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Log · Gwybodaeth SUL · Cyfraniadau cydwici · Userpage pageviews

Ystadegau cyffredinol [dangos] [cuddio]

Gwybodaeth sylfaenol
ID'r defnyddiwr 3,115,809
Registration date 2013-10-02 04:16
User groups defnyddiwr wedi ei gadarnhau'n awtomatig
Is administrator? Na
Latest logged action 2013-10-02 04:16
Golygiadau sy'n fyw 0
Golygiadau a ddilëwyd 0
Total edits 0
Golygiadau (live)
Golygiadau yn y 24 awr diwethaf0
Golygiadau yn y 7 diwrnod diwethaf0
Golygiadau yn y 30 diwrnod diwethaf0
Golygiadau yn y 365 diwrnod diwethaf0
Golygiadau bob dydd ar gyfartaledd 0 (0 dydd)
Y maint golygu ar gyfartaledd* 0 byte
Minor edits 0
Golygiadau bach (<20 beit)* 0
Golygiadau mawr (>1000 beit)* 0

Tudalennau a olygwyd (cyfanswm) 0
Golygiadau fesul tudalen ar gyfartaledd 0
Total of all pages created, including those created as a redirect when moving a page. See the documentation for more details.
Pages created
0 (0 since deleted)
Ffeiliau wedi'u huwchlwytho 0
Ffeiliau wedi'u symud 0
Pages moved 0
Diolch 0
Cymeradwyo 0
Patrol 0
Cyfrifon wedi'u creu 0
(Re)blocks 0
Longest block
Current block

Namespace Totals [dangos] [cuddio]

No contributions found

Year counts [dangos] [cuddio]

No contributions found

Month counts [dangos] [cuddio]

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Time card [dangos] [cuddio]

This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either mewngofnodi to XTools as this user, or create User:Churamai/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the dogfennaeth for more information.

Top edited pages [dangos] [cuddio]

This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either mewngofnodi to XTools as this user, or create User:Churamai/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the dogfennaeth for more information.

Newidiadau i alluoedd [dangos] [cuddio]

Dyddiad Galluoedd Performer Crynodeb
defnyddiwr wedi ei gadarnhau'n awtomatig
All times are in UTC.