28 Years Later: Cillian Murphy is on board if Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are

28 Years Later: Cillian Murphy says he would return for a 28 Days Later sequel if director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland do

Last Updated on April 12, 2024

Yesterday, we shared the news that 28 Days Later director Danny Boyle and screenwriter Alex Garland say they have been having “serious talks” about finally making a sequel that would be called 28 Years Later… and in a new interview with Collider, 28 Days Later star Cillian Murphy has said that he’d gladly be in a sequel if it’s made by Boyle and Garland!

Murphy, who is currently doing the press rounds for Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer (where he plays the title character), had this to say about a 28 Days Later sequel: “I was talking to Danny Boyle recently, and I said, ‘Danny, we shot the movie at the end of 2000.’ So I think we’re definitely approaching the 28 Years Later. But like I’ve always said, I’m up for it. I’d love to do it. If Alex [Garland] thinks there’s a script in it and Danny wants to do it, I’d love to do it.

In the original film, Murphy played bicycle courier Jim, who wakes up from a coma to find himself in an apocalyptic England that’s overrun by people who have been infected by a rage virus. Boyle and Garland went through several endings for 28 Days Later before landing on the one movie-goers saw in theatres – and that ending was the only one where Jim survived. So he’s still out there, ready to live through another rage virus nightmare 28 years later. If Boyle and Garland decide to put him in the story.

Since there was a follow-up called 28 Weeks Later (which wasn’t written by Garland, but was executive produced by Boyle), many fans have expected the next sequel to be called 28 Months Later. But if it happens, it looks like Boyle and Garland will be skipping the Months title and going right to Years.

28 Months Later was in the works at one point. In 2009, Paul Andrew Williams (The Cottage) was even on board to direct the film… but it never made it into production.

Would you like to see a 28 Days Later sequel that reunites Danny Boyle, Alex Garland, and Cillian Murphy for a story set 28 Years Later? Share your thoughts on this one by leaving a comment below.

28 Days Later Cillian Murphy

Source: Collider

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Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of JoBlo.com, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.