
225 Reviews
High Strung (2016)
Artificial Art
19 March 2022
A dance movie made with the idealistic teenagers in mind. The best line is "I just can't be perfect like her". With people looking manufactured as they perform in dance and play offs. The lines and scenes are so extreme in their perfection it feels parodied. You have the same theme of Ballet and Street dance combined which has been done before, this movie also combines the violin making visually appealing music and dancing. But the script made me laugh out loud so many times. You know dance just allows us express raw emotions which gives the audience a more enriched experience. Lol.
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Nightmares and Dreams
19 March 2022
Follows a man starting as a handyman at a Carnival of horrors finds his act and takes on New Yorks high society. This movie comes in two parts an excellent setup where a boy becomes a man, then he moves away and starts his profession. The first part is excellent with a clear lead through and motivations with intertwined haunting themes. But in the second part it starts to lose some of this clarity and its grip to the past. Sure if you dig a bit deeper you can find them buried under the surface, but all the meaning is lost.
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Raw American Fantasyland
19 March 2022
A fictional retelling of Abes life depicting him as a Vampire Hunter as he grows as a politician he starts fighting them on two fronts. It shows full on man fantasy leading the country by day getting the girl and fighting supernatural monsters by night. Turning the president into a superhero. It's over the top just how I like action and hilarious because of that. Becoming Americas King Arthur.
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Multi-genre Netflix slop
16 March 2022
The latest Ryan Reynolds Netflix release. A Sci-Fi emotional drama, it could fit into other categories like action, adventure, kids but doesn't actually spend much time on them nor does the writer care about those aspects.

The time travel aspect is flawed throughout (just nod your head and accept it because they mention back to the future and terminator), the motivations and plot leading characters through the movie doesn't make sense at any time. The rules of the science are only there to explain the plot and to not make sense. They even poke fun at this multiple times, I can't write and it's funny.

If you don't enjoy Ryan Reynolds comedy now you get twice as much. The action is poor and only exists because it needs to be there. If you like heart felt family drama you're lucky that's most of this movie. Pick a genre and stick to it please and get someone to actually write it.
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An Education (2009)
A story of old class and purpose
14 March 2022
It's 1961 and a 16 year old girl is preparing to get into Oxford. After a chance encounter she meets an older man, with all the charm and charisma to match. What is the education she is looking for?

With class and money intertwined London never seemed so rich and a romance which could only fit in that time and place. You get entwined along with her into a journey of discovery. The best parts are the dialogue pieces at the those changes points with the actors imparting emotion with every line.
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13 March 2022
A kid starts middle school with an aim to be the most popular. He spends the movie coming up with schemes to win the race. With plenty of adventures along the way. Jokes are meh. Journeys interesting enough just cyclical. With a moral lesson to learn at the end.
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Walk the Line (2005)
I didn't know Johnny Cash but know I do
13 March 2022
A Musical Bio-pic following the life of Johnny Cash. You know the defining moments and relationships, the highs and lows. It's told strangely at times often stumbling through the years to connect story points. Leaving characters forgotten and really failing to catalyse those moments of transformation. The key different with this bio-pic is the relationship and how cursed it was to begin with.

I didn't even know Johnny Cash before this but I can say he a musical bio-pics life.
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Turning Red (2022)
Not made for me
12 March 2022
An Asian Canadian teenage girl turns into a giant red panda she has to control her emotions to keep it from getting out. It's a very girly movie dealing with crushes and her group of girl friends trying to go see a boy band. Not for made for me I think. Excellent animation to be expected and another unique plot from Pixar. It plays heavily on the high achiever Asian mother stereotype (is stereotype the right word? Idk) obviously pulling on some first hand account. I am not Asian, so it might touch on some uncomfortable opinions.

Strangely it's set 20 years in the past, probably to avoid todays news. And to remind the writer of her childhood. So if you were a teenage girl back in 2002 I can safely say this movies for you.
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Suburbicon (2017)
Should have tried integration
11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In a idyllic new build suburb two families back onto to one another and there starts two different stories told through the childs eyes. One story is quite easy to solve a common story in the 60s of racism the B plot.

But across the back garden is the A plot a story of family tragedy and the darkness at the heart of it. The first problem is obvious once you start watching it isn't funny, I know the way I've described it it doesn't sound like a comedy yet it is labelled as such. It also includes a few odd scenes which I suppose they were trying to make funny but just come off as inappropriate when compared to the B plot. The only guy who manages to pull off this strange comedic act is Oscar Isaac for one scene. The 2nd problem is telling the story though the eyes of a child, it treats the entire audience as children even though the movies for adults, it makes sense at times but is very frustrating for the first act.

In the end the 2 families never collide and remain segregated by the garden fence. Would have been interesting to have something positive instead we get depression.
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The demons stuck in the crack, torn between states.
8 March 2022
In a once great pit stop there lies El Royale torn between Nevada and California. A few people roll in each with their broken stories, as the night descends the mysteries start unfolding along with their lives. Although unconventional in the way it tells from each characters perspective. It's a thrilling ride of the demons from the 70s, with an excellent script and superb acting. This movie will lead you from dancing to unsettled, and from doubting to believing.
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I'll be right back watching Shawshank again
7 March 2022
An innocent man gets locked up by crooked cops while his wife tries to get him out. The movie plays out exactly how you expect it for most of it. With the same usual in the prison. But once the next part starts so does a different movie with nothing tying you down to the start. No lessons learned from all of it.

To be honest the problem is that Shawshank did everything so much better. I wanna go watch that again of the true development from nothing to something. Also Tom Selleck doesn't emit much emotion through that moustache of his. If he can still keep that in order was he even tried?
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Stoker (2013)
Ordinary Reimagination
7 March 2022
A creepy unnerving tale following a girl after her father dies and her uncle moves in. There isn't much content much more of an experience unwrapping a present of many different layers with it getting ever smaller, you finally get to the gift and it's an ordinary plate. Leaving you disappointed after expecting something special. I suppose the plate could mean something, but I came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth investigating to begin with.
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Terminate this franchise
6 March 2022
One of the many reboots, trying to take the first two movies and create a third in the same vain. It starts off well with original characters in a unique setting. Taking the familiar and soft rebooting it. Then the same old fogies start appearing. Dash in a bit of politics (can't exclude that Trump was president after all) I found myself watching T2 and it's not doing anything better, Sarahs even going through the same arc again. The characters constantly find themselves stumbling through the plot between the massive set pieces, they are great set pieces but if I wanted that I can just go and watch another transformers. It needs glue to tie it together, this movies glue is 35 years old and is falling to pieces.
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Nacho Libre (2006)
Monk Masked Machoness
6 March 2022
A idealistic monk leaves the monastery to fight as a luchador wrestler and discovers what is worth fighting for. With an indie style of filmmaking playing jokes in the Jack Black way or in the seriously weird way. To great hilarity. The action is poor in execution, due to it being wrestling, the over the top opponents really add to the fights. With the character arc based around faith rather than machoness.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Emotional Love
6 March 2022
A man finds his wife missing and thus begins the long complex narrative mystery it will shock and confuse you into believing that nothing is wrong. If you're sold stop reading now because it's better with less information going in. Love is a complex thing.

With excellent performances and a brilliant script you will be led down multiple paths over 2 and a half hours, today this would be turned into a mini series, in fact it will probably happen sooner rather than later.
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Tom Hank's childhood dream
5 March 2022
Follows a band as they rise from the garage to the charts. With a obvious young Tom Hanks look alike in the starring role. A fun family friendly ride through the music world of the US. With the generic conflicts taking place, in a homage to the Beatles. Tom Hanks has the smaller role of the wise businessman pulling the strings. A fun adventure full of clueless youths and the two Tom Hanks.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
The Book of Errors
4 March 2022
Sorry to understand this show you're gonna have to watch Mandalorian this is effectively season 2.5 of that. So much for having a standalone series. I watched season 1, I'm would be very surprised if this got a second season because of how disastrous this one turned out to be.

It starts off terrible failing to introduce any of the characters properly, playing it out of order to distract from the plot holes that exist between. Answer this What is Boba Fetts objective? It isn't explained just assumed. Why Boba good now? We never see the transformation. Somehow Boba expresses less emotion than the Mandalorian that's saying something.

The action is terrible whenever Robert Rodriguez is the director of an episode. I have nothing against him he can direct action the rest of his movies are fine. It's just that Boba feels like a fat pensioner, just go and watch any other action movie to understand how to direct action. Basic things like finding cover is out of the question.

Then it drops everything to continue the Mandalorian plot. Am I watching Boba Fett? It says Boba Fett every time I click on a episode but all I get is Mandalorian and the green rat. Why is this here? Sure it means we actually get a properly written plot for once and motivation, wow they can do it.

I just have to suffer when the writers decide to recreate the toy battles they had as kids, to cram in characters from clone wars and win the audience over with fan service. Even if there is no setup for any of this. If you haven't watched Clone Wars, you would to expect to find the answers in there, in fact if you would watch those 6 seasons you would the arcs unfinished. And if you have watched Clone Wars, you should be insulted at how badly they treated these characters.

I'll finish up by asking who is the antagonist?

Imagine if they had set them up from the start and not dumped them on us at the end.
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Kids journey to be King
2 March 2022
A retelling of King Arthur in modern day with school children. With a great script and inspirational story following the heroes journey around the UK. As a group of kids learn what it means to be Knights in a corrupt world. With reference humour thrown making it a bit cheesy. I would have loved to watch this as a kid, one complaint though maybe the cast is a little too young.
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Stuber (2019)
27 February 2022
An action comedy where a unhinged cop calls an Uber to hunt down a drug lord. Leading to a wild ride across LA. With Iko Uwais the action is great, his style is brilliant if you haven't seen him before, only problem is I need more. The two main guys really contrast each other well pulling off many great jokes. It does get off the rails pretty quick, turning into a parody of itself at times. It does suffer from multiple-personality disorder while switching between the two genres, so if you aren't a fan of that skip this.
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Demolition (2015)
Unbreakable Heart
26 February 2022
A businessman continues as usual after his wife dies in front of his eyes in a car crash. Except for the letters he keeps sending to the vending machine supplier A drama focussing on the important things such as love, life and priorities. With another excellent performance from Jake Gyllenhaal as he tries to break his heart. This story is for those who have loved and lost.
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True Sequel
26 February 2022
A sequel to 28 days later and you don't need to watch it to understand this one. The infection has died off and the UK population has been reduced to a few, being backed by US forces living on the Isle of dogs in London. We follow one family haunted by what they saw in the outbreak, some of these demons return. You rarely see the aftermath of an apocalypse with this interesting premise and conflicted characters it really starts well. But once the inevitable returns so does the usual clichés in this genre.
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What If (I) (2013)
26 February 2022
A shut in living in his sisters attic makes a friend at his best friends party, who just so happened to be already in a relationship. A Rom-com with indie tendencies. The comedy is of the awkward extremities variety, leaving me only a few laughs, as they try to heal the love scars which mark them. Maybe this will connect with you but I felt no connection myself, probably because I have no scars.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
Mending the gap
25 February 2022
I have just watched season 1. Based in the aftermath of Star Wars 3 Revenge of the Sith. After the Clone have just betrayed their commanders the Jedi. This show follows a group of mix matched clones who were introduced in the 7th season of Clone Wars. They are paper thin being summed up in one word each their names. Joining them is a girl to make them do something during the show. This isn't a standalone show, it also introduces characters from Star Wars Rebels, so to fully understand this show better watch 10 seasons before this. With a couple of spam episodes, it mostly picks up arcs which were uncomplete because Clone Wars was cancelled early. By the end of the season it leaves pretty much all the arcs still open, ready to be picked up in the inevitable next season, or maybe the live action shows.

Dave Filoni is left filling in the plot holes that exist because the movies weren't planned properly with all these extra shows.
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Choke (2008)
Phycological Food
24 February 2022
Follows a sex addict as he comes to terms with himself and as he cares for his mother losing her mind in a care home. It's a weird adult tale of absurdity as he journeys through delusional reality, full of fake facades and people enslaved by their desires.

While starting on the starter you might find yourself trying to choke down your chuckles, due to the stark nakedness of the chef. But once your taste buds get used the phycological food being served in the main dish. You realise the chef wasn't trying to kill you but was trying to feed you, the laughter bursts out. When the dessert comes, you grab a taste. The medicine suddenly starts to wear off, waking up you find your family around you smiling, you survived the operation, well done.
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Sobering up to grow up
22 February 2022
A prequel to the other 2 Kingsmen movies, you don't need to watch them to watch this one. Based around WW1, it runs through a comical retelling of the war as the main characters try and stop it. More of a comedic historical thriller rather than an action spy parody. Leaving out the fantastical action of kingsmen until the end. With more of grounding in realism after the sky high realism of the 2nd one. The history is handled well, sobering up at the right moments. Once this gets a sequel (because franchises must never end) Please put more thought into it than the golden circle please.
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