Our House (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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Decent ghost story which deserves more credit
kathryncampe13 June 2020
I really don't think this movie deserves some of the bad reviews. It's not a ground breaking horror film and it's not trying to terrify or gross you out with gore, it's just a simple ghost story but one worth watching.

Not as much as a slow burn as I was lead to believe, I think it builds suspense well. If you want something action packed and "scary" this isn't it but it is an enjoyable watch and I always think with effective ghost stories less is more.
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ebeckstr-14 January 2019
I give this little independent flick a lot of credit for investing in character development. It would have been more typical for there to be rivalry or infighting among the three siblings - in other words, boring, cliched melodrama. Instead, there is quite a lovely sense of loyalty between the two brothers and their little sister. In addition, the three leads are quite good actors, and I expect as they gain experience will become excellent.

Cons include the performance of the actress who plays Hannah, the oldest brother's science partner. Granted, she doesn't have much to work with, but she delivers most of her lines in monotone, lifeless fashion. Also, about 1:16 minutes into the movie it becomes somewhat preposterous and certainly too melodramatic. Finally, the last con is the atrocious anonymous pop song that plays over the last few minutes of the movie. Completely unnecessary, and really ruins the last few scenes the characters have together. It's the kind of thing we often see in John Hughes movies. Perfectly fine and expected in a 1980s teen comedy-drama, but a real non-sequitur in this kind of movie, not to mention passe.

That said, Our House is worth watching for fans of supernatural thrillers and ghost flicks. There is nothing original here, but the script is stronger than usual, and the filmmakers and cast were clearly invested in the project.
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Our House: Distinctly average stuff
Platypuschow18 December 2018
A remake of Ghost from the Machine (2010) this mid range horror stars Thomas Mann in a science meets supernatural effort.

A Netflix original it's the very definition of average. Usual cliches, usual horror tropes, average cast, average performances, average effects and average degree of originality.

The whole thing is therefore just so, average! It's watchable stuff in fact the concept behind the movie is fairly interesting but the creators don't think outside the box and instead play it safe making a generic Hollywood style horror.

I'd never recommend this, not because it's bad but because it's just so unremarkable.

The Good:

Couple of good ideas

The Bad:

Everything is just so average

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I didn't know that Emma Gonzalez was an actor!

Each year Thomas Mann looks goofier
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Middle of the road, but far from bad
julienicholson-121683 April 2019
I actually enjoyed Our House. I wasn't expecting to, but the reviews don't really do it justice. It's slow to start and no jump scares, if you're looking for a great film for a teens sleepover, or something spooky to watch with 'children' this is a lovely little creepy film that won't be giving anyone nightmares.

The action is fairly slow paced but the characters are likeable and well rounded on the whole. Just enjoy it for what it is, a spooky movie with no sex, not much in the way of violence, no swearing. As horrors go, it's pretty wholesome.
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Cracking little indy sci-fi horror!
Devils_advocake10 November 2018
I love it when you take a punt on a film and it turns out to be as good as this! It's as cheap as chips but a great ghost story with fantastic acting from the main characters especially little Kate Moyer who is very convincing for such a young actress! It's as much about family loss as it is about Science fiction. Its incredibly well filmed with a great soundtrack! Give it a watch!
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mikedegroot1 August 2018
'Our House' is not the worst movie I've seen but it certainly isn't the most exciting. The first half feels like nothing more than a sad family story. The second half throws in a few scares, but really not much else. Pretty much all of the horror aspects of the film could be condensed into a two minute short. Kinda slow, nothing revolutionary, and very average. It's not that's it's bad, it's just not good either.
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Better then expected.
Sleepin_Dragon6 November 2018
I'm not someone that likes to classify films under a particular category, but if I was pushed, I'd say this comes under melodrama, the horror element is very minor, only at the end do you get tinges of horror. It's kind of a family tragedy, mixed in with elements of Stranger things. In spite of that I really rather liked it, it has a bit of originality, it has plenty of expectation, albeit those expectations aren't fully realised, but has some very well rounded characters. The horror elements when they come are fairly minor, but the gas visual works well. For me this is a film that deals with grief more then anything.

Don't expect to be scared, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it. 6/10
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A good effort, but lacks in atmosphere and horror.
awfulketchup29 July 2018
This reminded me of the simple days of early 90's where horror movies were experimental and had an enjoyable premise.

Now i didn't entirely dislike this movie, it has its shortcomings. The scare factor was very downplayed but the concept kept me entertained.

Its a good effort for a horror movie but i wish they had more fun doing something memorable to give a lasting impression.

You'll probably like this movie if you want something more simple to digest when theres nothing else to watch.

Other than that i don't know how to recommend this for you.
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not scary but not bad either
Laiath27 July 2018
This is more a story about loss and coping, so the drama component is stronger than horror. It's really not bad for its kind and deserves credit for avoiding jump scares. Could be watched if you aren't expecting something truly scary.
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A very mediocre paranormal movie
LISA20507 June 2020
Ummm..... It's more of a drama with a hint of paranormal activity in the movie. It's not scary. It won't give you nightmares. But if you are ever in a situation where you have lost a loved one, you probably will find some parts of the movie relatable. Don't rush to watch this movie. I recommend watching it when you run out of other movies to watch.
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Loveable Cast
subfarmia14 April 2019
This is not an exciting terrifying horror movie was lots of Gore and tricky things. No huge Stars. But what it is is a very atmospheric movie that is actually quite realistic. The thing that elevates it I believe is the cast. Not only is it well acted even the spikier brother is lovable. There is something about these kids and others in the movie that makes you truly feel their losses and makes you get behind them completely. I felt very invested in their story. I loved the kids were the intelligent Heroes of the story and work together. I personally thought this is a really good movie. I will be looking forward to seeing each one of these actors in their other projects.
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A sleeper turns creepy
michaelRokeefe22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A young man named Ethan (Thomas Mann) drops out of college to take care of his younger siblings after the death of his parents. He gives most of his spare attention to an invention he hopes will produce wireless electricity. His invention begins to arouse paranormal activity in the house. At first he believes it his father and mother. Or is it an unwanted malevolent entity wandering the house?? Not very scary, but your interest sure builds. The cast also features Robert B. Kennedy, Percy Hymes White, Nicola Peltz and scene stealing young Kate Moyer, as Becca.
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Haunting loss
TheLittleSongbird16 October 2018
Did find myself intrigued by 'Our House'. The cover looked creepy and the idea was an interesting one. Liked that the film aimed to combine horror and drama, seeing as both mixed has worked very well before ('Hereditary' being a great recent example). It didn't look too bad and found myself not deterred by low ratings and reviews as much as other recent film viewings, as while neither were great they weren't poor either.

'Our House' didn't blow me away admittedly, it is problematic and it could have balanced the horror and drama better as well as doing more with both of them individually too. It is a relief though that 'Our House' wasn't terrible, especially considering the general standard of films that have a few similar ideas, and that it was watchable if more a difficult one to rate and review sort of film instead of falling in either extreme of good or bad.

While clearly not made on a lavish or high budget, 'Our House' looks pretty decent. It's atmospherically lit, has a spooky setting and there is a slickness in the photography. Some nice eeriness in the music and the melancholy seen in the earlier family drama scenes boasts moments of poignancy.

The acting may not be mind-blowing but it did look as if there was an effort to invest in their roles and situation, there is personality and it doesn't go too over the top. There are some creepy and suspenseful moments here, just wish there was more.

However, 'Our House' does have faults. It does take far too long to get going, with a long-winded beginning that feels over-stretched and not as interesting as it could have been. Have to agree with others too that for the horror elements it is far too tame and no real sense of dread or jeopardy. it is not scary, nor is it particularly interesting. Tension and suspense is nowhere near enough and the too infrequent scares tend to be too obvious and didn't feel much palm-sweating or heart-stopping here. Much of it is basically formulaic storytelling, that is also on the dull side, with a general lack of suspense or surprise and too much drama, which was poignant at times but also on the half-baked side as an overall whole, and not enough horror

Furthermore, 'Our House' has a banal script that has no flow or substance and direction that suggests their heart was not in it or at ease with the material. The pacing on the most part is perfunctory.

Concluding, watchable but didn't quite do it for me. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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MeMyselfOnline1 August 2018
I've just woken up from this film having just bored me to sleep.

After around 20+ minutes of absolutely nothing happening and metronome music it was impossible to stay awake.

If you want to watch three boring people repeat the same boring day, desperately wishing you were being entertained in even the slightest way - this is right up your street.
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Who hired these actors
Pnkprinses30917 June 2020
Cute movie, not scary, and the twist(s?) is predictable but ultimately makes for an interesting commentary on grief making you see what you wanna see no matter what. More emotional coming of age than horror.

But the major flaw: That blonde, thin valley girl? She's supposedly not only a scientist, but SUPER into and dating a meh looking and meh personality nerd. Yeah, a supernatural event is more believable than that.
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Draysan-Jennings6 June 2020
Saw this on the Netflix Top 10 so I decided to give it a shot. I thought it was extremely slow and boring. I wouldn't call this a horror film. Nothing scary about this movie whatsoever. Two thumbs down 👎👎
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Creative: Science meets Horror !!
jlaws-851002 October 2020
Thomas Mann actually leading this movie, instead of being the idiot sidekick (see Beautiful Creatures et al), and doesn't do half bad in this decent plot that will leave you impressed by the ending, and tense throughout 😳👻👀
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Don't waste your time!
Mary1337hax5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
HOW does this so high in rating? In my opinion, the high reviews seems bought. Because the scare level is 1,5. The ghostly stuff (added effects) is a 0. The music is a 7. The acting is a 3. I just don't understand.

The plot is very unbelievable. 10 min in to the movie, a tragic accident happens. With 0 character development, I feel sorry for no one. It felt like "Hmm, we need something to happen in the movie so we can continue it."

1 adult, 1 teen and 1 kid believes that mommy and daddy are there in presence. The twist at the end with the neighbor seems sooo rushed.
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Horror/Drama with a new twist. Could have done better though
nikhil_kamra3 May 2020
This is a slow burn movie. And can get a bit boring as well. Especially if you watch it with the sole intention of watching a horror movie. The movie is more of a drama, than horror.

The first two acts were very slow but well done as you get to see these siblings live their lives without their parents and establishes some groundwork towards the audience relating to the characters or at least getting to know them better.

The third act could have been better. Considering the unique element of sci-fi they pulled to bring in the horror, it would have been better if they chose a unique take on the ending as well. But it's just like any other horror movie. Nothing original there. It's the same old troupes. Even the ominous ending is there. Pretty cliche.

Regardless, it's an above average movie, that deserves at least a 6-6.5/10.

A good attempt, but needs quite a bit of work. Also, Thomas Mann is quite good. He's not great (YET) but in the recently emerging actors, he's a good one. I wish he'd come in some more mainstream movies or hollywood movies too. It's always good to see him on screen.

Please note that this movie has only one or two jump scares, and is more drama than horror. Set your expectations accordingly.
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A horror movie almost completely devoid of horror
romneymeredith21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Before I really get into this movie, let me say that the acting was sufficient. However, the director allowed the movie to plod inexorably long for most of it without any true scares whatsoever, and the few that were present fizzled out predictably. It's not until about 17 minutes left in this movie that anything significant starts to happen (a disappearing/reappearing toolbox is not my idea of horror). Mind you, Netflix shows a TV-MA rating and I saw no evidence that it's other than a Brady Bunch PG-13 movie, IF THAT. I am a huge horror fan, not just the top-of-the-line flicks but also the Bs and some Cs - for example, last night I watched the Argentinian sub-titled The Cannibal Club on TubiTV that is rated R, essentially TV-MA, but which delivered some shocking horror scenes completely alien to this movie. And they spread them sparsely throughout the movie which makes it much more effective.

Now, if you still want to watch this movie, stop reading now. SPOILERS!!! NO ONE dies or is even injured in this TV-MA 'horror' movie - how is that possible??? And the few scenes they deign to show the viewer where someone is in peril leaves no doubt they'll be rescued. Not a single person in the movie was harmed to the extent that they even needed a Band-Aid. Someone mentioned there's a beautiful girl in it - yes there is but she has the brains of a squirrel. She supposedly was living with the young genius who co-designed the machine and had the same knowledge, and apparently loved him, but when he met with her to tell her the machine was bringing his parents' spirits back into the house she blew him off - this, after 3 months of waiting for him to get over grieving for his parents' sudden death. Who does that? Why wouldn't she at least go over to the house and make him prove it? And the repetitiveness of the days going by - OMG, like Groundhog Day. They get up in the morning and someone has reset this manual calendar to the current day, over and over again.

Everyone who is a horror fan KNOWS that if you awaken spirits that you think are your loved ones it almost always turns out they're evil - see Poltergeist and Pet Semetary for examples - they're just masquerading. Oh, yeah, this young genius also works as a retail cashier at some kind of electronics store yet we're supposed to believe he's working on a machine that will create wireless electricity to power your smartphone as you walk in the door and power machines without cords that will revolutionize the world? I'm surprised he wasn't slinging double mochas at a Starbucks! He couldn't get a paid internship with a major physics thinktank???

Some have mentioned a twist - please, you could see it coming 20 minutes earlier. A next-door neighbor who has seen what he thinks is his dead wife confronts the young genius and finds out that the machine is causing it, so of course later he steals it to bring her back and that's when the last 17 minutes finally awakens the movie from a coma to a semi-coma. And everything ends fine, and the family moves out only for us to see in the final scene the head of a doll in a box that the little girl had left behind for Alice, a spirit that she had befriended. Original, right? As original as a '?' at the end of a 1950s B sci-fi. No explanation given as to how that was possible because only the machine's amplified signal could give the spirits enough power to project themselves into the real world and the young genius had smashed it to pieces during the last 8 or so minutes of the movie.

Those who think this movie is really good have no experience with really good horror movies and I feel sorry for them because they must have been watching total dreck to think this was good.
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Interesting Take On Ghosts
twelve-house-books29 July 2018
Watch this and it'll be sort of like watching a Brady Bunch episode about ghosts. Well, sort of. I expected it to be tons scarier than it was. But that seems to be the new 2018 trend--promise but then don't deliver. And weirdly enough, I like it that way. I'm tired of jump scares and extremely evil Mama/Devil's Backbone/Hellraiser characters. It was time for something fresh, and this new crop of Ghost Stories seems to be doing the trick.
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A decent thriller/horror
JobsBronson19 October 2020
A very interesting movie with not a lot of scares but more atmospheric. The kind of movie that it is intelligent enough to show its cards little by little causing that you do not realize that it has passed an hour and the movie it is about to end. Besides that, it has a beautiful message of family ties.
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Hard to watch
jldmorris10 June 2020
Nothing happened for literally 30 minutes. Lots of really long pauses, no content. And not scary AT ALL. Total waste of time. Turned it off at the hour mark when I just got really frustrated with how boring and lack of action there was.
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Big Snore Fest That Drags
zac-682744 June 2020
Pointless scenes that dragged on and on and finally 1 answered question solved all the cornball occurrences.
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More interesting than scary
cbnewham12 June 2020
A typical tale of bringing back what should probably remain dead. The first half is rather prolonged and not very exciting. The second half is a lot better. That's not to say it's a bad film at all. It's very well acted and it's obvious they've done the best job on a limited budget.

The only part that I didn't like was the final few minutes. Playing Fiction Factory's "(Feels like) Heaven" over the final scenes (which also included dialogue) just didn't fit at all. Almost as if the director or producer really liked that song and said "I MUST have it in the movie!".

I feel a shock ending would have been better - especially given the range of the device - revealing unintended consequences elsewhere.

A solid seven stars for this one. Well worth a watch.
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