive searching and I'm pretty good at searching if I do say so myself. Does US copyright apply to software source code which has been ...
7 votes
0 answers

What licenses and registrations are required to start a home business repackaging food in NY?

I'd like to start a home business repackaging food in New York State in the US. For example, let's say I'm buying 10kg bags of rice from the supermarket and I want to put them into jars each ...
7 votes
1 answer

Digidyne v. Data General: how does this not legally protect Apple macOS running on non-Apple branded hardware?

I was just reading which discusses Digidyne v. Data General: When Data General introduced the Data General Nova, a company called ...
7 votes
1 answer

What are my rights in videoing an encounter with a hostile person?

Scenario I asked a fellow dog-walker to prevent their dog from snapping at mine. They became very irate but I just walked away from the situation. I may have said "Please keep your dog under ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can defendants wear an earpiece or headset in the dock to communicate with their lawyer?

Besides its presumed prejudicial effect on juries' perception of defendants, secure docks such as the one pictured below are often criticised for inhibiting defendants' ability to communicate with ...
6 votes
1 answer

Unruly passenger on plane gets flight diverted. Can other passengers sue?

I was reading an article on CNN about an unruly passenger causing a flight to have to turn around. The Australian magistrate ordered the passenger to pay a fine and for the cost of the fuel that ...
6 votes
0 answers

If the police tell you not to drink does that have any legal force?

It is reported in the news that during an arrest of suspected protestors a police officer instructed one person that they could not drink their coffee with a reason that it may be poisoned. This ...
6 votes
0 answers

Are extended magazines legal in chicago/cook county for ccw holders?

There are some different laws surrounding Chicago and Cook County's handgun magazines. Here is Cook County's law regulating handguns Here is Chicago's law regulating handguns. Chicago: "High ...
6 votes
0 answers

What are the implications of the Good Friday Agreement for customs controls?

After the Good Friday Agreement was concluded, customs and security controls between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom were removed (From Wikipedia). The Irish border is one of the major ...
6 votes
0 answers

Usage-Based Insurance Devices (Like Progressive's Snapshot) - Evidence of Liability and Public Policy

In the United States, the biggest auto insurance carriers such as Progressive, Allstate and State Farm, have all begun offering optional potential policy discounts if the covered driver agrees to ...

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