
400 Reviews
6 September 2014
The verdict: Meet Howard Langston, a salesman for a mattress company is constantly busy at his job, and he also constantly disappoints his son, after he misses his son's karate exposition, he tries hard to come up with a way to make it up to him, this is when his son tells Howard that he wants for Christmas is an action figure of his son's television hero, Turbo Man. Unfotunately for Howard, it is Christmas Eve, and every store is sold out of Turbo Man figures, now Howard must travel all over town and compete with everybody else including a mail man named Myron to find a Turbo Man action figure, and to make it to the Wintertainment parade which will feature Turbo Man.

The verdict: Silly holiday fun from Arnie!
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King of the Ants (I) (2003)
6 September 2014
A young drifter discovers his true calling when he's hired by a mobster to stalk and kill a prominent accountant, and then decides to seek revenge when the stingy thugs try to kill him rather than pay him. For me it was kind of hard to get a grip from the beginning because there was nothing that would have explained who the main characters were and what was their goal and so on. This left the characters really shallow and the dialogue between them was something out of a bum disco. While there is some strong personality being displayed, it is done in a way that is truthful to human nature. I think it could use some editing to speed the pace a bit. The film is hard to watch at times and difficult to call enjoyable. 7/10.
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6 September 2014
This is one of the worst movies ever, and that's why you must see it. It is more unintentionally funny than most actual comedies, and it provides as much entertainment value by accident as many movies do on purpose. This film is funny and stupid! There's something for everyone here. I love this movie, which is hilarious! Sounds corny? No matter what anyone says, this is fantastic. I refuse to dismiss this, because I find it quite engaging, in a guilty pleasure sense. I thought this was cute and not bad. It's not the thing to see if you're in the mood for something uplifting, or something with tons of action. Final rating: 7/10.
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
6 September 2014
The setup: Is becoming a woman analogous, in some deep psychological way, to becoming a werewolf? Ginger is 16, edgy, tough, and, with her younger sister, into staging and photographing scenes of death. They've made a pact about dying together. In early October, on the night she has her first period, which is also the night of a full moon, a werewolf bites Ginger. Within a few days, some serious changes happen to her body and her temperament. Her sister Brigitte, 15, tries to find a cure with the help of Sam, a local doper. As Brigitte races against the clock, Halloween and another full moon approach, Ginger gets scarier, and it isn't just local dogs that begin to die.

The verdict: Absorbing and well-acted pic!
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6 September 2014
The late Ginger's sister Brigitte, now a werewolf herself, must try to find a cure for her blood lust before the next full moon while hiding out in a rehab clinic from a relentless werewolf. The screenplay is intelligent and clever. I enjoyed this film, mostly because of the convincing characters. I am aware of the criticism around this movie, claiming it is bad and not worth it. To all those who have said these things, I have to ask: What film were you watching? With charm and humor to spare, this film was among the top echelon of movies from 2004. At the end of the day, it's an entertaining film. Wonderful movie, and I should know.
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The Number 23 (2007)
6 September 2014
The setup: On his birthday, Walter Sparrow, an amiable dog-catcher, takes a call that leaves him dog bit and late to pick up his wife. She's browsed in a bookstore, finding a blood-red-covered novel, a murder mystery with numerology that loops constantly around the number 23. The story captivates Walter: he dreams it, he notices aspects of his life that can be rendered by "23," he searches for the author, he stays in the hotel (in room 23) where events in the novel took place, and he begins to believe it was no novel. His wife and son try to help him, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes to protect him. Slowly, with danger to himself and to his family, he closes in on the truth.

The verdict: Suitably creepy and worth your time!
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Summer Clouds (2004)
6 September 2014
This was so-so, one of those films that could have been a lot better had the editing been tighter. I just saw this one. Though it was corny and I see why many disliked it, I couldn't stop laughing. Quality work that draws you in and doesn't let you go. The content isn't for everyone. I guess if I was in a bad mood, this movie wouldn't be half as good, but I thought it to be enjoyable and would recommend it to enjoy. This is another level of film. Granted, everything in it is historically incorrect but that's the fun part. If you enjoyed the old Austrian movies about adultery, you'll probably like this one. You've got to be a die-hard fan to embrace this one.
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6 September 2014
The script and direction meld into a strong movie. With charm and humor to spare, this film was among the top echelon of movies from 1976. The characters in this film have a lot of depth, and that makes all the difference. In the end, the audience gets a casserole of film elements and little of the satisfaction that comes from watching these types of movies. I guess if I was in a bad mood, this movie wouldn't be half as good, but I thought it to be enjoyable and would recommend it. This is a story about a place most people might not be able to conceive. It is a powerful film. Many scenes do not feel believable, but good performances help to enhance this story.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
6 September 2014
I found this series to be outstanding. It's well written and well-acted but for some reason it hasn't "caught on" in a big way. Is it because people are more interested in reality TV or would they rather watch something that doesn't take up too much space in their brain? The characters in this show are so likable. I give it a final rating of 7 out of 10 because it's good but also kind of flawed. Everything about this series could make anyone laugh. This is a great series with a tone reminiscent of other great series. In the bundle of all that it lacks, I feel that the series is ignored for its creativity. Still, I thought this was cute and not bad at all.
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Driven (2001)
6 September 2014
I'm DRIVEN to love this! There is simply so much to love about this movie. I've been waiting to see this for so many years, I can't express how happy I am to finally see it. An intelligent script, with direction that does it justice. Even all the side characters are brilliantly played. This movie never grabbed the public's attention the way it should have. It's a film that reeks of its time and place. The first 38 minutes of the running time are particularly hard to endure. . I'm not sure whether it is really a guilty pleasure or simply a film I remember as being one. So why do I like it so much? The characters are wonderful in the movie. The film unfolds in two halves. I remember watching this and being spellbound by the last third of the movie. 7/10.
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Crossworlds (1996)
6 September 2014
I am sure the now-deceased Yugoslavian dictator Marshall Tito would have had no objections to me renaming this movie. Though I do think he himself could have appeared in it. I refuse to totally dismiss this, because I find it quite engaging, in a guilty pleasure sense. I thought this was cute and not bad. All of the fancy characters struggle against a system that has perpetuated falsehoods. It's not the thing to see if you're in the mood for something uplifting, or something with tons of action. From an artistic standpoint, there were some plot elements and character developments I didn't think were totally needed. They do however drive the story, which seemed to be their purpose, so I can accept them. Final rating: 7/10.
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6 September 2014
I'm not going to pretend that this is some sort of masterpiece. It's a film that fails to take advantage of its cool premise, that makes you wish they had done better rather than spoiling a good idea. The film is very tense and interesting. Sadly, however, it really has nothing to say. If you end up watching this, you will probably be like me in saying that it starts off great then gradually begins to disappoint. From an artistic standpoint, there were some plot elements and character developments I didn't think were totally needed. They do, however, drive the story, which seemed to be their purpose, so I can accept them. No matter what anyone says, this is utterly fantastic, an eye-popping cinematic treat. I would suggest renting it, or perhaps buying it if the price is right!
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Perfect Sense (2011)
6 September 2014
A chef and a scientist fall in love as an epidemic begins to rob people of their sensory perceptions. Though the plot is as unrealistic as most movies of this genre, the stunts are a lot more believable than you'll find in most. The story to this movie was very different and creative. It's dumb, loud and spectacular when it needed some wit and a better leading man. For some reason or another, certain movies achieve a reputation as being worse than they actually are. OK, there are some flaws and I am not too naive to suggest this movie is worthy of an Oscar. My advice would be to watch this movie in full before you judge it. Great performances help to enhance this story of friendship. 7 out of 10.
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6 September 2014
The film is more of a clichéd yarn than a story about nightmares. Generally the film is a might-have-been. True, it has its moments, but things are pretty tame. The film unfolds in two halves. There are some nightmarish moments but they are too briefly seen. There are gaping plot holes. Can anyone work out what's going on? What really lets this film down is its weak ending. Surely the script-writers could have come up with a better ending than this. Even all the side characters are brilliantly played. I also find this movie being really creepy sometimes, what is not usual for slasher films. Another high point in the film is the cast.
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6 September 2014
The setup: Forced to spend his summer holidays with his muggle relations, Harry Potter gets a real shock when he gets a surprise visitor: Dobby the house-elf, who warns Harry Potter against returning to Hogwarts, for terrible things are going to happen. Harry decides to ignore Dobby's warning and continues with his pre-arranged schedule. But at Hogwarts, strange and terrible things are indeed happening: Harry is suddenly hearing mysterious voices from inside the walls, muggle-born students are being attacked, and a message scrawled on the wall in blood puts everyone on his/her guard - "The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies Of The Heir, Beware." The verdict: Great storyline and acting!
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E.T. (1982)
6 September 2014
I watched E.T. yesterday and let me tell you: this movie rocks! The first co-leading partnership between Thomas/E.T. makes for a great flick.

It's a very good story, a very cool villain, good dramatic scenes and a perfect chemistry between the two action stars! The supporting cast is one of the many highlights of this movie.

It's good and funny. The plot is intelligent, I liked it. It's not a remake of any kind, of course you know the end or you can predict some of the turnouts. But, overall it is fun and intelligent.

For alien fans and people who want to forget their lives for a couple of hours and have a film fun, I highly recommend it! Awesome!
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Unbreakable (2000)
5 September 2014
There is simply so much to love about this movie. An intelligent script, with direction that does it justice. Even all the side characters are brilliantly played. This movie never grabbed the public's attention the way it should have. It's a film that reeks of its time and place. The first 34 minutes of the running time are particularly hard to endure. . I'm not sure whether it is really a guilty pleasure or simply a film I remember as being one. So why do I like it so much? The characters are wonderful in the movie. The film unfolds in two halves. I remember watching this and being spellbound by the last third of the movie.
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5 September 2014
It's the last day of school at a high school in a small town in Texas in 1976. The upperclassmen are hazing the incoming freshmen, and everyone is trying to get stoned, drunk, or laid, even the football players that signed a pledge not to. My only problem with the film was the supporting cast, but it's still okay. Some of the dialog could be better. The film is difficult to call enjoyable, but the acting is effective. This is the kind of film that tries to prove that a small story can be much more meaningful than a larger one. The only thing that keeps it afloat is the sensitivity of the bilaterally desperately needy relationship between the leads.
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The 5 Mrs. Buchanans (1994–1995)
5 September 2014
I miss this show! Set in fictional Mercy, Indiana, this comedy centers around four completely different women who have only two connections to each other: they each are married to a Buchanan boy, and they each cannot stand their mother-in-law. Alex, married to Roy, is a Jewish feminist from New York City. Vivian, married to Ed, is a frumpy Hoosier housewife with two children from hell, twins Lyndon and P.J. Delilah, married to preacher Charles, is a somewhat ditzy former stripper from Corpus Christi, Texas. Bree, newly married to Jesse, is a perky Californian who used to work with her mother. They constantly are trading barbs with the cruel but hilarious Mother Buchanan, who tries as hard as she can to make their lives a living hell through meddling and manipulating, her two specialties.
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5 September 2014
I received the new DVD yesterday. I've been waiting to see this for so many years, I can't express how happy I am to finally see it. The video quality isn't the best. Chucky looks more like a dark gypsy than any of the other actors. The interior sets are run-of-the-mill, but they used real locations for the exteriors. The photography of the scary scenes would have been so beautiful in high-def, but somehow the fact that it is not high-def lends a sort of creepy feel to the cinematography. The direction is a bit hit and miss and some of the editing seems choppy, especially near the beginning, but if you are able to put aside modern standards, somehow it all comes together into a rustic, very atmospheric, ghastly production.
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Sister, Sister (1994–1999)
5 September 2014
Tia and Tamera Mowry play twins who were separated at birth and by chance meet each other in a shopping mall. Ray Campbell, Tamera's adopted father, is very different from Tia's adopted mother, Lisa Landry, but the twins don't want to be separated so Ray and Lisa end up living together. The series often focuses on the trouble the twins get into due to their identical appearance and the love-hate relationship between Lisa and Ray.

The verdict: I give it a final rating of 7 out of 10 because it's good but also kind of flawed. Everything about this series could make anyone laugh.
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5 September 2014
The film is very tense and interesting. Sadly, however, it really has nothing to say. If you end up watching this, you will probably be like me in saying that it starts off great then gradually begins to suck. From an artistic standpoint, there were some plot elements and character developments I didn't think were totally needed. They do however drive the story, which seemed to be their purpose, so I can accept them. No matter what anyone says, this is utterly fantastic, an eye-popping cinematic treat. I would suggest renting it, or perhaps buying it if the price is right. All characters are unhappy souls, surviving in a grim world. The people who put this one together really knew what they were doing.
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5 September 2014
After five minutes of watching this movie I realized what I had gotten myself into. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who has to watch a movie they've started to the end, no matter how much it sucks. And this movie is the king amongst vacuum cleaners. All characters are unhappy souls, surviving in a grim world, unable to improve their lot, with violent dogs barking everywhere. A gritty, hard movie about gritty hard people. This film is dark, brooding, intense; it is hard to watch at times and difficult to call enjoyable. For all practical purposes, this is a bad film. There really isn't much more to say about this movie. 7/10.
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Striptease (1996)
5 September 2014
The thrills and pace were kind of a stop-and-go affair, as you really felt it because the tepidly cardboard script led to many silly (and contrived) avenues working their way in and the lack of a strong lead performance really showed it up immensely. All characters are surviving in a grim world. Fortunately the director lets the actors breathe and the music lets the atmosphere live. In the end, the audience gets a casserole of film elements and little of the satisfaction that comes from watching these types of movies. Formulaic, cheesy b-fun emerges. I don't know why God let this movie get made. My buddy Mack told me I had to watch it because it was so stupid.
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5 September 2014
This movie had the potential to be incredible. It's the best stoner film yet, but there is more to it than just getting high and giggling. It's definitely not the thing to see if you're in the mood for something fun and uplifting, or something with tons of thrills and action. The metaphors in this movie are abundant. Are there annoying things in this movie? Yes, like the overdone puppetry. But the movie has enough to keep you entertained. I think it is still a reasonable film. It was really beyond over the top. This film is not as bad as they say. Heartfelt and riveting from the first frame to the last. 7 out of 10.
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