From the course: The Data Skills Survival Kit

Use Copilot to create a draft presentation about your data project

From the course: The Data Skills Survival Kit

Use Copilot to create a draft presentation about your data project

- [Presenter] I want you to start thinking about how you build presentations. It's an iterative process. We add to the presentation to create a rough outline, and then we go on to further refine it. We look at all of our files and findings and all of the information we've gathered. So I want to take a look at how Copilot can supplement the activities we do when we're preparing to share our results. So let's start with our Word document. So first of all, Copilot appears to work a little bit more effectively when we're pointing to a Word document. And so I'm going to start by compiling some simple information about the presentation. So basically, I want to just go ahead and set the stage. This is an update meeting, and this is where we're at in working with the population data. Okay, I've compiled some information about the RUC codes that we've seen in our data So I'm going to go ahead and pull that Word document up and copy out what I want for my presentation. Now, again, I could have this whole set of information here, but really, I just need this top section. Okay, and I'm going to choose these, one through nine, again, 'cause 10 is just the header to this table. All right, let me copy that, and then I'll go put that into my presentation. Okay, I'm going to add a little section here that just says the RUC codes have been provided in the dataset. And then this tells about those nine codes. And then, also, I need to talk about my data sources. So let me go to my Excel spreadsheet where I've been keeping all my results. And I'm going to navigate to my lovely readme. Okay, and I'm going to go ahead and copy out these results. Then let me just paste these as text. Okay, and there are our links. Just want to press Enter after each one of them. Okay, so this is where I got the county data sets. Population is the one we're currently working with. So I'm going to go ahead and move it up. Okay, so I definitely think I want to level this information. So I'm going to go ahead and give this a heading style. And then I'll go ahead and do a heading here. 'Cause in my mind, these are different sections of the presentation, okay, so whether Copilot reads that or not doesn't make any difference. Okay, let me go ahead and add a little bit of note about the fact that we've just begun this process, and we're only starting to compile the population data. Okay, so I'm basically saying, hey, we've only just begun to compile the population data. I think I need to make a statement that this includes no poverty data at this point. Okay, let's see what this is. Okay, I just made those little corrections there. Well, it's a title, so let me undo that. I don't really want to do that. Okay, so let me just pop over here real quick. And I'm going to just see what Rewrite with Copilot will do for me. Okay, so there's one. "We're still in the early stages." Ooh, I kind of like that one. Okay, so I'm going to replace what I typed with this, 'cause I like that better. It doesn't change the intent or the meaning. And it actually reads, I think, a little bit better, a little bit more formal. Okay, so, again, I've got this saved in a cloud-based drive. I'm ready to go copy this link. And I'm going to copy this link just basically because... Let me go set it, I only want people with existing access to have this. Okay, so I've got the link copied. Okay, now that I have all my basic information compiled, again, I just want to see what it will do with this information before I continue to compile more information into the Word document. All right, so I've copied my link. Let me go over to PowerPoint. And it tells me, okay, I can respond to these questions. I can create a presentation about, create a presentation from file. So I think I'm actually going to use that. Okay, and here are suggestions, which, this is perfect. So I copied it. I didn't really even need to do that. And I'll send it. And, again, it's going to read that documentation that I just popped in there, and it's going to try to compile a presentation for me to look at. I like this because it gives me ideas. Every one of us work better with something to start with. And, again, I think there's value in knowing how to create a presentation from a blank slide deck. But, like, why not use Copilot? So it's already telling me that it's creating an outline, and that outline's looking pretty good compared to... Oh wow, okay, so on the left-hand side, I see my slide deck has begun to populate, and I love this right here. And it's actually putting in speaker notes and telling me, "Hey, it may not be correct," which is good. Okay, even if a human puts together, it may not be correct. Okay, so here's the Update Meeting Presentation. Fine. Here's my agenda. I'm going to add more to this. Okay, introduction, perfect. Don't know that I love that image, but that's okay. Okay, talks about the RUC codes. Okay, I like that. It gives me the breakdown, okay, can kind of fine-tune that a little bit. Okay, now, this is interesting 'cause it didn't include all of my data sources. It skipped one, but you see the original content that it used there. Okay, so all in all, not too bad. All right, I'm going to go add some more to this document and then come regenerate the presentation. But so far, I like how it interpreted what I have. All right, so let me go over to my Excel file here, and I'm going to go to my All Counties. Okay, now, one of the things that we did in an earlier video was add this Column sparkline. So I'm going to go and call this Growth Over Time. And currently, it is sorted by population 2022. And I know that because I can see the sort arrow on the filter dropdown. Okay, so this would technically be the highest population as of 2022 data points. Okay, and I think I'm just going to go ahead and grab the first 10. I'm going to make a copy of that, just hit Control + C. I'm going to go add this information into a new sheet. I'm going to go ahead and call this Top 10 in 2022 Alabama. Okay, and if I want to do anything with this, with Copilot, I definitely need to have it as a table. So I'll go ahead and insert a table. And table six is not really meaningful when you're looking at table 4, 5, 6, 8, 10. So I think I'm going to go ahead and call this Top 10AL_ Pop2022. That way, no matter what, I'm not going to be confused about what this table is about. Okay, also, I don't really like the coloring of this table. So I'm going to go to the Table Design, and I'm going to make it just plain Jane. And because I copied it from a table format, it has all of these cell styles here. So let go to Cell Styles and make 'em normal. And then now that table, I can see it. I can see that format. Okay, this is perfect. All right, so I'm going to go ahead and highlight this data here and copy it. I'm going to pop it into my information. Okay, and I'm going to put my data sources at the bottom. So I'm just going to move that down here. And let me do Top 10 Alabama Counties as of 2022. Okay, let me paste that in. Now, it didn't carry over my sparkline, because it can't read that here. Let me undo, and let me just actually paste this as a picture. Yeah, I like that better. Okay. And I'm going to go ahead and set my stage up for Top 10 Alabama Counties as of 1990. Okay, and then I'm going to pop over to my Excel file. Okay, I'll use Copilot to sort by 1990. Certainly don't have to do that, I could just go sort it, but just for fun. So I'll say "sort pop 1990 largest to smallest." Okay, and then I'm going to go grab the top 10, copy it, and then paste that into my Word document. And, again, I'm going to paste it as a picture. Okay, great, I'm going to go copy this link just in case I need it. I want to make sure it's people with existing access. And then I'll go over to PowerPoint. Okay, so now I've updated my document, and now I'm going to do another iteration of my PowerPoint. I'm going to say create a presentation from, and then I'm going to copy that link in. Okay, it's immediately telling me it's going to replace all this. So if I wanted to keep this for any reason, I would actually need to save a version of it, but I don't need it; I'm going to replace it. Be interesting to see what it does with those top 10 county images. Okay, so let's go ahead and take a look. Oh, nice. It gives me that breakdown. That's very good. Okay, fantastic. Interesting choice of imagery, but I can choose Designer if I want to make any adjustments. Yeah, I think I'll go with that. Maybe not, maybe this, way too small. Definitely going to work on this one. Okay? Like these, but then maybe I want to make them numbered, which makes more sense since there's one through nine. All right, here's my Top 10 Counties in Alabama. Oh, look, it didn't pull up any of my images. That's unfortunate, wonder why. And then, interesting, it selected North Dakota here. Okay, so let me go try this again. Let me go to my Word document. And I think what I'll do is I'll delete these, go back over to my Excel document. And maybe this time, I'll just grab, okay, I'll highlight my county name and my population data. Like, I love this column here, but it didn't translate. I want to see if it picks up a chart better. So let me go Insert. I'll do markers here. There we go. I'm going to switch the row and column. So this actually is an interesting way to look at this data. So clearly, Baldwin county, you can see that growth there, really had some growth spurts here in Madison. It's kind of caught up. Again, 2020 and 2022 are pretty close together. That was just a two-year period, where the rest of this is 10-year. Let me switch that row and column. Now this shows each county over time. Ooh, this is rough. I think I actually want to tell the story this way. Okay, interesting. I think I'm just going to keep the default here. And let me just call this Top 10 in Population in 2022. I'll say Alabama, in case we decide to do other states. Okay, now I'm actually going to go copy this information into my actual Word document. Let's call this Table information, and then I'm going to pop that chart in. Let me go copy it. Okay, I don't need to save it, but, all right, let me add a little bit of context here. Okay, so Visual of population growth in top 10 counties over time in Alabama. All right, let's go. I'll take this out for now. I just want to see how it translates this information before I go any further. Let me close out the Designer and just type, "build a presentation from file" just to see. Okay, so it's giving me some information here. All right, I'm just actually going to copy this prompt, do Control + C, Control + V. I'll choose Yes. Okay, now it's adding my speaker notes. I like all this information. I'll come back to it, but I just want to see. Yes, okay, I have some formatting issues here. Perfect. Okay, I'm going to just keep fine-tuning my Word document until I get just the draft that I want. No matter where we find our inspiration, at the end of the day, we present results. If we can save time with a copilot, either through AI or our coworkers, there's a data story everywhere to be told, and I'm for any tool that helps me tell that story.
