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Red Reef Park


  1. Boardwalk
  2. Grill
  3. Ocean
  4. Parking
  5. Picnic Areas
  6. Playground
  7. Restrooms
  8. Snorkeling
  9. Tables
  10. Walking Paths

2023-2024 Beach Permits are Now Available:

General Information

Park Notes

  • Red Reef Park is 39.7 acres in size.
  • Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the park.
  • Pets: Pets are not permitted in the park.
  • Please do not feed the wildlife in the park!

Snorkel Reef Installed at Red Reef Park

Construction of a new recreational snorkel reef at Red Reef Park was completed in September 2021, enhancing the park’s current reef into an extended snorkeling trail for beach goers.

Red Reef Park already features a snorkeling area that consists of six (6) artificial reef modules located just offshore in the southern end of the park. The new reef added over (14) additional modules - constructed with 12-18 limestone boulders - to create the larger recreational area for snorkeling. The City’s contractor utilized a barge and crane to place the artificial reef modules in the same vicinity just offshore.

Once colonized, the new reef is expected to attract fish species like those that currently exist in the area, including Sergeant Majory, Parrotfish, Bar Jack, Spottail Pinfish, Molly Miller and more.