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Bad Things

Bad Things

Directed by Stewart Thorndike

When a group of friends escape the city to spend the weekend in an abandoned hotel, a pervading eerie energy begins to illuminate the cracks in their little family unit. Ruthie Nodd (Gayle Rankin) inherits the hotel from her grandmother and with bad childhood memories threatening to burst to the surface, Ruthie wants to sell the hotel and never return. But her partner Cal (Hari Nef) drags her there in the hopes of returning it to its former glory. They are joined by their amiable friend Maddie (Rad Pereira) and mysterious grifter Fran (Annabelle Dexter-Jones). As the friends dance, cook, flirt, and fight, they find themselves entwined in the hotel’s seductive embrace and start doing bad things to each other.

A weekend getaway for a few friends at a snowy resort becomes a psychological tailspin and bloody nightmare.

Cast: Gayle Rankin, Hari Nef, Annabelle Dexter-Jones, Rad Pereira

Member Reviews

WOW that was an amazingly BAD movie

2 days ago

Wow that was an amazingly bad movie

2 days ago

While the movie does wear it's influences on it's sleeves, Psycho and The Shining, the movie lacks in it's music and acting. The use of the same piano music does get boring and ruins the atmosphere of the film. The acting is of poor quality as well, the actors are trying their best from what I can tell but the script ruins the chances of redeeming themselves. Honestly this feels like a Psycho/The Shining fanfic put to screen. The script is very poor as well, needs more improvement on it, better writing/better acting will make this film be good, but sadly its not.

6 days ago

Not impressed with the actresses at all. Good idea for plot, screenplay needed editing.

1 week ago

Oh,great.So she's Leatherface now is she?

1 week ago