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User:RobertBDurham/Books/Birds of Santa Cruz / Central Coast3

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Birds of Santa Cruz / Central Coast2

List of birds of Santa Cruz County, California
Common Birds
Acorn woodpecker
American coot
American robin
Anna's hummingbird
Band-tailed pigeon
Bewick's wren
Brandt's cormorant
Brewer's blackbird
California gull
California quail
California towhee
Chestnut-backed chickadee
Common murre
Dark-eyed junco
Golden-crowned sparrow
Grey plover
Heermann's gull
Hermit thrush
House finch
House sparrow
Marbled godwit
Mourning dove
Northern flicker
Northern mockingbird
Northern saw-whet owl
Pacific loon
Pacific-slope flycatcher
Pied-billed grebe
Red-tailed hawk
Red-winged blackbird
Rock dove
Song sparrow
Spotted towhee
Steller's jay
Surf scoter
Townsend's warbler
Western grebe
Western gull
Western screech owl
Western scrub jay
White-crowned sparrow
Wilson's warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler
Less Common Birds
Allen's hummingbird
American avocet
American bittern
American crow
American dipper
American goldfinch
American herring gull
American kestrel
American white pelican
American wigeon
American yellow warbler
Ancient murrelet
Arctic tern
Ash-throated flycatcher
Barn owl
Barn swallow
Belted kingfisher
Black oystercatcher
Black phoebe
Black-crowned night heron
Black-headed grosbeak
Black-legged kittiwake
Black-necked grebe
Black-necked stilt
Black-throated gray warbler
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Blue-winged teal
Bonaparte's gull
Brant goose
Brown creeper
Brown pelican
Brown-headed cowbird
Buff-bellied pipit
Bullock's oriole
California thrasher
Canada goose
Caspian tern
Cassin's auklet
Cassin's vireo
Cattle egret
Chipping sparrow
Cinnamon teal
Clark's grebe
Common gallinule
Common goldeneye
Common gull
Common merganser
Common tern
Common yellowthroat
Cooper's hawk
Double-crested cormorant
Downy woodpecker
Elegant tern
Evening grosbeak
Ferruginous hawk
Forster's tern
Fox sparrow
Glaucous-winged gull
Golden eagle
Golden-crowned kinglet
Grasshopper sparrow
Great blue heron
Great egret
Great horned owl
Great northern loon
Greater scaup
Greater yellowlegs
Green heron
Green-winged teal
Hairy woodpecker
Hen harrier
Hermit warbler
Hooded merganser
Hooded oriole
Horned grebe
Horned lark
House wren
Hutton's vireo
Lark sparrow
Lawrence's goldfinch
Lazuli bunting
Least sandpiper
Lesser goldfinch
Lesser scaup
Lesser yellowlegs
Lincoln's sparrow
Loggerhead shrike
Long-billed curlew
Long-billed dowitcher
MacGillivray's warbler
Marbled murrelet
Marsh wren
Merlin (bird)
Northern pintail
Northern pygmy owl
Northern rough-winged swallow
Northern shoveler
Nuttall's woodpecker
Oak titmouse
Olive-sided flycatcher
Orange-crowned warbler
Palm warbler
Parasitic jaeger
Pelagic cormorant
Peregrine falcon
Pigeon guillemot
Pileated woodpecker
Pine siskin
Pomarine skua
Purple finch
Pygmy nuthatch
Red crossbill
Red phalarope
Red-breasted merganser
Red-breasted nuthatch
Red-breasted sapsucker
Red-necked phalarope
Red-shouldered hawk
Red-throated loon
Rhinoceros auklet
Ring-billed gull
Ring-necked duck
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Ruddy duck
Sabine's gull
Savannah sparrow
Say's phoebe
Semipalmated plover
Sharp-shinned hawk
Short-billed dowitcher
Snowy egret
Snowy plover
Sora (bird)
Spotted sandpiper
Swainson's thrush
Swamp sparrow
Thayer's gull
Tree swallow
Tricolored blackbird
Turkey (bird)
Turkey vulture
Varied thrush
Vaux's swift
Violet-green swallow
Virginia rail
Wandering tattler
Warbling vireo
Western bluebird
Western kingbird
Western meadowlark
Western sandpiper
Western tanager
Western wood pewee
White-tailed kite
White-throated sparrow
White-throated swift
White-winged scoter
Wilson's phalarope
Wilson's snipe
Winter wren
Wood duck
Xantus's murrelet
extras to sort
Ridgway's rail
Black-vented shearwater
White-headed woodpecker