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. 2001 Feb 15;409(6822):860-921.
doi: 10.1038/35057062.

Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome

E S Lander  1 L M LintonB BirrenC NusbaumM C ZodyJ BaldwinK DevonK DewarM DoyleW FitzHughR FunkeD GageK HarrisA HeafordJ HowlandL KannJ LehoczkyR LeVineP McEwanK McKernanJ MeldrimJ P MesirovC MirandaW MorrisJ NaylorC RaymondM RosettiR SantosA SheridanC SougnezY Stange-ThomannN StojanovicA SubramanianD WymanJ RogersJ SulstonR AinscoughS BeckD BentleyJ BurtonC CleeN CarterA CoulsonR DeadmanP DeloukasA DunhamI DunhamR DurbinL FrenchD GrafhamS GregoryT HubbardS HumphrayA HuntM JonesC LloydA McMurrayL MatthewsS MercerS MilneJ C MullikinA MungallR PlumbM RossR ShownkeenS SimsR H WaterstonR K WilsonL W HillierJ D McPhersonM A MarraE R MardisL A FultonA T ChinwallaK H PepinW R GishS L ChissoeM C WendlK D DelehauntyT L MinerA DelehauntyJ B KramerL L CookR S FultonD L JohnsonP J MinxS W CliftonT HawkinsE BranscombP PredkiP RichardsonS WenningT SlezakN DoggettJ F ChengA OlsenS LucasC ElkinE UberbacherM FrazierR A GibbsD M MuznyS E SchererJ B BouckE J SodergrenK C WorleyC M RivesJ H GorrellM L MetzkerS L NaylorR S KucherlapatiD L NelsonG M WeinstockY SakakiA FujiyamaM HattoriT YadaA ToyodaT ItohC KawagoeH WatanabeY TotokiT TaylorJ WeissenbachR HeiligW SaurinF ArtiguenaveP BrottierT BrulsE PelletierC RobertP WinckerD R SmithL Doucette-StammM RubenfieldK WeinstockH M LeeJ DuboisA RosenthalM PlatzerG NyakaturaS TaudienA RumpH YangJ YuJ WangG HuangJ GuL HoodL RowenA MadanS QinR W DavisN A FederspielA P AbolaM J ProctorR M MyersJ SchmutzM DicksonJ GrimwoodD R CoxM V OlsonR KaulC RaymondN ShimizuK KawasakiS MinoshimaG A EvansM AthanasiouR SchultzB A RoeF ChenH PanJ RamserH LehrachR ReinhardtW R McCombieM de la BastideN DedhiaH BlöckerK HornischerG NordsiekR AgarwalaL AravindJ A BaileyA BatemanS BatzoglouE BirneyP BorkD G BrownC B BurgeL CeruttiH C ChenD ChurchM ClampR R CopleyT DoerksS R EddyE E EichlerT S FureyJ GalaganJ G GilbertC HarmonY HayashizakiD HausslerH HermjakobK HokampW JangL S JohnsonT A JonesS KasifA KaspryzkS KennedyW J KentP KittsE V KooninI KorfD KulpD LancetT M LoweA McLysaghtT MikkelsenJ V MoranN MulderV J PollaraC P PontingG SchulerJ SchultzG SlaterA F SmitE StupkaJ SzustakowkiD Thierry-MiegJ Thierry-MiegL WagnerJ WallisR WheelerA WilliamsY I WolfK H WolfeS P YangR F YehF CollinsM S GuyerJ PetersonA FelsenfeldK A WetterstrandA PatrinosM J MorganP de JongJ J CataneseK OsoegawaH ShizuyaS ChoiY J ChenJ SzustakowkiInternational Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
Free article

Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome

E S Lander et al. Nature. .
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Erratum in

  • Nature 2001 Aug 2;412(6846):565
  • Nature 2001 Jun 7;411(6838):720. Szustakowki, J [corrected to Szustakowski, J]


The human genome holds an extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine and evolution. Here we report the results of an international collaboration to produce and make freely available a draft sequence of the human genome. We also present an initial analysis of the data, describing some of the insights that can be gleaned from the sequence.

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