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Unanswered Questions

146 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
1 answer

Is it illegal for my school to install spyware onto my own laptop?

My school installed something called 'Securus XT' onto my laptop. I knew it was meant to be a safeguarding thing but I didn't know they would be able to see every single thing I do on my own laptop (...
6 votes
1 answer

Catherine Middleton topless pictures ruling - why €100k in damages?

As currently reported in the press, Catherine Middleton (the Duchess of Cambridge) sued the French magazine Closer for publishing topless photos of her sun-bathing, and she and her husband were ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is it fraudulent for an extension like adblock to still count as an ad impression for content creators

tl;dr: A Programmer writes a web browser Extension to download ads but not display them. The effect is that Sites accessed through this extension get to charge Advertisers for the ad being served, ...
5 votes
1 answer

How much privacy about my health am I giving up if I participate in my employer's wellness screening program?

My employer is having a "Wellness Screening Fair" where you can receive free testing for things like cholesterol and insulin, and I imagine advice about how to interpret the results. Sounds good.. But ...
5 votes
2 answers

Do I need to post a notice in beauty salon if surveillance camera is on premises (California)?

My friend's beauty salon and beauty product shop was inspected some time ago and in the inspection report it is noted "Surveillance camera in the shop". Now I am wondering what the inspector might ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is it legal for a retailer to modify a product to remove best before dates and batch numbers?

We manufacture and supply to retailers in the US, via a distributor, a trademarked liquid animal feed product. Recently we have discovered that one of the retailers has been wiping off the best before ...
4 votes
0 answers

If one person on a phone said they would record the call, do I need to tell them that I record the call if I decide to do so?

In the United States, some states require consent to record if one party decides to record the phone call. A person I'm talking to told me they would record the call, do I need to tell them that I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Ask people for WhatsApp address book consent; what to do when declined?

I have first posted this question on Super User. Since I tagged it with Android (as I use WhatsApp on Android) it got migrated to Android Enthusiasts. There one decided that it was not on-topic for ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can I play a voice message to a 3rd party?

Suppose someone left me a voice message on my mobile phone, and I then played their message to a 3rd party. Was it illegal to play the message I received from them to a 3rd party in the U.K.? Who owns ...
3 votes
0 answers

Industrial espionage - what must happen?

For someone to be charged & convicted for industrial/corporate espionage, what must be proven? The case I have come across is the 2007 McLaren scandal & that resulted in the biggest sporting ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can the school force me to log into my social media accounts?

I live in the UK and go to a public school. Sometimes the school will force students to log into the social media account because there might be some cyberbullying. Is this legal if they have a reason?...
3 votes
0 answers

When targeting EU digital markets, is it enough to be GDPR compliant, or does one need to check the privacy laws of each EU country separately?

When targeting EU digital markets, is it enough to be GDPR compliant with regards to data privacy, or does one need to check the privacy laws of each EU country separately? There exists an argument ...
3 votes
0 answers

How much are banks allowed to intrude in peoples' private life?

Europe, but I think my question could be applicable over the Western world. I saw an online notice about a policy change by Natwest in the UK. Now people who want to withdraw cash have to explain why ...
3 votes
0 answers

In which cases has a Wikipedia editor's identity been subpoenaed?

In any jurisdiction, I'm looking for names of cases for either or ideally both of the following: Where Wikipedia has been subpoenaed for information on an editor, complied with the subpoena, and ...
3 votes
0 answers

Do the police need to tell me they are wearing a bodycam or turn it off before they enter my home?

I have an expectation of privacy within my own home, as such It's generally illegal to film me in my home without my knowledge. I'm wondering how that applies to bodycams on a police officer. If I ...

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