
From IndieWeb

notist is a forthcoming silo for hosting one's speaking events, slides, but also meant to collate feedback, tweets, photos, sketchnotes to create a permanent speaking portfolio.

Site launch is expected sometime in 2018. Notist is created by Perch founders Rachel Andrew and Drew McLellan.

IndieWeb Friendly Aspects

The site plans to make the following part of their platform:

  • All your data is sharable and exportable from day one.
  • You can even host your listings on your own site.
  • Parts of the site will be paid and the founders are formulating a specific plan for longevity. The site indicates that they know they can't guarantee they'll be around forever.
  • Prior to launch notist built a scraping/export tool for public pages on the dying platform Lanyrd to allow people to export their data not only for use in the notist platform, but to keep for themselves.

"One thing we very much believe in is that you should own your own data. As such, we didnโ€™t want to just suck your data into Notist and leave it at that. Instead, weโ€™ve built a tool that gives you access to the content as HTML and JSON, ready for you to take away today. [...] What we canโ€™t give you is all the extra information about the events, the attendees, descriptions, resources and so on. That data isnโ€™t now available in an export format and so it doesnโ€™t feel right to us that we should take it."

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