50 Reviews
A sensationally good, an thus rare, film about male friendship
Mengedegna11 May 2023
These days, when the emphasis in so many independent films is (for completely understandable reasons of prior neglect) on the feelings and relationships of women, here is a film that strides unapologetically into unusual territory - the complex emotional ties of two straight men who (with sometimes lengthy absences) have been close friends since boyhood. This is not to be confused with banal bromance films, with their pat tropes and (in too many cases) their uneasy joking about (yuk!) gayness. This is about two guys who sincerely, deeply love each other, even as they seek out and experience sexual intimacy with women. Could it be that the subtlety with which their relationship is portrayed was made possible by the many fine woman-centric films we have seen of late and that explore similar themes? Whatever, because it avoids clichés and cheap high-emotion plot twists (there are so many sequences when I braced for these and then, blessedly, they don't come), the film is deeply moving, and this avoidance of the explicit and the obvious places it, for me at least, on a higher plane than other recent efforts that cover similar territory (the recent, and in its own way excellent, Belgian film "Close", for example, in which the sexual pull between two early-adolescent boys is more fully developed, or the comparatively overblown "Banshees of Inisherin", which hammers away at you with cheaper, plot-driven superficiality).

The story is made all the more powerful by its examination of the complex relationships of the two boys, and later young men, with their respective fathers, and particularly with the father of Pietro, the narrator, (masterfully played by Filippo Timi) who, we eventually understand, became a central influence in the lives of both. The father of Bruno, the other protagonist, remains an unseen, malign presence -- though he does seem to have appeared in earlier cuts, since IMDB lists a credit for him. (Though the film in its present form clocks in at 2h27min, one does get the sense that there's a lot that ended up on the cutting room floor, which possibly accounts for how the later Nepal-located episodes seem somewhat underdeveloped and undermotivated. I would love to see a director's cut - I imagine it would be even richer and more rewarding.)

The acting throughout is on the highest level, including in the roles of the two protagonists as boys and as grown men. Luca Marinelli, in particular, who plays Pietro as a young adult, gives a stunning, understated, totally credible and moving performance. (He bears a striking resemblance to the young Gael Garcia Bernal, although, on the evidence of this film, his gifts as an actor may be greater.) The majesty of the mountain scenery (in the alpine Aosta valley) is stunningly portrayed and acts a glue to the film, grounding it in a specific reality and binding the characters to each other.

The one false note (if you will pardon the pun) lies in the soundtrack, which unaccountably draws on the English-language bleatings of a Swedish singer/songwriter named Daniel Norgren, who makes great, and to my mind cheesy, use of the organ. When the latter swells up at key moments, some of the air gets sucked out of the film's emotions. In a film of such delicacy and acuteness of observation, these moments seem like intrusions. This is one of those films that doesn't need music to make its impact, and the directors should perhaps have had the courage to leave well enough alone, as demonstrated by a few, hugely powerful shots that occur in near-total silence. But, with something this fine overall, that is a quibble.
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Beautiful film about mountains and friendship
rubenm24 December 2022
Felix Van Groeningen, the director of The Eight Mountains, was born and raised in an area that's as flat as a pancake. I know, because I live there. There are no mountains in Flanders.

Maybe it takes a flatlander like Van Groeningen to really appreciate the beauty of mountains. His film starts with magnificent images of the Italian Alps, the area where The Eight Mountains takes place. In fact, the whole movie seems to be an ode to the beauty of the mountains. The vistas from the highest summits and the calm of a mountain lake: the images are magnificent.

And so is the story of the two friends, who both love those mountains. As a child, city dweller Pietro befriends Bruno, who lives in a small mountain village. Their friendship continues when they are adults. The film shows how they both try to shape their lives, each in their own way. Both are drawn to the mountains, but in different ways.

Van Groeningen, together with his wife Charlotte Vandermeersch, has made a beautiful and poetic movie about the friendship between Bruno and Pietro. The two men don't show their emotions easily, and the film doesn't aim for easy effects either. In an understated, subtle way, the movie shows how their lives divert, but remain connected through their mutual love for the mountains. It's well directed, well acted and beautifully filmed. This film will find a natural audience: the readers of Paolo Cognetti's bestseller it's based on. But those who haven't read the book might also be fascinated by the friendship between Pietro and Bruno.
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An epic tale translated beautifully to the screen.
hendrikdeachtste2 January 2023
Felix Van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch succeeded magnificently in bringing the epic tale of Paolo Cognetti about relationships between people and people and mountains to the big screen.

With Luca Marinelli and Alessandro Borghi the main characters were brought alive by probably two of the biggest talents in acting Italy has to offer at the moment.

The mountain scenery is simply stunning and the stuff that every mountain enthusiast's dreams are made of. However, you want to keep your eyes wide open for this picture. Neither flashy nor slow, this movie takes the time to tell a story, without it getting tedious at any point. It gives you the space to take it all in and it allows one's emotions to come into their own.
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Highly recommend
rune-andresen16 January 2023
This movie is beautiful. It's about life, childhood, living the life, death, existential crisis and friendship. It's a slow burner but never boring - on the contrary - you want to know the whole story about the two main characters and how they end up in life.

The scenery is stunning - from the alps to the Himalayas.

This is not pure entertainment- more like reading a book with pure wisdom and plenty of life experience. I suspect the story will stay with me for days or weeks. The acting is top notch.

However, this is the very opposite to the pure entertaining Hollywood movie, and is maybe not optimal for a Friday night after a long workweek.
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An epic achievement for Felix Groeningen
laurent-3991514 December 2022
I was completely seduced from start to finish by the atmosphere, by the tenderness and the love that emerges from the fantastic story of this friendship.

The images are sublime and authentic. We can very well feel the influences of Sean Penn's "Into The Wild" in this film.

The music is also superb. I recommend to all movie buffs. For this me, this movie has it all.

The images of nature are breathtaking and remind us of the difficulties of living in the mountains. This film exudes authenticity and true relationships between humans.

The Italian actors are incredibly accurate.

It reminded me of the 70's.

I warmly recommend.
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a deep human relationship
info-1378030 December 2022
This is a very special film about a lifelong friendship between Bruno (Alessandro Borghi) and Pietro (Luca Marinelli). Bruno was born and raised in the mountain, while Pietro learned to love the mountain through his father (Filippo Timi) but he is from the big city, Turin.

Felix Groeningen and are people from flatlands, but sincerely fascinated by the book and learned to love high mountain. This is a film about this friendship, often silent and distant, but very deep ubreakable. It's also a film about the few Europeans who still love places of great beauty but distant from social interaction and the comfort of technology. As at one point Bruno says he is good at one thing: to live alone on the mountain. This is a quality that is more and more rare and the directors have made a great film.
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Prepare to cry
martinpersson9717 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This epic drama chronocling a friendship is truly a masterpiece, and one of the best films of the year for sure - of not even the best.

In Sweden (whose composer did the music for this film, by the way), it was part of the "Cinema Pass", showcasing great smaller films, and this one is very much deserving of such an honor and awards. It is incredibly beautifully shot, cinematographied and edited. The imagery it features is simply beautiful.

What really makes it shine, though, is the excellent acting and the emotional script - it is simply so well-written, so heart wrenching and so subtle.

It is somber, somewhat tragic, yet still conveys a beautiful outlook.

Very much recommended!
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The Eight Mountains
CinemaSerf18 May 2023
"Pietro" (a scene stealing Lupo Barbiero) is a young boy taken by his mother from their home in Turin to a small mountain village where amongst the dozen or so residents he befriends "Bruno" (Cristiano Sassella). The latter boy lives with his cheese-making uncle, content to follow in his footsteps. After a few trips, the visiting family decide to offer "Bruno" an opportunity for education in the city, but when that comes a cropper the two boys become a bit estranged not just from each other, but "Pietro" from his dad (Filippo Timi) too. It is only when his father dies that "Pietro" (now Luca Marinelli) returns to the mountain where he is reintroduced to "Bruno" (Alessandro Borghi) and advised that his father has left him a ramshackle cottage high above the snow line. The two set about restoring this ruin and simultaneously rediscover their friendship. What now ensues is a throughly engaging story of two men reconciling their similarities and their differences. The one content to live as his predecessors had, the other restless and ill-focussed. The treacherous mountain is but one of the challenges the men face as they grow older and world-wearier. The narrative also illustrates just how tough subsistence living - especially in any traditional sense - can be, and at times the despair is palpable. That said, there is plenty of understated joy here, too. This isn't a depressing watch, it's actually quite an illuminating and uplifting one that I really did enjoy for just shy of the 2½ hours running time. The acting is good, the writing is plausible and the photography: the drones are put to great effect bringing us the beauty and hostility of this enthralling environment. It's a film about friendship and integrity, this - warts and all - and it also warns us of the dangers to rural livelihoods if left unsupported and neglected by society at large - especially those urban amongst us, safely ensconced behind our double gazing. Thought-provoking with a characterful richness - well worth settling down to watch.
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Visually stunning, well casted movie about your relationships towards others and nature
BrentVanderSijpe-112 January 2023
It took me some weeks to properly put my thoughts about this movie into words. I haven't read the book, although I am definitely planning to. For what I've heard, the movie is mostly true to the original story by Paola Cognetti.

The movie was filmed and produced during the Covid-pandemic. Felix Van Groeningen, Charlotte Vandermeersch and the film crew stayed near the mountains during the shoot. This embodies in a way the self-sought isolation in the mountains of one of the main characters Bruno.

The music nicely complements the documentary-like, authentic images of the breath-taking nature - a term clearly only used by city people.

This is not your average "wanderlust" movie. Le Otto Montagne is about a difficult father-son relationship which could have been totally different if they knew each other at different times. It is a movie about the quest to finding yourself which everyone strays or should stray by themselves. Most of all, it is about the strong relationship based on the mutual love for the mountains between two life-long friends, who do not have to hear or see each other every week or month to maintain it. A relationship strong enough to easily overcome disputes, misfortunes and most importantly time is something rare and special and something I wish for everybody.

I saw the movie at the end of 2022 and it easily became my top movie of that year. 10/10.
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Beautiful -but something is missing
LyceeM1629 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The scenery is beautiful, the acting works- and yet something in the heart of the story seems missing. Caveat- I have not read the book so I do not know if there is something missing there as well. Movies don't need to spell everything out (of course) but there are many places in the film where there is not enough in the film to support key facets or turning points in the film. The rupture in the relationship between Pietro and his father- and the subsequent regrets, for example. The relationship between Pietro's family and Bruno. The effect on Pietro's romantic relationship of his friendship with Bruno and his sudden departures. And of course, is this relationship a pure friendship or did one or the other or both have homoerotic feelings for the other? And then there are the final conclusions Pietro utters-these seem at odds with what the film has been saying all along. Why the shift? In the end, the key events and shifts in plot and character come across as abrupt and without a solid foundation.

With all this, I can guess of course but some view of the underpinnings is necessary for me to care.
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Mountains are the ultimate metaphors for life
mateuszmiter17 July 2023
There are certain movies in modern cinema that have an abstract length and tempo. They're often hard to describe and sometimes even tougher to sit through. At the same time, they work somewhat like a time travel machine. Suddenly, everything stops and life flashes before your eyes. Before you even realize it, you're contemplating the sense of your life and are forced to evaluate the decisions you made and the person you've become. You either love it or you hate it.

In 2021, Drive My Car by Ryusuke Hamaguchi was a pitch-perfect example of such cinema. Now, it's almost impossible not to feel similarly about The Eight Mountains by Felix Van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch.

The film follows a simple yet complex story of Pietro, who visits an almost abandoned mountain village as a child with his mother during summer. There, he meets Bruno, a boy his age who's one of the 14 citizens who have stayed following an "industrial revolution." Their lives vary on every possible level.

Pietro is a city-raised boy, with all the flashy clothes and fancy Adidas on his feet, while Bruno wears the same dirty bags and has to take care of cattle. The former is successful in school, while the second struggles to read. Yet, they form a connection that, to much of their surprise, would hold them together until the end of their lives.

At first sight, The Eight Mountains feels like an ordinary story of friendship that was lost in time, yet marks its return in an unexpected fashion as both Bruno and Pietro (now adults) find themselves building a house together. A house, that was a dream of Pietro's father, who doesn't really have a significant relationship with his son but has found an oddly, though, understandably, strong bond with Bruno instead.

The friendship between Pietro and Bruno is a feat so incredibly acted and written, with its subtlety telling us more emotions than any words could have, that it's definitely a perfect choice to have it as a main story. What does true friendship mean? And how much can it take? Does it have boundaries, and if so, can they ever be crossed? You'll find answers to these questions here. But The Eight Mountains is much more than that.

It's a tale about stepping out of your parents' shadow, yet struggling to cut away the same (often toxic) habits they had. It's about searching for your own purpose, while also trying to fulfill your parents' wishes and dreams. It's about looking for your own place in the world in light of always being the second choice among the people you know, but still coming back and finding happiness and solace with them. It's about crossing your own limits in your head but failing plenty of times along the way.

The list of themes in The Eight Mountains is definitely a lengthy one. Such cases are often a recipe for messy productions that struggle to keep viewers' attention. This time around, it's also not perfect. There are moments when you start crying, only to wipe your tears and focus again on the short but important conversations, with dramatic, almost thriller-like music suddenly playing in the background. Then you're back to crying but also holding your breath.

Yes, The Eight Mountains can be sometimes hard to keep track of. With all its emotional themes and rhythmical rollercoaster, you will find yourself confused, just like I did. Still, it does an even better job of gluing you back into the screen, not only due to the story but the monumental views it shows.

The majority of the movie takes place somewhere in Italian Alps. While I've never personally seen this part of the world, I don't need any convincing anymore to do so. The film is shot masterfully, with the camera often zooming out and transforming the main characters into a small element of the background, while the astonishing mountains take the main stage.

There aren't many moments like these in The Eight Mountains, but when they strike, they do so with full force. With an inspiration surely taken from a movie like Into the Wild (2007), it feels somewhat familiar, but it doesn't take away the pleasure and with its unusual narrow camera angle, it's certainly special.

On top of that, these mountains, cliffs, edges, and so on aren't only there to take your breath away. They're a perfect metaphor for the story. "The mountain is a way of living life. One step in front of the other, silence, time and measure," says Bruno throughout the film.

The Eight Mountains is an incredibly ambitious project which tells numerous stories, all connected to each other. Pietro's journey to self-discovery is one that won't grab everyone's attention at first sight, but those who give it a try and have some patience will certainly be rewarded with a mix of emotions. Emotions, that take your heart by storm and won't let go.

You either love or hate this kind of cinema, and I unquestionably belong to the first group. After watching The Eight Mountains, you will love it as well.
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The Eight Mountains is extremely beautiful and well-acted, but slightly underwhelming
chenp-5470831 January 2023
Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival

"The Eight Mountains" is a story about two young Italian boys spend their childhoods together in a secluded alpine village roaming the surrounding peaks and valleys before their paths diverge. Felix van Groeningen is a filmmaker I have seen previously and I haven't been too big with his works as his works were mainly a bit cheesy for my taste. This being a collaborated project with Charlotte Vandermeersch, this took a different shift.

The film has extremely beautiful camerawork, visual presentation, and sound designs as the film does a pretty good job showing the beautiful landscapes of Italy and the environment. The countryside presentation remained me of aspects from "Brokeback Mountain" or any films from Terrence Malick. The costumes and visual aspects of the film were the selling points of this film. With the characters explored, the film does explore themes of friendship, loss and social conflicts between society and while the film does have good moments, the themes felt a little dull as they felt unevenly explored. Many of the performances from the cast members were pretty good. Even the child actors were really good as well.

However, I wasn't able to fully connect with this film as I was hoping for. There are many great elements that could have been better like some of the characters relationships and conflicts could have been explored a little more and the pacing could have been improved as it did drag a little. Some dialogue moments were really bad. Overall, this isn't a bad film and there are a lot to appreciate, but it was a bit underwhelming since this was one of my anticipated films from Sundance.

Rating: B-
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farhad-maghsoudi20 February 2023
I haven't read the book but based on the movie alone I must say the characters and storyline didn't engage me at all. The movie doesn't do much to make the audience get involved in the characters' psyche nor does it attempt to make you interested through the plot. You basically listen to the narrator explaining (with little success) how the author sees things topped by sparsely distributed conversation between the two main characters. On the plus side, the scenery was visually appealing but I must say there are tons of such clips available on the internet these days, you don't need to go to a movie to see that. The Eight Mountains was a disappointment.
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A Tale of Two Children...
Xstal15 May 2023
As children (during summer holidays in the Italian Alps) two young boys become acquainted, with a purity and innocence that's well painted, bonding as brothers in a way, having great fun the days they play, quite different backgrounds, but that affect, is far from tainted. As they get older their own journeys change direction, until one loses a father, then reconnection, and a project is established, to realise the one that's passed wish, and from the rubble and old wood, there's introspection. As time passes they move on to different glades, one travels, one a family does raise, but like the land with all those highs, there are some lows that can capsize, as life can be transformed, by where you graze.
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gbill-748778 September 2023
"I felt like I had missed out on the most important things, while I was busy with other things so futile I couldn't even remember them."

Breathtaking scenery, emotional story. It touches on so many things: childhood friendship extended into adulthood, parental estrangement and regret, finding one's path in life, be it more or less travelled, and cycles repeating themselves, sometimes in good ways, sometimes bad. In some ways the film moves slowly, allowing the viewer to soak in the quiet lifestyle and contemplate along with the characters, and in other ways, quickly, not finishing every conversation or connecting all the dots. I loved this approach, and the power in the story. This one is a gem.
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Nice To Look At, But Not as Profound as It Thinks It Is
brentsbulletinboard1 September 2023
Considering the importance of friendship in our lives, it's somewhat surprising that there aren't more movies devoted to this subject. But perhaps that's because it's difficult to make truly engaging films that effectively address this topic. Such is the case with this would-be grand sweeping epic set against the mountain landscapes of Italy and Nepal. In this tale of life-long friendship and self-discovery, directors Felix van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch attempt to examine these issues through the complex relationship of two boyhood chums (Luca Martinelli, Alessandro Borghi) over the course of four subsequent decades. Unfortunately, the film seeks to cover so much ground (and lacks the kind of clarity required to do so) that much of the narrative seems muddled, meandering and just plain dull. The filmmakers try to paper over this central shortcoming with its visually stunning cinematography, which is so impressive in itself that it almost makes the picture worth watching. However, given the overall lack of focus, snail-like pacing and inclusion of too much easily removed extraneous material, the visuals are not enough to overcome a script that's not as profound as it likes to think it is. Moreover, the chemistry between the two protagonists is often unconvincing and unclear as to what the true nature of their connection is supposed to be, making it hard to believe that they're genuinely the good friends that the directors are attempting to claim they are (or, strangely enough at times, that they're perhaps more than just the friends that they allegedly are). In the picture's defense, it improves somewhat the further one gets into the story, but so much narrative clutter has preceded this that it's difficult to muster much enthusiasm for how events play out. And, despite a supposedly uplifting message, this offering has a profound level of sadness attached to it that the filmmakers try to deflect with a sense of overblown phony nobility that, even if widely held, fails to muster the empathy it tries to generate with audience members. Friendship is indeed something that deserves wider attention in the cinematic landscape, but this release is not the way to go about it.
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The last word belongs to the mountain
vatnajokull9 June 2023
Having been living near mountain in Iceland and inspired by a visit to the Dolomites, I love to read books and watch films about live in mountains.

Eight Mountains is an enthralling cinematic experience that immerses audiences in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Alps and Himalaya. Based on Paolo Cognetti's acclaimed novel, the film delves into the profound themes of friendship, isolation, and the complex dynamics between fathers and sons.

Eight Mountains shares thematic similarities with the critically acclaimed film Into the Wild. Both films encapsulate the search for personal meaning and the longing to break free from societal constraints.

Eight Mountains struck a personal chord. The film beautifully captures the allure and transformative power of these natural wonders. The breathtaking visuals transported me back to the mountains, reminding me of the profound impact they had on my own life.
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Beautifully filmed but no real story
dlmiley28 August 2023
I watched "The Eight Mountains"(Italian: Le otto montagne) which is a 2022 Italian drama film co-directed by Felix van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch on the Criterion Channel. The film depicts a friendship between two men (Luca Marinelli and Alessandro Borghi) who spend their childhood together in a remote Alpine village and reconnect later as adults. Beautifully filmed on location in the Italian Alps (although the cinematographer used a strange aspect ratio of 1.33:1 - why use a SD TV ratio?) it is also very well acted by the two leads. I was also impressed with the performances of the actors (Andrea Palma and Francesco Palombelli) who play the younger versions of the two leads. However, the story itself is slow-moving, disjointed, and to me, not very involving. The director and writer need to realize that there is more to filmmaking other than cinematic beauty - one can see the Alps in a Natgeo special in High definition - there is no real "meat" to the story. So, I cannot give this film my highest recommendation, but I would suggest you try to find it and make up your own mind. 6/10.
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One of the best movies
simonamatis13 April 2023
When I saw the trailer I was not surprised. But after watching the movie, everything changed. The story is true and full of suspense. The characters play so well, they knew how to convey all their experiences. It's a very realistic film, just like the daily life of a man, with good, happy but also sad days that you wish would end. You can find yourself in this story, searching for your own path in life, but also the pain of separation from loved ones. You live the film. The landscapes are beautiful.

It seems that today quality films can still be made.

Worth revisiting many times. Congratulations!
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Higher and higher
Horst_In_Translation8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Le otto montagne" or "The Eight Mountains" is a relatively new film as this one premiered in 2022 and has by now reached movies theaters in most countries, especially in Europe. The writer and director is Felix van Groeningen, which may explain why Belgium is one of the three production countries here. It is also an Italian co-production and the reasons there are the base material, where the film is set and, as a consequence, also the language spoken in here and of course also where the lead actors come from. With the French influence, I am struggling to find an explanation. As for van Groeningen, I will always remember him for his Oscar-nominated "The Broken Circle Breakdown", a film I really liked. I liked it more than "Beautiful Boy", the film he made afterwards, which maybe also had to do with who played the title character. Anyway, it has been almost five years now between "Beautiful Boy" and his new film and these years flew by quickly. Nice to see him back. In several of his films, van Groeningen had his wife Charlotte Vandermeersch play (minor) characters, but this time she is credited as co-writer and co-director. Solid rise for her. It is not the first time she helped her man with the screenplay, but in terms of being equals (at least according to the credits) it is. And with directing, it is definitely the first time too. This is a really long film at almost 2.5 hours, so nothing wrong with two directors, and it is based on a novel by Paolo Cognetti and this is not his only work that got turned into a movie, not even in recent years. Good for him.

The two leads are Luca Marinelli, who reminded me of Jake Gyllenhaal and Oscar Isaac and who is most known for playing Martin Eden, and Alessandro Borghi, who may not be famous outside Italy, but this could change soon and anyway looking at all the awards attention he has scored in Italy, it is quite something too. As for this film here, the actors did not score a lot of awards attention, but the film overall managed to sneak in at times. The biggest triumph was probably the win in Cannes, not the big prize, but still not shabby at all. If I had to decide, then I would say that Borghi should have received the most awards attention from the cast. He was good. His screen time helps of course as he is clearly lead, even if not as much of a lead as Marinelli maybe as the film is told from the latter's character's perspective and he is also the narrator and reflects on what happened to himself and the people around him, especially his best buddy. This movie is about friendship between two males that started during childhood. We follow them through the years and they used several actors for this. The childhood inclusions like how one of them would maybe leave the countryside and go to school with the other was pretty interesting to watch. When they were older, but still not fully grown-up, it was not great, but the segment was short anyway and the two had almost no contact with each other anyway. The core story is when they meet again as grown-ups. Build a house together. Are interested in the same woman etc. Not a lot of comedy in here and when it is there, it is rather subtle like how one man cannot really get away from all the noise in the city when he is on the phone with his friend.

With the looks of the poster and the idea of two men up there in the mountains, one immediately thinks of "Brokeback Mountain" and in one scene when one character screams out the other's name, you could maybe also think of another Chalamet movie, not the one van Groeningen directed, so I was wondering if here we have a gay-themed movie. It was nothing explicit, but there were a few indicators that the guy who died in the end was more into his buddy than the other way around, even if he lived with a woman and fathered a girl. One indicator for me was the moment when he says that he won't be going anywhere after bis buddy says in a playful manner that up there in their shack he has all he needs. A second indicator would then be the potentially gay man's awkward response when he finds out his buddy has a girlfriend and the third indicator was how he orders his buddy so angrily to go to the mountain top right away, which to me sounded a lot like how he wants him to be courageous and not postpone important decisions. There was a similar aspect when he says something along the lines of how all that matters is what you do, not what you say. I am not sure if I remember this correctly. Of course, you can also make a connection there between these words and his early death. Towards the end, during the last encounter between the two men, it felt as if the guy from the mountains up there had already lost a bit of his sanity. As for the other one, the main character, he has his transformation too. The final hike in the mountains with his father and friend stayed in the mind for him when he was struggling physically and you could worry about him, even if you knew he would not die because you heard his voiceover narration already. And apparently this hike was motivation enough to live a life afterwards in which he overcomes these health issues and makes a living as a documentary filmmaker who spends a lot of time in mountains much higher than the Alps. In Asia. Interesting development, but not unrealistic. I know from myself that asthma for example gets better when you grow up and anyway, maybe he just needed a little longer to adapt to the surroundings than the other boy.

Both protagonists have difficult relationships with their fathers. We know that even if we do not meet the other boy's father at all. The one mother character that is included here is very loving and caring. Only once she gets a bit mad and it is not unjustified with the words said to her. I must say with this scene I was struggling a bit in general. I would have expected the main character there still as a boy to be happy that his buddy accompanies him to Turin and it did not feel too realistic that the boy was angry because he believes the other boy does not belong in the city. Seemed a bit as if the main character was depicted as more grown-up than he actually was. Another thing I did not like was how the main character behaved towards his dad, like he really hated him, but the father did not seem entirely unlikable to me, especially from a young boy's perspective. The words he said to him about failure when he was already considerably older seemed exaggerated too. In contrast to that, the interactions between the two boys were nice and not stressful at all. They were really harmonic with each other and it was good to see them play like boys again when they were grown men already. The film has great attention to detail and many beautiful camera shots. No surprise the cinematographer also scored some awards recognition. There are also many metaphors and symbolisms in here. Just look at the title. It was decent, but not one of my favorites. The question who is better I mean: the one in the middle or the one moving from one mountain to the next? Of course, the story about the birds eating the dead body and how it is given back to nature this way stays in the mind as well, especially with what happens in the end. Haunting thought though and I see it just like the two women and cannot decide either if it is disgusting or meaningful. Maybe a bit of both. My favorite metaphor from the movie, however, is the one linked to why nature is called nature. I never thought about it like this, but it felt really deep and touching for me. That we have to give it a name to mention something as a contrast to the cities we live in. People actually living in the nature rather use words like "river", "forest" and "mountain". I really loved this inclusion. I hope I can remember it for years to come.

But this film also elaborates on the cruelties of nature. Not only on what hungry birds do, but there is on a few occasions talk about how living in the nature can be really rough and even dangerous. Surely dangerous with what we see happened in the end there. So this is not a full-on romantic nature tribute by any means. It stays realistic and while it nicely gets through the spirit of two friends building a small shack up there in the mountains, it never forgets to put this area into perspective to the cruelties around it, even if the one who dies in the end says that the mountains have never treated him in a bad way. I think there is really a lot to discover here. I am honestly really glad that van Groeningen did not turn this into a (more obvious) gay-themed movie because I am sure this would have gotten people to only talk about that aspect there instead of talking about all the other beautiful aspects the film delivers. It is right the way it is. I also think the running time is fairly accurate and I would not have cut a lot from this film. I would not necessarily say it flew by, but it did not drag either and this is surely a success for a film of almost 2.5 hours. I am positively surprised that the room was relatively packed during my screening and I did not expect that because the movie had been in theaters for weeks already. Positive surprise for sure. All in all, the film turned out with the positive recommendation that I thought I would give it and it was never a disappointing film, but the moments of greatness were also not frequent enough for me to give it an even higher rating and thus elevate it into my favorite films from 2022. That good it is not, admittedly. "The Broken Circle Breakdown" stays my number-one favorite from the director. But "The Eight Mountains" is surely also a film that deserves to be seen, preferably on the big screen. Oh and I finally have to elaborate on the beards in van Groeningen's films: Helderbergh, Carell and now Marinelli and Borghi, do I have to say more? I don't think so. Van Groeningen himself also has/had one of course. Just a little anecdote to end the review with. That's all now.
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An Enthralling Exploration of Lifelong Brotherly Love
iknafilms22 May 2023
The Eight Mountains is a stunning and profound drama that captures the essence of natural beauty. It portrays a unique and heartfelt portrayal of lifelong brotherly love. Unlike typical films about male friendship, it delves into the depths of their connection without relying on clichéd camaraderie. The pacing is impeccable, allowing for a thorough exploration of the events that shape individuals and the consequences of their decisions. With breathtaking scenery and masterful cinematography, this film takes its time to showcase the profound impact of life's experiences. The Eight Mountains is a mesmerizing piece that will leave you enthralled and deeply moved.
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A sprawling tale of friendship
gortx11 May 2023
A sprawling, ambitious take on the friendship between two Italian men set against the mountainous landscape of the Piedmont region. Felix van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch, two Belgian filmmakers, co-wrote and co-directed this adaptation of Paolo Cognetti's novel (they also collaborated on the Oscar nominated BROKEN CIRCLE BREAKDOWN).

Pietro and Bruno meet as young boys when a summer holiday brings them together. Pietro is a city kid from Turin while Bruno is a native of a tiny hilltop village. Despite their divergent upbringing, they have a good time together. As fate would have it, they drift apart. They are brought together as young adults by a request from Pietro's father to establish a homestead in the hills. After some twenty years apart, its awkward at first, but, soon they again form a bond. Pietro (played as an adult by Luca Marinelli) has the most to adapt to in no small part because he has spent most of his intervening life adrift. For Bruno (Alessandro Borghi), it's more about returning to his roots.

The story is, by its very nature, episodic. The glorious settings (which later include the Himalayas) keep it visually interesting. The foreboding landscapes are well captured in the classic 1:37 aspect ratio by Cinematographer Ruben Impens (TITANE). The framing keeps the characters at the focus, while also allowing for the general vertical shape of the mountains. The acting is quite good, including Filippo Timi as Pietro's father and Elisabetta Mazzullo as Bruno's wife.

Van Groeningen and Vandermeersch are to be given credit for striving to dig at some of the fundamental questions about relationships and how to make one's life meaningful. Still, they never quite answer the fundamental riddle of whether Pietro and Bruno were ever truly "friends", let alone soulmates. Instead, it settles for more ambiguous notions and life lessons. THE EIGHT MOUNTAINS may be flawed, but, it has a certain emotional and visual pull that can't be denied.

Winner of David di Donatello for Best Picture (the Italian "Oscar").
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How men relate
mikeschembri29 October 2023
This is an interesting film about relationships between men-father son, boyhood friends, adult males. It explores the way they relate, for better and worse, in a way not many films have-how they support each other, covey respect, emotion, and leave each other alone. It does so without judgement, in a non self-conscious way even as it explores these issues across class lines, which is no small feat.

That said, there are some gaps. Not all choices follow logically from the preceding events, without imagining or assuming more (romantic feelings?) that is not explored. Perhaps it attempts to cover too much, a lifetime of feelings in one movie.

But it is a beautiful film. And one of its main characters-the mountains-shines gorgeously throughout with some beautiful cinematography.
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One of the best movies of the year
paul-allaer12 June 2023
As "The Eight Mountains" (2022 release; Belgian-Italian co-production; 147 min.) opens, we are introduced to Pietro, an 11 yo boy from Turin. Pietro and his mom have rented a summer place in the remote Italian Alps. Pietro gets to know Bruno, a 13 yo boy and apparently the only kid left in the village. Pietro and Bruno quickly become the best of friends. Alas, at the end of the summer, Pietro returns to Turin. At this point we are less than 15 minutes into the movie.

Couple of comments: this is a Belgian-Italian coproduction, directed by Oscar-nominated Belgian director Felix van Groeningen ("The Broken Circle Breakdown") and Charlotte Vandermeersch, and based on the book of the same name by Italian author Paolo Cognetti. I have not read the book so I cannot comment who closely the big screen adaptation sticks to the book. In essence, this examines the ups and downs of a lifelong friendship between these 2 guys, spanning a number of decades. The movie is a slowburner in the best possible way. It is most definitely not for anyone in a hurry. As van Groningen did in "The Broken Circle Breakdown", the co-directors focus on the storytelling, with great result. Relax, sit back and enjoy. The fact that the movie is filmed on location in the Italian Alps and a few other remote places only adds to the beauty of the film. Please note that the movie is filmed in an unusual 1 to 1 screen ratio (showing as a square)

"The Eight Mountains" premiered at last year's Cannes Film Festival to immediate critical acclaim (it won the Jury Prize). It is with good reason still rated 90% Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. How this film missed out being nominated for the 2023 Best Foreign Film Oscar is a mystery. Equally a mystery is why this is just now being released in US theaters. It opened this weekend at my art-house theater here in Cincinnati. The early Sunday evening screening where I saw this at was not attended well (6 people, including myself) If you are in the mood for a top=notch foreign film that frankly is one of the best movies of the year I've seen so far, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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Beautiful film
anaberdenn1 August 2023
Story of a friendship that runs decades and about family and relationships inside one. About life and its turns and connection to nature as well as the contrast of city/nature life.

This is a beautiful movie, it is not a film for easy friday night or fun, I'd also say. It's a deep dive and it takes you through a beautiful and also sad and raw story in a breathtaking scenery of mountains and nature. It is real and I have found myself thinking about friendships and beauty of life but also the inevitable. And about the true worth of things in our lives, people we love and nature we connect to.

I think actors did a great job and ofcourse I'd also recommend the book. I have read it and must say, in this case, I think movie does justice to the book and doesn't downgrade it.

Beautiful and deeply touching. Especially if you also love love nature.

For a short easy film, pick something else.
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