Streaming Server: ONLINE! Zoofonics- not quite up to speed yet

I talked to Felix a couple of days ago, and we have a streaming server set up, finally.
We gave it a relatively thorough testing, and it works in just about every media program that we've tried, except for Windows Media PLayer, it seems- but that's alright. Chances are that most of you have iTunes, Realplayer, or Winamp as well- right?

We might need somebody else to test the stream in W.M.P., but I'm confident that we're running well now. 

On the DJs: We officially have three now, with one occasional stand in if we need him- Krizzle, ZanZan, and myself,
as well as Felix Softpaw, on occasion.
what's going to be happening is that I'll be working- most likely with Krizzle- to get everything queued ahead of time, and then we'll just line everything up in WinAmp to play for the day. When the computer needs a break there will be a short break and we'll have ZanZan's, my primary computer, or perhaps Krizzle's do the lifting for awhile- just so you know what might be coming.

Krizzle sent out quite a few messages to various artists the other day, and got some good responses- we're still waiting for replies on some of them, and most of their names won't appear up here until I've finished collecting tracks from them.

On the bright side, one of them is Chama C. Fox, one of the founders/owners of The Furry Music Foundation, which whom we will be seeking an affiliation.
Another is Critical Fail, who is so awesome as to send us a copy of one of their CDs for airtime. Thank you very much Brody.

We might at some point implement a once-weekly talk show, supposing that we find enough to talk about.

But anyway- it all coming down to it, we're making leaps and bounds now, and the current realistic date for the official blastoff is sometime in December, hopefully sooner.

--Sigrid Occoris