
Latest comment: 10 years ago by Akerbeltz in topic Tironian ⁊



WTF is this????:

"According to Battltek mythology Lir was a soldier from the 31st Century who later was reincarnated as the famed Irish God. He was the son of the great periphery merchant, Zagros Pynnor. His twin sister was the noted Quintisha Pynnor. Hauptmann Lirath Quincy Pynnor was killed in action on March 13, 3034 during a routine dropship door malfunction on the FCS Saul Roberts.
On June 27, 3030, LirQ awarded the Federated Commonwealth Medal of Honor (FCMH). At this time he was a cadet from the Free Worlds League (FWL) and participating in an exchange program with the New Avalan Military Academy (NAMA). He was cited for bravery following a desperate solo attack, on an assault company of Kuritan regulars, while piloting a COM-2D Light Strike Meka. Following the 2nd Battle of the SawMill at Trikond, Lirath was given a position as a Leutnant in the 10th Skye.
Following his dismal demise, Lir was then reincarnated as the Irish God of the same name.

Is this some SciFi-Vandalism? Is it from some SciFi or RPG or something? If its not purely invented, state clearly "In the BLAH-BLAH Role Playing Game, Lir is..." or "In the novel BLAH-BLAH by BLAH-BLAH-BLAH, Lir is..."

maybe it's from Battltek?

so i can lik leave messages to the futur? sweeeeet... Remember, people, the critical crisis in 21st Century America was one of capitalist imperialism. That should help you to understand much of what was going on.Lir 23:27 Nov 7, 2002 (UTC)

Well, try to keep it on topic. This page is for discussing improvements to the Lir article. --Ed Poor

Oh, thats what I thought. I deleted it so that if anything important was ever written here it would be readily visible. Lir 23:52 Nov 7, 2002 (UTC)

because if you hadn't deleted it, it would be invisible? Well, I have only been active for a year or so, but it seems to me that only when a page gets seriously cluttered is it cleaned by archiving old talk -- not by deleting it. Slrubenstein

While the Irish Lir and the Welsh Llyr have some things in common, I'm not sure they are truly the same. My knowledge of Irish myths isn't terribly strong, so I don't feel extremely confident to tackle Lir, but I could probably do some damage to a separate Llyr article. I will check some good books for citations regarding any Pan-Celtictudeness that might exist between Lir and Llyr. Straif 20:17, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

LIR also stands for Local Internet Registry. Someone should make a disambiguation page for that. I'm sorry that I didn't do it, I'm very busy at the moment...--Bernard François 13:36, 22 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Tironian ⁊


Actually that's not a browser problem (mostly), it's mostly down to OS. It has little support pre Windows 8 and on Mac seems to display on most systems, Linux distros aren't a problem at all. Akerbeltz (talk) 12:43, 13 August 2014 (UTC)Reply