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Lombard language course
Morphology of Lombard language

AdjectivesAdjective degrees
PronounsSubject personal pronouns •• Object and term personal pronouns •• Pronominal and adverbial particles - Demonstrative pronouns •• Possessive pronouns •• Indefinite pronouns
VerbsMoods and tenses •• Infinitive •• Gerund and gerundial complements •• Participle - Present Indicative •• Past Indicative (Perfect Indicative) •• Imperfect Indicative •• Past Perfect Indicative •• Simple Future Indicative •• Compound Future Indicative •• Present Subjunctive •• Past Subjunctive (Perfect Subjunctive) •• Imperfect Subjunctive •• Past Perfect Subjunctive •• Present Conditional •• Past Conditional •• Present Imperative •• Future Imperative •• Continuous construction ••• Irregular verbs
••• Auxiliary verbs
••• Modal verbs
••• Phrasal verbs
Prepositions and prepositional locutions
Adverbs and adverbial locutions
Pronominal and adverbial particles
Other constructions replacing the adverbs "easily" and "hardly"
Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

Lombard The reference orthography for this page of Lombard course is New Lombard orthography

Similarly to what happens for nouns, adjectives also have two genders (masculine and feminine) and two numbers (singular and plural). As regards the formation of the plural and the feminine, see what has already been said for nouns

Types of adjectives

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Qualifying adjectives express qualities. For these types of adjective, in addition to the basic form of the adjective (positive degree), there is a superlative degree, to express the quality in an extreme form, and a comparative degree to express a comparison.

See → Adjective degrees

Indicative adjectives

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Possessive adjectives

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►► Masculine
Dialects Translation into English
1^sing. mè (ms1)
me (ms2)
mè (mp1)
me (mp2)
mia (fs1)
me (fp3)
mea (fp3)
mè (fp1)
me (fp2)
mee (fp3)
(1) MI
(2) BG
(3) BG
my “m” sing. | my “m” pl. | my “f” sing. | my “f” pl.
2^sing. tò (ms1-2) tò (mp1-2) toa (fs1)
tò (fs2)
tò (fp1-2) (1) MI
(2) BG
your “m” sing. | your “m” pl. | your “f” sing. | your “f” pl.
3^sing. sò (ms1-2) sò (mp1-2) soa (fs1)
sò (fs2)
sò (fp1-2) (1) MI
(2) BG
his/her/its “m” sing. | his/her/its “m” pl. | his/her/its “f” sing. | his/her/its “f” pl.
1^pl. vost (ms1-3)
voster (ms2)
vost (mp1)
voster (mp2)
vos'cc (fs3)
vosta (fs1-3)
vostra (fs2)
voste (fs1-3)
voster (fs2)
(1) MI
(2) MI
(3) BG
your “m” sing. | your “m” pl. | your “f” sing. | your “f” pl.
2^pl. nost (ms1-3)
noster (ms2)
nost (mp1)
noster (mp2)
nos'cc (fs3)
nosta (fs1-3)
nostra (fs2)
noste (fs1-3)
noster (fs2)
(1) MI
(2) MI
(3) BG
our “m” sing. | our “m” pl. | our “f” sing. | our “f” pl.
3^pl. sò (ms1) soa (mp1) sò (fs1) sò (fp1) (1) MI their “m” sing. | their “m” pl. | their “f” sing. | their “f” pl.

Also "propri" “m”sing./pl., | "propria" “f” sing. | "proprie" “f” pl. (own) is a possessive adjective.


  • Possessive adjectives can be reinforced with the relative specification complements (de + pronom personal soget), for example mè de mi, sò de lù, and so on.
La soa ca' de lù (his house – of him)
  • The reinforcement of possessive adjectives (or the use of only complements instead of adjectives) is mandatory in case of ambiguity in the 3rd person singular / plural.
  • They are usually placed before the noun and after the article; attention: the article is not needed only for kinship ties: "Mè pader" (and not “El mè pader”) – in English: my father

→ Referenzes


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The table below indicates the masculine of adjectives: as for gender, cardinals are invariable except vun "m" → vuna/voeuna "f"; du "m" → do "f"; trè "m" → trii "f", the ordinals follow the same rules for the formation of the feminine of nouns and adjectives.

►► Cardinal adjectives "m" Ordinal adjectives "m" Dialects
1 vun (1)
voeun (2)
prim (1) MI
(2) Lagh
2 du second
3 trii terz
4 quater quart
5 cinch
6 ses sest
7 set setim
8 vot otav
9 noeuv nono
10 des decim
11 vundes unidicesim / quell di vundes
12 dodes dodicesim / quell di dodes
13 tredes tredicesim / quell di tredes
14 quatordes quatordicesim / quell di quatordes
15 quindes quindicesim / quell di quindes
16 sedes sedicesim / quell di sedes
17 derset quell di derset
18 desdot quell di desdot
19 desnoeuv quell di desonoeuv
20 vint vintesim / quell di vint
21 vintun vintunesim / quell di vintun
22 vintiduu vintiduesim / quell di vintiduu
23-29 ... ...
30 trenta trentesim / quell di trenta
31 trentun trentunesim / quell di trentun
32 trenta-du trentaduesim / quell di trenta-du
33-39 ... ...
40 quaranta quaranta / quell di quranta
41 quarantun quarantunesim / quell di quarantun
42 quaranta-du quarantaduesim / quell di quaranta-du
43-49 ... ...
50 cinquanta cinquantesim / quell di cinquanta
51-59 ... ...
60 sessanta sessantesim / quell di sessanta
61-69 ... ...
70 setanta setantesim / quell di setanta
71-79 ... ...
80 votanta votantesim / quell di votanta
81-89 ... ...
90 novanta novantesim / quell di novanta
91-99 ... ...
100 cent centesim/ quell di centvun
101 centvun centesim prim / quell di centvun
102 cent-du centesim second / quell di centdu
103-109 ... ...
110 cent-des centdecim / quell di centdes
111 cent-vundes centvundicesim / quell di centvundes
112-199 ... ...
200 du-sent dusentesim / quell di dusent
201-299 ... ...
300 tre-sent tresentesim / quell di du-sent
301-399 ... ...
400 quater-cent quatercentesim / quell di quater-cent
401-499 ... ...
500 cinch-cent cinchcentesim / quell di cinch-cent
501-599 ... ...
600 ses-cent] ses'centesim / quell di ses-cent
601-599 ... ...
700 set-cent setcentesim / quell di set-cent
701-799 ... ...
800 vot-cent votcentesim / quell di vot-cent
801-899 ... ...
900 noeuv-cent noeuvcentesim / quell di noeuv-cent
901-999 ... ...
1000 mila milesim / quell di mila
1001 mila e vun milesim prim / quell di mila e vun
1002-1099 ... ...
1100 mila e cent milacentesim / quell di mila e cent
2000 do-mila bimilesim / quell di domila
3000 tre-mila quell di tre-mila
3001-9999 ... ...
10000 des-mila quell di des-mila
10000-99999 ... ...
100000 cent-mila quell di cent-mila
100001-999999 ... ...
1000000 un milion milionesim / quell del milion
1000001-9999999 ... ...
1000000000 un miliard miliardesim / quell del miliard

→ Referenzes

Demonstrative adjectives

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Dialects Translation into English
[1]quest ... chì (ms1-3)
quest ... che (ms2)
questi ... chì(mp1)
quisti ... chì(mp3)
quis'ci ... chì(mp4)
questa ... chì (fs1)
chesta ... che (fs2)
queste ... chì (fp1)
cheste ... che (fp2)
(1) MI
(2) BG BS
(3-4) Vtel
this "m" sing. | these "m" pl. | this "f" sing. | these "f" pl. (close to both the speaker and the listener)
quell ... lì (ms1-5)
chell ... lì (ms4)
quella ... lì (mp1-5)
chella ... lì (mp4)
quei ... lì (fs1)
quii ... lì(fs2-5)
chi ... lì (fs3-4)
chei ... lì (fs4)
quei ... lì (fp1)
quii ... lì(fp2-5)
chi ... lì (fp3)
chelle ... lì (fp4)
(1) MI
(2) MI
(3) MI
(4) BG BS
(5) Vtel
that "m" sing. | that "m" pl. | that "f" sing. | that "f" pl. (away from the speaker and close to the listener)
quell ... là (ms1-5)
chell ... là (ms4)
quella ... là (fp1-5)
chella ... là (fp4)
quei ... là (ms1)
quii ... là(ms2-5)
chi ... là (ms3-4)
chei ... là (ms4)
quei ... là (fp1)
quii ... là(fp2-5)
chi ... là (fp3)
chele ... là (fp4)
(1) MI
(2) MI
(3) MI
(4) BG BS
(5) Vtel
that "m" sing. | that "m" pl. | that "f" sing. | that "f" pl. (away from both the speaker and the listener)
istess (ms1) istessa (fs1) istess (ms1) istesse (fp1) (1) MI same "m" sing. | same "m" pl. | same "f" sing. | same "f" pl.
medesim (ms1) medesim (fs1) medesima (ms1) medesime (fp1) (1) MI same "m" sing. | same "m" pl. | same "f" sing. | same "f" pl.


  1. also quell…chì, quell…che etc.


Indefinite adjectives

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in Lombard
Examples Dialect Translation into English
nissun (1)
nissoeun (2)
nigun (3)
insun (4)
(1) MI
(3) Vtel
ogni (1) MI every
ognidun (1) MI each
on quai (1)
on quei (1)
MI some
certo (1) MI certain
tanto (1) MI much, a lot of (when it is singolar before uncountable nouns)

many, a lot of (when it is plural before countable nouns)

vari (1) MI several
numeros (1) MI numerous
poch (1) MI little (when it is singolar before uncountable nouns)
few (when it is plural before countable nouns)
talun (1) MI some • RAR
tut (1) MI all
qualsessia (1) MI any
quaisevoeur (1) MI any of, whatever

Then there are adjectival locutions that play the role of indefinite adjectives.
Adjectival locutions are usually used to indicate a large amount or a small amount.

The following locutions indicate a large quantity:

in Lombard
Examples Dialect
un mucc de (1) MI
una fota de (1) MI
un frach de (1) MI
un badaluch de (1) MI
un fila de (1) MI
un rebellot de (1) MI
una mega 'd (1) PV
un sfragell de (1) MI

The following locutions indicates a small amount:

Locutions Examples Dialect
un po de (1) MI
un zich de (1) MI
un cicinin de (1) MI
un cicin de (1) MI
un cicc de (1) MI
un grizz de (1) MI
un gandain de (1) Br
un sgrisolin de (1) MI

Interrogatives adjectives

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Interrogative adjectives are adjectives used to construct direct interrogative sentences.

►► see ►►► Direct interrogative sentences