10 Humans of Tencent Celebrating a Decade of Giving


One person has taught educational games to children with disabilities. Another set up an organization for animals with special needs by using cutting-edge cloud capabilities. We have blood donors, people who help disadvantaged students get healthy lunches, and Tengger Desert tree planters. Some volunteer at animal rescues, while others pitch in at community centers. We even have one person who was recognized for their service by the mayor of Seoul.

And who are these people? We’re talking, of course, about Tencent employees.

Over the past decade, our charity event has encouraged hundreds of millions to participate in one of the world’s most extensive philanthropy campaigns, through which thousands of our employees also regularly give back. It all adds up to show the exponential good that working together can create for society.

As we celebrate 10 years of collective action, we caught up with 10 Tencenters to learn more about their volunteering journeys, what giving for good means to them, and what inspires them to make a difference.

Axel, France

Axel, marketing manager and senior community manager for Interactive Entertainment Group, uses his expertise in animation and social media content to put a smile on the faces of disabled and chronically ill kids. “You have to put yourself in their shoes to understand that life isn't always simple, but that a day like this can make a big difference,” says Axel.

Felix, France

Solution architect engineer Felix proposed technical solutions for website hosting, cloud object storage, and security certifications for Suzi Handicap Animal’s new website. To do this, Felix visited the animal shelter to better understand the organization’s needs. “What motivates me to volunteer is the care I am able to give and provide to people,” says Felix. Fully embodying Tencent’s core value of Tech for Good, Felix also hopes his volunteer work can bring joy and care to his community.

Hyerim, South Korea

Based in South Korea, marketing specialist Hyerim has a long history of volunteering. Tracing it back to values instilled by her father, Hyerim has done work in rural parts of countries such as India, Nepal and Cambodia. As she helps those in need, she hopes to inspire her friends and peers to “start small and take the initiative” to volunteer. Traveling long distances isn’t important. Rather, says Hyerim, “willingness to make a difference matters more than the scale of your actions."

Jialiang, Australia

With a master’s degree in translation and interpretation, and certification through the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI), Jialiang uses her expertise as a Chinese-English translator to help others in need. Jialiang particularly enjoyed translating conversations and setting up a stall for the Australian Institute of Interpreters & Translators at the Canberra-based Multicultural Festival. Jialiang, a senior office operations manager, was able to showcase the significance of linguistic and cultural diversity, while meeting like-minded peers.

Jimmy, Hong Kong SAR

As senior project manager of the Tencent Foundation, Jimmy says his day-to-day duties are inseparable from charity work. He dedicated himself to promoting Tencent’s core Sustainable Social Value initiatives by participating in volunteer activities. For Jimmy, volunteering means developing deeper connections with the community. “Through helping others, we learn to listen and understand, making us more empathetic,” says Jimmy. “Volunteer activities provide an avenue for self-growth and development. Through it, we get to live a life full of love and hope.”

John, United Kingdom

John, a user experience researcher, channels his personal experiences and professional skills into volunteering for accessibility initiatives. Motivated by his experience of growing up with a brother who had disabilities and the challenges he faced, he actively contributes to creating inclusive environments. John's involvement with the charity Everyone Can during Tencent's Giving for Good Day in the UK, where they developed an inclusive gaming experience, showcases his dedication to integrating accessibility into everyday life. His efforts not only benefit the community but also enrich his own life, broadening his perspective and enhancing his skills. When asked what he would say to someone considering their first volunteer project, John is enthusiastic: "Do it!" His story exemplifies the power of aligning profession with philanthropic passions.

Nate, South Korea

To APAC operations specialist Nate in South Korea, volunteering is his way of finding balance and purpose in life. “Volunteering helps me reconnect with my values and provides a break from daily stress and dissatisfaction, allowing me to view the world from a broader perspective,” says Nate. “It offers unexpected challenges and opportunities for personal growth while making a tangible difference in others' lives, which I find deeply meaningful,” he adds.

Nate’s efforts have even been recognized by the mayor of Seoul – showing how Tencenters’ initiatives transcend the workplace.

Ric, Singapore

Always one to think outside the box, Ric from the APAC HR team embodies the spirit of Giving for Good by linking his love of traveling and volunteering.

Ric started his long volunteering career when he was a student. He was deeply involved in initiatives like Project Kinspire, which provides free tuition and mentorship for children from lower-income families, along with Project KAN, a food-donation drive that set a Singapore Book of Records milestone for the largest logo made of canned food. Ric says he takes inspiration from Mother Teresa, adding, "I aim to spread joy and positivity through the events I organize, making a difference in the lives of others, no matter how small the gesture may seem.”

Sylvia, United States of America

A senior governance, risk and compliance analyst, Sylvia started volunteering in grade school and never stopped. Of all the great work she has done, one task has stuck with her: remodeling the home of a recently widowed elderly man.

“It wasn’t just about making the house look nice; it was about creating a space where he could feel at peace and enjoy his surroundings,” says Sylvia. “It underscored the meaningful impact we can have on someone's life simply by coming together as a community and giving our time.” When asked what inspires her to volunteer at work, Sylvia says: “I connect with Tencent's commitment through giving and volunteering events. I love that Tencent not only encourages us to give back but also creates an environment wherein we can actively participate in making a difference. It's amazing to be part of a company where volunteering is a shared value.”

Teresa, United Arab Emirates

Teresa has been a champion of charity initiatives around her office for the past decade. Recently, she joined scientists in research on the ecology and unidentified species of the Arabian Gulf region, volunteering her time and energy to study and protect marine life.

"When we actively participate in volunteering activities, it pulls us closer to the company's culture and fosters a sense of ownership. I believe that even small contributions can add up to meaningful changes. I hope more and more people get involved in volunteering, as it not only helps others but also brings us personal growth and fulfillment. This sense of accomplishment makes us more positive and motivated,” says Teresa.

In celebrating a decade of Giving for Good, it’s clear that Tencenters around the world are enacting positive and impactful change in the communities they serve. Their collective efforts, compassion, and dedication make working at Tencent so special. And, in turn, our Tencenters hope they can inspire even more people to Give for Good.