12 Reviews
Neo-Evangelical Youth Group in Action
DeusWar31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Play the Flute is a film about a modern American Neo-Evangelical Youth Group in Action. It depicts an affluent youth group in a typical Southern City with the all-too-familiar issue of apathy toward God, immoral behavior, and forced attendance. The film itself had a good use of sets, excellent believable acting, and a good story overall. It is certainly worth a watch, and is one of the better Christian films out there in many ways.

The social commentary on this movie is quite sad as it tries to realistically depict the reality of many Neo-Evangelical youth groups in America. One of the main points that stuck out to me was that the parents in the movie were in the background if not almost non-existent characters in this movie. Neo-Evangelical church people have come to expect that Youth Pastors teach their kids spirituality. Parents have come to believe that it is okay to outsource their spiritual responsibilities to a 'Professional Seminary Trained' Youth Minister. This movie reinforces that sad reality and also gives social commentary to the fact that most Neo-Evangelical parents are not involved spiritually in the lives of their children, thus shirking their responsibilities. Sad.

This movie was really good up until the very last scenes, which is where I will comment mostly. The Youth Leader is able to have good influence and starts to transform the youth group with three leaders being most evident in their growth. There is also an increasingly angry antagonist. The end stages of the movie revolve around the main antagonist, who is a rich girl who is forced to go to youth group by her mother (who pays her to go). She believes that everyone is being brain-washed by the new youth leader and wants him out so she can maintain the status-quo. She also has some kind of issues with men in general as demonstrated in the movie. Her plan is to frame the pastor by falsely accusing him of 'making a pass' at her while they are alone after a youth meeting. This event leads to the Youth leaders eventual dismissal from the church to avoid a scandal. It is very much like the Joseph story from the Bible which is alluded to in the movie. The Youth Leader takes the false accusation and resigns in peace, telling his youth group to continue on and to not worry about him.

At this time, the three most spiritual leaders of the youth group are able to convince the antagonists' best friend to join them to find the truth: that the antagonist lied and framed the youth pastor to get him fired. This is where the movie could have done a lot better. Instead of resorting to spiritual means, the most spiritual characters in the movie resorted to situational-ethics to manipulate the antagonist into confessing that she framed the Youth Pastor. This was sad and went against the message that the Youth Pastor was trying to teach as well as the message of Christ and Joseph. Once the truth is discovered a good portion of the youth group abandons their church and goes to join the ex-Youth Leaders church (since he is now a pastor elsewhere). The Ex-Youth Leader who is now pastor accepts them into his church without question, thus giving a tacit approval to 'Church Splitting'. No restoration is depicted with their old church. This sadly promotes the idea of church hopping.

I thought this could have been handled a lot better and portrayed biblical truth better, but it didn't. For example, the three spiritual leaders of the youth group could have handled the matter in a spiritual way without manipulation by strongly influencing the youth group into following Christ until the antagonist was alone, which would have complemented the beginning of the movie better since it was only one spiritual girl alone versus the crowd of apathetic people. A 'tables have turned' ending would have been awesome. The antagonist did not have to necessarily be converted, but she could have been humbled greatly as her influence was lost, and experienced forgiveness at a later stage, or even a departure. This would have been an excellent ending.

However the ending that does happen only promotes a form of man-worship. The Ex-Youth-Leader accepts a good portion of his ex-youth group into his new church. Years later one of the youth named Squirrel becomes a youth pastor himself and it is revealed that he is the one telling the whole story. Squirrel then cries and says that the Ex-Youth-Leader who influenced him died of cancer recently. The message depicted is one of following a man, doing ministry because a man influenced him -- nothing of Christ. The ending promotes a form of man-worship by instilling a message in the watcher that we should look for a great Youth Leader to influence us, and that is the reason why we grow spiritually. Such a sad ending, that could have had good potential. It is a real reflection of the dysfunctional reality of Neo-Evangelical churches.

We need to remember that it is not a man who influences us, but the Bible itself and Christ.
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Fully religious but inspiring
MickyG33328 April 2024
7.6 stars.

I was inspired by this story of teenagers in a church youth class, giving their new youth leader a hard time. There is one girl in the group that has a stutter, and she's the only one that is interested in being a Christian. The rest of the bunch are just there because their parents make them go to church and youth group. There are two boys who are obviously the leaders of the misfit bunch and they are angsty and sarcastic and rebellious. There are two girls who are somewhat subordinate to the two boys, although one of the girls is very angry and overly hateful of the whole idea of God and sin and life. She is bitter and it rubs off on her friend (the other girl in charge of the female clique). The poor girl with the speech impediment is a sweetheart, but they all make fun of her, so she is alone with her faith. The youth leader and his wife make it a point to focus on helping her fit in.

Of course she is a gorgeous young girl, and all the rest of the teens are too good looking for this to be realistic. Nevertheless, 'Play the Flute' is entertaining as much as it's uplifting.

The youth leader and his wife are inspiring personalities. This is a must-see faith based film. If I had to choose my the top ten Christian films, this might be on the list.
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The kids were the best part but scriptural meaning was altered
keliw-297925 February 2024
The young actors did a good job; most of them. But, the interpretation of the scripture from which the title is taken, Matthew 11:16-17, was wholly inaccurate. When Jesus wants to illustrate the "kingdom of heaven" he uses those exact words. These scriptures were illustrating the generation, those who are witnessing the events but don't understand their meaning. In verses 18 and 19, our Lord talks about John the Baptist and Himself in the light of being seen but not understood. This generation wants us to act and to think as as they do, refusing to see and to hear the truth of our lives in Christ.
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I didn't want to but I cried.
teamrayricky18 December 2019
Spider Man faded - I cried. They shot Ole Yellow - I cried End of Toy Story - I didn't cry Generally, I rate a movie experience by the impact it has on me emotionally. Some make me mad that I wasted my time (Caddy Shack 2), others leave me pumped up and ready to take on the world (Braveheart). I movie that can bring me to tears is a 10. Let me just say that the crisis in this movie is all too real. It speaks to every person. Whether you are a Christian or not you will find this movie thought provoking, entertaining and you may even catch yourself wiping away a few tears as you identify with one or more of the well developed characters.
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Intentional and engaging
jcubmail1 March 2020
Play the Flute is less intending to entertain as challenge the viewer. It is well written, well paced and well developed. In general the main character is designed to be modeled rather than be relatable, but the everyday struggles faced by the teenagers are where the relatability can be found. I, as a general rule prefer that strong, selfless lead character (ex Captain America) over the troubled, relatable heroes that find redemption in their own strength (ex Iron Man), because such redemption is based on a lie. God is glorified through Play the Flute first and foremost, and it is refreshing to find people investing in movies that have more of a purpose than to make a quick buck. I highly recommend this movie for teens and adults and caution for younger kids based on the content of the films main conflict. It was handled very tastefully but inquisitive young minds will likely be asking questions trying to delve into conversations you may not have wanted to discuss yet.
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Best movie around!
Fun4Faun5 March 2020
I wish I could buy this movie! Hopefully that will be an option sometime in the future. I would give it 15 stars if i could. I watched it several nights ago at a nearby church & I was blown away! It is so awesome! I havent seen a movie that touched me like this one did, in decades. My hat is off to all involved! I would say more, but I don't want to give anything away. Thank you for such an enjoyable experience! In a world that has become so full of darkness, this was a fantastic glimpse of God's grace that so many people need to find. Thank you Jesus! 🙏
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It's on YouTube! 6-25-3022
babzi0125 June 2022
Play TheFlute is on YouTube! 6-25-3022 - Haven't watched it yet; saved it to watch when I am done watching The Case For Christ movie - also on YouTube!
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Pretty good.
Marshall8425 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So play the flute is about a new youth group teacher named Brandon Cobb who tries to bring the message of the Gospel to an otherwise indifferent group of teenagers. Each of them has their own story within the movie so you kinda get where they're coming from. The only downside is when Shannon gets excluded from the church or leaves out on her own accord. The Bible talks about being kind to your enemies. She would count too. Maybe she has a different upbringing or something deeper than that. We'll never know for sure. I gave this movie a 7 out of 10. No cussing or sex either. Well worth to watch.
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Moved my Heart
happydae-3491431 October 2022
I didnt even know this movie existed until I was getting ready to attend a Sandy Patti concert. The trailer started playing on my phone and I was getting teary listening. The Lord works in mysterious ways! I knew then I wanted to see it, and started telling many people about this movie before I even saw it. The subject matter speaks to my heart to the core. This is the sadness of hearts breaking ~ as this world slips into destruction. The knowledge that there is a way for people to be saved beyond the grave and into eternity. So many won't listen. It's a grievous thing to watch people perishing. To see them reject the path to eternal life and hope. I cried both times, and I'm still crying. It's a life-changing story...for your eternity and mine. Don't miss it! If you are led, tell people about this movie. May its message circle the globe until the end of time.
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Elegant film.
mariadedios812 June 2023
What a beautiful movie!

I am left with this teaching, from minute 24:28 that tells his students, not to let money lead the way, and it reminded me of St. Augustine's phrase: "Right is right even if no one does it, wrong is wrong even if everyone does it".

Elegance has nothing to do with sophistication or extravagance, but with refinement and simplicity: "Less is more". Refined has nothing to do with what we think it is, it's just something of beautiful simplicity, uplifting to the spirit. I like films that are relaxed and unpretentious, and this one achieves that. I liked its costumes, makeup and locations, I felt good watching it. I am not a Christian, I have my own spiritual beliefs, but I have a lot of respect for these brothers and all the work they do. I have consumed throughout my life a lot of Christian cinema, from movies from the 70s, 80s and 90s. And I started watching them again about 5 years ago, I have seen that Christian cinema has become very good and worth watching. Hallie, Miracle Maker, The letter writer, Charly, 2002, etc. They have become elegant in their films and refined in their messages. This movie made me cry and you empathize with all the characters. Very good.
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Inspirational and heart touching
jabesmrenedo18 August 2023
It is a very inspiring movie. Certainty as a Christian movie it presents good conservative moral values. The actors play a very strong and convincing role. Maybe the scenery and the script is simple but the message is strong and it reaches the heart and tha attention during the full movie. It would have been interesting that the stories narrated by the main character could be dramatized this would be for me the only lack in the movie. Very recommended for a reflection in these days of so squeeze moral values. A strong call for the relevance of speaking the truth and being trustworthy. Bible is also enhanced as the trustful word of God.
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destonivaughn4 May 2024
This film was inspiring and very warm. I loved it from the beginning to the ending. Usually when I watch movies where we get a flash forward , I would've love to see the developments of the other characters but I know that's a luxury. The movie in itself has a great plot, buildup and end. Every character chosen played their roles to a T and I couldn't complain. The movie genuinely gave a great pure feeling as if I were presently there. This is one movie I would recommend to any and all age groups. I can definitely see myself hitting the re button on the playlist for Pureflix. Great job everyone.
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