I'm a photographer trapped in the body of an engineer / computer scientist.

As a photographer, I enjoy shooting everything that moves. And doesn't. Pretty much everything. See my Captured On Earth website for details about my photography.

As a engineer and computer scientist, I studied Electrical Engineering at UCDavis and have since found myself working on security and other research for the Internet. In particular, I spend a fair amount of time working on Internet Standards for the IETF. These days surrounding SNMP, DNSSEC and BGP. I founded the Net-SNMP and DNSSEC-Tools open source packages (and a number of other lesser-known packages).

I currently work as a computer scientist for the Information Sciences Institute on security research, the DNS protocol and am a DNS root server operator, serve on the Internet Architecture Board for the IETF and serve on the ICANN board of directors. My associated institutional website: https://www.isi.edu/~hardaker/