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Questions tagged [hipaa]

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is a United States statute that mandates privacy and security protocols for personal medical information.

-2 votes
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Is challenging an elderly American politician to take a cognitive test a violation of HIPPA law(s)?

During the Presidential Debate that took place on June 27, 2024, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Mr. Trump challenged President Biden to take a cognitive test to prove that he is mentally fit to ...
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Can an employee be sued in civil court for HIPAA violation? [closed]

The question is based on a video that has been circulating on youtube. The (supposed) situation was that a man donated sperm to a sperm bank; which is supposed to legally protect the donor from child ...
user3885's user avatar
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HIPAA release form for travel insurance

This is all USA related. I'm filing a claim to cover my medical expenses that happened on a trip abroad. Some related expenses happened in the US after I got back. The insurance company sent me an &...
toderik's user avatar
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TEFCA: Do providers have to give individuals fast electronic access to their health data?

TEFCA creates a network of providers who service health information requests. The Sequoia Project's documentation on required flow-down provisions asserts: "Participants and Subparticipants may ...
Zekka Nelson's user avatar
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When referring to HIPAA legislation, would the 2013 Omnibus rule be considered all inclusive or refer only to the additions in the Omnibus rule?

When referring to the HIPAA 2013 Omnibus rule, should this be read as HIPPA all-inclusive, from inception; up-to and including the changes introduced in the 2013 Omnibus rule or should this be read as ...
Doug Kimzey's user avatar
2 votes
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Recording patients in a Physical Therapy Clinic

Consider a hypothetical physical therapy clinic in California. It is my understanding that it would be against the laws of the clinic to video tape the patients without their knowledge. Please ...
Bob's user avatar
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Are complaints to hospital administration PHI under HIPAA's Privacy Rule

Paul has heart surgery. While he's recovering, staff is constantly distracted by their phones and fails to check in on him at required intervals, administer medication on time, and provide medically ...
bdb484's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is a provider's collecting your PHI and then cancelling your appointment a HIPAA violation?

Suppose someone arrives on time for an appointment, fills out all of the new patient paperwork, supplies a photo of their ID and insurance and is then told by the provider after handing in the ...
guero64's user avatar
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Does HIPAA protect against doctors giving prescriptions to pharmacists that you didn't approve?

My doctor sent a prescription to a pharmacist his clinic had a relationship with. I didn't approve this transaction. Is it legal for him to share my prescription with a pharmacist I didn't approve? I ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Authorizing Assistants for Medical Work

I have an assistant who handles nearly all scheduling and administration for me, personal and work. We sometimes run into trouble when a new medical/dental office says, "I'm sorry, I can't talk ...
user46114's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the most comparable American law to GDPR right to subject access? Privacy Act?

HIPAA seems comparable but only applies to medical data, but is there anything more general than that? How does privacy act compare to data subject access rights under gdpr? Is it that it only applies ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
3 votes
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What does HIPAA say about a third party reviewing protected health information and related records?

Suppose that in a US county the County Board of Commissioners wants to engage a retired physician to look into the county ambulance dispatch system to see what it takes to create proper records and ...
Steve Foutz's user avatar
3 votes
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Is self-reported wellness covered by HIPPA?

Suppose that a developer creates a website where people can enter daily information on how they feel (energy, back pain, mood, etc.). A person's information would be available to his or her ...
Dan R.'s user avatar
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Is an official patient/physician relationship required for HIPAA to apply?

Inspired by a tweet I saw a moment ago: She's a nurse and not only do I know that her sister in law N**** is coming in from out of town, she ...
Nzall's user avatar
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If a minor requested a doctor prescribe her birth control, can she demand the doctor not disclose her request to her parents?

Let's say a 16 year old girl manages to speak to her doctor in private during a regular appointment and requests birth control. She is afraid her parents would respond poorly to knowing she is ...
dsollen's user avatar
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