Glee (TV Series 2009–2015) Poster


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Glee changed it all.
david-mtz-rdz1116 March 2015
Even though it has lost its spark, Glee did something huge: it changed the way people see TV. With music, well written characters and a simple storyline, Glee changed the game. This show made people talk and made people sing. It could've been a mess from the beginning, but Ryan Murphy did a pretty good job until the last three seasons. I would like to remember Glee as a TV series that helped others in a way no other TV show could at that moment. We have to be honest, even if you hated it or liked it: before Glee there were no other show as open minded as this one. Glee, at the end of the day, is an optimistic, happy, and simple show. It doesn't try to be more than what it is, but as far as Glee can go, it had a pretty good run.
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Just falls off at the end
AnAverageNerd6 April 2021
I will be the first to admit that i was slightly embarrassed that i was as hooked on Glee as i was yet the more i watched the more i began to realise its a teen drama with some good bloody covers. The music is the star of the show and the performances are generally top notch. The first 3 seasons are by far the best however season 4 is still very good. Unfortunately, the show begins to fall off in the latter series' and the storylines become duller which overall drag the other elements down with it. That being said, the early years of Glee are very hard to fault and if you give it a chance it might just surprise you.
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Great in the beginning, but lost it's magic later on
natalie-71-76792921 May 2020
Glee is a great drama/comedy show to binge. Seasons 1-3 were really fun to watch and kept me interested, but 4-6 really went downhill. It was still a fun watch, just not the same quality and character development. Still worth a watch for the first 3 seasons and the great music!
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Used to be a guilty pleasure, but has long jumped the shark
Foux_du_Fafa29 April 2013
What I really liked about "Glee" in its first two seasons was that the characters and their situations were so easy to relate to, especially for someone like me (and many others, naturally) who went to a conservative, small-town school and never seemed to fit in. Despite the odd ridiculous moment or some bland covers of already bland songs, "Glee" became a true guilty pleasure, and I put the emphasis more on pleasure than on guilty. However, the whole premise of it involving a group of pupils at a high school would mean that it was never meant to last that long, and I do think it should have stopped once the main characters had left the school. Now the ridiculousness has become more and more pronounced, and I've stopped paying attention to the series. Sorry.
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all time favorite show
rubleabigail8 April 2019
I've been watching and rewatching glee since it first aired in 2009 when i was 5. I'm now 15 and I still watch it on a regular basis. It tackles so many touchy subjects in a really good way, it has really good humor (which is one of my favor parts), i like 99% of the songs they do in it. I will say the first three seasons are the best ones but like all high school shows it's obviously not going to be as good as it was when they were all in high school, like gossip girl, one tree hill (still really good after time jump, etc. it's cheesy but it's purposefully cheesy and makes it fun. the teen romance is fantastic, Finn and Rachel are absolutely adorable, they did however cause a lot of drama between the two which stressed me out as a hardcore Finchel shipper. the show definitely went downhill when Cory Monteith died since he was the heart of the show and after the tragic loss it just didn't feel the same anymore. i still 100% recommend this show if you like cheesy high school shows with musical numbers (especially show tunes)
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dxjsfuvr2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first three seasons are gold. BUT the rest of them suck..

The first three seasons are just perfect, the storylines and the characters are great, the script is so fricking funny.

I'm only giving it 7 stars. The only thing that was a little bit interesting but barely enjoyable in the last seasons were Rachel , kurt and Santana in New York..
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BasiliskSt19 July 2009
Glee presents a nascent high school glee club ready to blossom with the right talent and encouragement.

The lead characters from the adviser to the historically unpopular glee club members are genuinely engaging and attractive, albeit even as occasional subjects of hyperbole.

Our family found it hard to resist the show's charm. From teenagers to parents we were hooked and are anxious for more.

It will be challenging to keep up the level of production demonstrated in the pilot episode, but if Glee manages, Fox will have a truly great hit on its hands.

Lea Michele deserves special mention for her clear, powerful voice and high energy whether moving or standing still. As a sophomore desperate for fame she's credible and her dream doesn't seem impossible when you hear her sing.
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Stop watching at the end of season 3
recoveringsupermom28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 is a groundbreaking 10. Stays solid through 2, 3 is uneven but satisfying, 4 is uneven and less so, 5 and 6 a train wreck

They ruined what was a fun, snarky role model for kids that adults could enjoy. It became a very mixed bag of very mixed messages. "Klaine" in particular became a dysfunctional mess, a terrible role model after being a wonderful one in season 2. Such a shame.

The characters are memorable, even many of the recurring guest stars like Sebastian Smythe, Jesse St. James Holly Holiday, and April Rhodes.

Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel feel like cliched divas now, but with both they were layered portrayals that we hadn't seen before at the time. Rachel in particular was a very singular teen character who was amazing to watch in the beginning! Great writing for her. Kurt was a baby penguin to root for!

The most important character in the show was Finn Hudson. He didn't need the glee club the way they needed him. He chose to be an ally to the disenfranchised, and that is a vital message. The show lost its heart after he passed away,

The songs will be the show's biggest legacy, Darren Criss was the most consistent showstopper.
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Grew to love it!
meriemly26 August 2020
I started binge watching this show everybody was talking about only a few weeks ago and grew to love it, for the music, dancing and humor... Santana was really cruelly funny, Brittany a hell of a dancer, Rachel and Mercedes have an amazing voice, Kurt is your bff... They lost me early in season 4 with the new (some of them flat boring) characters but the "older" cast were never far away so the pill ended up easy to swallow. It's a great show, you just feel like shaking it and dancing all the time while watching... It's just so sad to know that some of the lead actors are no more...
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It's only fair to give it a chance!
ruby-wells76417 January 2014
'Glee' may not be everyone's cup of tea, but in my opinion, it's a great feel-good teen comedy. The casting is without a doubt great, and each member brings something individual to the show - Lea Michele does an especially great job in her role as Rachel. I also think that the musical numbers add another dimension to the show - they are often fun and done well, and I think they are a good way of introducing many aspects of music to the younger generation... I like the way that this show deals with a wide range of different issues, such as bullying, loss, homosexuality and the various kinds of pressure that many teens face today. I would say that the only thing that lets down the show in places is an occasionally over-cheesy script - I think that some of the more emotional scenes have been slightly tainted by over-doing it a little on the dialogue front.

Overall, though, I have really enjoyed watching this show and at times I have found myself getting quite involved with the characters and their journeys - however I wouldn't recommend it for the cynical amongst us - you might find it quite tiresome...
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Couldn't do it.
jinchiue11 July 2015
I feel bad for this show. I really do. It got big fast and then didn't know what to do with itself. But the thing is, if it had stuck to its original idea, original goals of being progressive and positive, and about a stupid show choir full of outcasts, I think it would have come out of this a lot better. And I think it would have been popular but Hollywood has it in their head that shock value and s3x are the only way to get views. They underestimate viewers; we're willing to watch stuff like this only because we're starved for quality material. If quality is provided, shows like this would be dropped. But no one wants to leave that safety of rehashed story lines so I guess TV will continue to suck.
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Astonishing shows
marsrory4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Glee is a heartwarming and incredible show about misfit teens in their Hugh school glee club. It follows Rachel Berry, a self absorbed talented girl who wants to be the next barbra Streisand; Finn Hudson, the football captain turned glee star; Quinn Fabray, the all American cheer captain and most popular girl on school, until she gets knocked up and joins glee club; and many other amazing and real characters you will enjoy as you watch glee
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good start but fades in later years
SnoopyStyle23 March 2015
Spanish teacher Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) restarts the William McKinley High School glee club. He gathers the misfits and the outcasts of the school. Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) is gay. Artie Abrams (Kevin McHale) is wheelchair bound. His best friend Tina Cohen-Chang (Jenna Ushkowitz) pretends to have a stutter. Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) is obsessed to be on Broadway. Mercedes Jones (Amber Riley) sings at church. Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) is the diabolical cheerleader coach of the Cheerios who aims to stop the glee club. Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) is the football quarterback who secretly loves to sing. Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera), Noah Puckerman (Mark Salling), Brittany S. Pierce (Heather Morris), Mike Chang (Harry Shum Jr.) the other Asian and Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) all join after changing their minds. Sam Evans (Chord Overstreet) and Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss) join in later seasons. Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays) is the guidance counselor with OCD who falls for the married Will Schuester.

This show starts off like a rocket. It's fun. The musical aspect is fun and unusual. The characters are terrific. The cast of unknowns are terrific. It was set up for a good run. However I get the sense that Ryan Murphy was more interested in the music and the dance sequences. The show is more concerned with the guest star rather than playing with the characters. The stories for each character get worn out instead of build upon. The characters never really grew beyond their original intend. The writing took a backseat and Cory Monteith's untimely death harmed it noticeably. The show fades and the last few seasons are rather boring.
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Fake, Forced "Happy" Show
applescruff420-19 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This show bothers me. And I can't fully articulate why I does in a concise way, but I guess I'll just throw out a bunch of very specific things that I can't stand in order to try and build the bigger picture: The first problem this show has is the heavily Auto Tuned sound of its "singers". I understand that several of the actors and actresses on this show are well trained and very talented in their own right, but the creators never let you know that. They take EVERY SINGLE VOCAL sung by anyone on this show and strip all nuance, dynamic and wavering pitch from it. These are computers we are listening to. Nobody sings "perfectly" but due to the unfortunate practice of "fixing" vocals in all modern music, this show makes possibly talented people sound like any hack singer who actually needs the pitch correction, and by doing so makes all performers on the show indistinguishable from one another (an odd decision considering how much this show would seem to promote individuality).

Another thing I take issue with is the facile, broad, borderline offensive way they approach the "issues" these characters have. In a recent episode, the kid in the wheelchair gets told about a procedure that could possibly fix his spine and allow him to pursue his ultimate dream of dancing. After a few scenes the show seems to suggest that he did the procedure and they have him leap out of his chair and do an elaborate dance number in the middle of a shopping mall. Obviously, the bait and switch comes, and that was merely a dream sequence. I guess that scene was supposed to feel cathartic, but I came away from it feeling deeply offended at the nonchalance the writers and creators have when dealing with this character's very real situation. There are many other examples of this approach (the one girl's pregnancy, the other girl's search for her mother). I'd like to note that I do know the names of these characters, but the writing of the show generally does not allow any person on screen a life beyond his or her basic archetype, so naming them almost seems beside the point.

The thing I have the biggest problem with is the tone this show takes. I have no problem with the notion of a show with a sunny attitude towards life and all its problems and complexity. The issue I take is when a show grazes over the "problems and complexity" part and jumps straight to the sunny attitude. If this show didn't present people that would appear to have real life problems; if it didn't pretend to address serious issues in an attempt to create the facade of depth; if it was merely a show about young kids with big dreams singing in the school's glee club, I could get behind it and appreciate its positive outlook. The creators made a conscious decision to address things like teenage pregnancy, sexual identity and other real life concerns, only to fail to actually address any of them with any thoughtfulness or care. Thus, the show's happy tone feels like it hasn't been earned and ultimately comes out feeling forced and delusional. In order to "smile though your heart is aching", you have to understand the ache.

Glee doesn't.
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Just What the Doctor Ordered!
rebecca-fair-poulos21 May 2009
I can just picture the creator, Ryan Murphy (Nip/Tuck) tossing ideas around with producers or writers or what-have-you and just saying "Let's do something happy." If this is the goal, "Glee" delivers.

With the combination of dreary times and warm weather "Glee" is just what the doctor ordered! Was the plot amazing? Not according to what we're used to. Shows these days seem to continually descend in to a deeper and deeper spiral of darkness. Don't get me wrong, I love it! Prickly characters are called "love-to-hate" for good reason, but there's a reason there is more than one category on the food pyramid. "Glee" is the perfect answer to a well- rounded entertainment diet.

At the very least "Glee" has set itself up to be a showcase for amazing talent including Lea Michele who rightfully earned a name for herself on Broadway with the hit "Spring Awakening" as Rachel Berry and newcomer Cory Monteith as Finn Hudson who may not be as talented as Michele, but was perfectly cast for the part. He does exactly what he's supposed to do which is to keep up with and support Michele who will send chills down your spine.

"Glee" seems like a familiar tale "The football player wants to sing and the unpopular girl also wants to sing!" but when was the last time we really saw this? Okay... disregard "High School Musical." This isn't "HSM." This is "HSM" done right--with real talent--and not actually a musical. The songs are all time-tested and well loved familiar tunes, i.e. Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" and the show isn't designed around the songs or for the songs like a musical... you'll know what I mean when you see it!

*Synopsis* A bright eyed and optimistic teacher, Will Schuester (played by Matthew Morrison) decides to revamp the Glee club. He dreams of making it something truly great around which the school can come together. From where we, the audience stand, he came into a glee club already filled with tremendous talent including Rachel Berry who dreams of fame and carving a niche for herself, but what was missing was a strong male lead. To do this Will (nefariously) recruits the star football player who finds himself right at home. *End Synopsis*

There may be moments in the pilot where the not-instant-fan may consider "I'll bet this moment was meant to make me laugh out loud... but I'm not," but I say to you that is not what this show is about. It's about the average... the conceivable, but if you and the people around you just wanted to sing and were good at it too. Most importantly it's a showcase just meant to keep you smiling.

Even if characters were to, in the course of time in the sometimes unpredictable television world, jump into bed with each other or perform a murder, I take comfort in the feeling this show will not be about that. It will be about happy entertainment with an "I wish I could buy the world a Coke" attitude.

Because this show does not have the (ironically) familiar twists, dips, flips, turns and drama other shows offer, I feel the logical grade to assign this show would have to be a B- for being somewhat "undeveloped" by modern standards. (Nobody has been abused to speak of yet.) However, despite the undeniable likelihood this show will never be listed in my top five, even for the year, I can pretty much guarantee it will be the show which I most look forward to watching out of any other. For this reason, "Glee" gets an A+ in my heart and I hope to form a "Glee" club of my own taking place Tuesday nights on my living room couch.

Glee is certainly a welcome summer booster shot of summer fun.
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Music lovers rejoice!
beachboygrl24 October 2009 the plot line of the new Fox TV series "Glee" leaves a lot to be desired. In many instances, plot points from earlier episodes are ignored entirely in later episodes (like the mandate that all songs be about God or balloons after the club put on a sexed-up routine to "Push It" at a pep rally) and the story seems to be based more on recurring themes than a cohesive plot line. But who cares?! The real magic of the show lies in its two strong points: the characters and the music.

The characters are hilarious, and obviously a masterful fusion of great acting and clever writing. They are over the top, extreme, and purposefully cliché. Whenever any of the characters gets a section of internal dialogue in the show, it usually leaves me breathless with laughter.

The music is brilliant. Kudos to Fox for their continued clever use of iTunes that they started with American Idol. The cast covers songs from all genres and are unerringly original and 100% fun. I'm seriously impressed with all members of the cast. (Especially as it becomes apparent that ALL of the cast can sing, as Emma revealed in last week's episode). It makes me wish fervently that there had been a glee club in my high school.

So the plot is lacking...I really can't bring myself to care.
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Mercedes depiction in season 1
user1234987613 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout American television history, black women have been viewed negatively not only by white people but black people as well. Not only is their hard work and dedication to their families overlooked at times, but they are also constantly made fun of and degraded in the media. While there are times in which black women can be depicted in a positive light in movies and TV shows, the reality is that the majority of the time they are cast as unpleasant characters. For example, in the TV show Glee- a tv show known for its depiction of diversity and inclusiveness- , Amber Riley plays Mercedes Jones who for a while was the only black woman depicted in the show. Mercedes Jones first appears in the pilot episode of Glee in which a majority of the main characters are introduced. In this episode, the first time Mercedes is seen is on stage as she auditions for the club. The song she sings is "Respect" by Arethra Franklin. At first, this may not seem like it plays into a stereotypical view of black women, but when comparing her auditions to the other members, it is clear that their performances somehow reveal something about their own personalities. Rachel, for example, sings "On My Own" from the musical Les Misérables which relates to her love for musical theatre and Tina sings "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry which depicts her as edgy which is how she appears in style. With this information, I can infer that through the song Mercedes chooses it may relate her to somebody demanding and sassy. It is possible to look at Mercedes's song choice as a song that shows off her powerful voice, but you can also see it as a preview of her character just as the other characters were previewed through their songs. Additionally, in the pilot episode during a scene in which the members are rehearsing, Rachel is singing the lead with Finn while the other members sing back up. Halfway through the song Mercedes interrupts and says "Oh hell to the no. I'm not down with this background singing nonsense. I'm Beyoncé. I ain't no Kelly Rowland. '' Not only does this come off as overly aggressive for them to only be rehearsing a song for the characters in the show, but it also comes off as sassy and aggressive to the viewers as well, especially for this to be the first episode. This shows that the preview of Mercedes's personality through her song choice in auditions was pretty accurate. The show Glee is well known for its ability to depict how it is possible to overcome individual differences and become the best version of yourself. It is also known for speaking on controversial issues within minority groups of people. This is seen through the gay characters Kurt, Blaine, Brittany, and Santana as well as the trans characters Unique and Coach Beiste. It even touches on people with physical disabilities such as Artie who is in a wheelchair. When it comes to Mercedes, I feel as though through the beginning seasons the creators of the show failed black girls and women when they decided to introduce Mercedes as selfish, sassy, and demanding. There is nothing wrong with a sassy character, but when it seems that that is all they are portrayed to be it becomes a problem.
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Irony Lives! . . .and has a soul
gwoof3 September 2009
As someone who gets hives when a Journey song comes on the radio, I was taken by surprise at how good Glee is. An exceptionally attractive and talented cast focuses a spotlight--both figuratively and literally--on the ultimate dweebs of high school: glee club.

It is no surprise that this show arises from the same writer for "Popular" . . . that short-lived and underrated second-tier network series with a similar setting. What is surprising is how well they integrate the music with the story line. What keeps it from being saccharine is the self-awareness and not-even-close-to-subtle wink to the camera that "yes, we are manipulating your feelings from high school." It is remarkably effective. At the same time it is a parody, it still connects us to that time when we all felt like the outcasts in High School. And make us feel like we could have had a voice if we only had a glee club like this one.
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Season 1 is a groundbreaking 10. Stays solid through 2, 3 is uneven but satisfying, 4 is uneven and less so, 5 and 6 a train wreck
leevanhornfamily28 November 2018
Musical numbers in the early seasons elevate the uneven writing
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Glee: A fun and eccentric, yet occasionally emotional series for all music lovers to enjoy!
aaronredis8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: Due to the detailed nature of my review, I am issuing a major spoiler alert. I notated spots you may want to skip if you have not watched. Read at your own risk.

"Glee" is one of my all-time favorite series. I quickly fell in love with it because of its admittedly contagious witty, happy-go-lucky energy. "Glee" is a show like no other. It's unique and special in its own way! How many other teen musical shows can you think of? I got nothin'!

While there are some high school cliché scenarios, what show does not? (I'm looking at you "One Tree Hill," "Dawson's Creek," "Degrassi," and pretty much every other high school drama.)

There is so much to be said for a show like "Glee." I will start here: "Glee" is a show that welcomes anyone willing to listen to music from all genres and experience a show that will likely make you laugh really hard on occasion, yet also sob uncontrollably on another. The singers perform measurably well and they all compete against each other to gain the acclaimed role as the best of the club.

Aside from that, here is what I will say: I have seen and heard so many discourage others from watching "Glee" and it really upsets me. I say watch the series for yourself and form your own opinion. Some like it, others don't. You never know, though. You may love it! The truth of the matter is that you will never know unless you try. It really is as simple as that. You may be a gleek at heart and therefore become part of the family! :o) (Don't worry. We welcome all!)

Another thing that bothers me is that people constantly compare this to "High School Musical." Why? Just . . . Why?! It is nothing like "High School Musical." If someone were to suggest otherwise, I would be rather confused on what basis it is alike.

One thing I also constantly hear is how "unrealistic" it is to break out in song in the middle of class or whilst walking down the highway, but the show is not at all aiming to be realistic in that respect. It's ridiculous that I have to explain this to people. Just watch and enjoy!

I will also say that when "Glee" is good . . . it is absolutely amazing! It can be one of the greatest things. It can be such a thrill. But when "Glee" is bad . . . I will tell you myself, it's really bad. It can be one of the worst things. It can make you want to beat your head against a wall and scream. The bigger picture, though, is that "Glee" had a strong run in its first three seasons. After that, the plots became less interesting and the music choices usually did not advance the plot like it once did so well. The first three seasons were undeniably the best of the show. There was far more good than there was bad and that is what matters the most.

One particular thing that I love about "Glee" is that the score is absolutely PERFECT for the series! It, like the show, is quirky and catchy! I love that they used Swingle Singers! Just SO MUCH FUN! :o) Aside from that, the score that they use in particularly "sad" scenes makes the moment even more magical and moving and sometimes even haunting because it captures the true beauty of the moment. The thing that I love about the scores is that they use are not at all suggestive. They fit just right and do not feel forced.

Now, the biggest issue that I have with this series is season four. (You may want to skip if you have not watched yet.) Here is why: The writing team really did seem to rehash the cast in season 4 and clone the old ones and that is likely why they were compared all the time. I hated that they introduced Marley as "Rachel 2.0." Though talented, she is nowhere near Rachel in that respect. Not even close. Aside from that, having Brit continually call Unique "Mercedes," although funny, made it feel like Unique was Mercedes' replacement. Then with Noah's brother, one could likely argue that he was Noah's "replacement." Not to mention Kitty . . . Sue even called her a new and improved Quinn at one point. All these things make it EXTREMELY hard for fans not to compare the characters. I honestly think that, for season four and on, they should have focused on the original cast after graduation. If they wanted to introduce new students, they should have given them more depth instead of just "replacing" them. I so badly wanted to appreciate and feel for the new cast in season four, but it was so hard when they, in a manner of speaking, were not even their own person. (Kind of like season six! I loved the students in season six. If only the writing team would have introduced them in season four, but I digress . . . )

The thing that I love the most are the amazingly hilarious one-liners that many of the characters dispense throughout the show. The best typically come from one hilarious Sue Sylvester. (Even though she is the villain, we all love to hate her. Well, maybe you'll love her once you find that she really does have a heart.) Additionally, I love the ongoing feud between Sue and Will. It just never gets old, I tell ya!

The important fact of the matter is that "Glee" was a musically beautiful series. I love some of the performances so much that I would argue several are better than the originals and I know several would agree. The only issue about the music is that, come season two, the show obviously used auto-tune, some instances far worse than others. It was barely an issue in the first season, but from season two on, there were several instances where it was noticeable. Most of these performers are professionals performing on Broadway and such and I think I speak for them when I say it is insulting when they auto-tune their voices. It takes away from how fun it could be. But, above that, "Glee" (usually) has above-average performances from its lead actors and, for most of the series, good storytelling. I would highly recommend to anyone open to a fun and moving experience. One thing that I respect about "Glee" is that it was GROUNDBREAKING in its LGBTQ+ representation, and that is something that I adore and feel to be strongly important. (If this bothers you, then don't watch. Simple as that.)

I leave off with one final comment. (This is another spot you may want to skip if you have not watched. The list is the part you will especially want to skip.) The show regards itself as a comedy and so do many others. I would argue that, while "Glee" is seriously funny and light-hearted more than it is serious, it also deals with EXTREMELY important topics. Allow me to list a few:


1. suicide, 2. sex, 3. teen marriage, 4. eating disorders, 5. mental health issues, 6. bullying (sometimes extreme), 7. prostitution, 8. alcohol consumption, 9. serious tragedies within schools (i.e., shooting).


There is nothing funny about these. "Glee" is a show that should be taken more seriously often than not because there is usually a lesson to learn within and it is not always blatantly obvious. While it may seem like a fun show, sometimes it crosses lines that can be controversial but ones that need to be crossed and contemplated. The show is mainly about the glee club and opening yourself up to joy by singing about what you feel in your heart, mind, and soul . . . but, of course, it is much more than that because it is also about life. And life is not pretty.

All in all, I really love "Glee!" As I said, the first three seasons were near perfect. If it was not for a mediocre season four and a sometimes bad season five, I would be inclined to give a much superior rating, but they happened and I am not a fan of them. It is normal for shows to go through a "rough patch" a while it happened and I did not enjoy it, the shows strengths more than made up for its weaknesses. That said, I still love it and give "Glee" an 8.4/10.
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Execution of the concept could have been better
timmyminh2 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Glee's central message is about how music can express one's innermost feelings and thoughts when words cannot articulate it. It also sought to convey the message for the value of the arts, that if children and young people seek to invest more in the arts (music, films, theater, poetry, literature, satirism, etc) then their general emotional intelligence would be enhanced more than being forcibly learning the sciences that whereas are important, but aren't for everybody. But too bad, Glee turned it into a teen drama flick, though some story arc are very effective and less superficial, such as Rachel's quest towards Broadway, to which the show pays good tribute to Barbra Streisand's Funny Girl (which is my childhood musical).

But my main tick with the show is the writing of the dialogue, it is as if every character has the same way of talking, I lost count of the time somebody in the show says "this person taught me how to be a man better than anybody I known". It was cool at first, but it started getting cringey. Speaking of cringe, the worst character of the show is Mr. Schue - an emotionally immature man, who, as Sue Sylvester puts it, an adult man whose friend circles are underage teenagers. Seriously, I can rant on all day about this bag of meat. I cannot see how and why he is inspirational to the students, but whatever. He's such a creepy who laughs when his students twerk in front of him, and values twerking more than his student's right to go to the bathroom. This dude is so emotionally immature, he stole Finn's jacket and stood by as his students quarreled and conflicted over who stole it. Speaking of his relationship with Finn, I mean Sue was so right in saying he has no adult friends because the way he asked Finn to be his best man and said "you taught me how to be a man more than anybody I ever known" (Yep, there's that line again), and wow...imagine saying that to a teenager. Oh not to mention, marveling at Finn in the shower and couldn't think of any better way than to blackmailing him by framing him with weed.

The show and its characters have this very unhealthy tendency of emotional attachment. When some of the seniors have graduated in season 3, some characters still going back to their high school and hanging out there like it's nobody's business instead of heading to college and move on. Also, after season 3, these alumnis still go back to their precious Glee club probably everyday as if they have never left. But I can probably empathize with the show's writers because they had to come up with a material for season 4 but it is hard doing so without including the past characters in the Glee club, it is very hard keeping this together and I can understand their attempts at doing so. But on a personal note, after season 3, I could not care less for the new characters, I guess we are too emotionally attached to the former characters. But I mean, whatever. The only storyline I was interested in after season 3 was Rachel and Kurt's lives in New York and pursuing their dreams.

The only reason why I am giving this a 7/10 instead of a 6/10 is because of Kurt.
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Very disappointed with season 4
gerblandy22 February 2013
Season 1 was fantastic. The plot was amazing and the characters where like able (or at least relatable). Then season 2 came along. It wasn't as brilliant as season 1 but it was still enjoyable. Season 3 started well but then became a downward spiral. The characters were starting to loose what made them, them. I could still watch all of it but sometimes I just couldn't stand some parts. Now we're on season 4 and I just cannot stand the show anymore. I could barely make it through the first episode. The new characters are just awful and there's nothing like able. They tried to make a new Puck with Jake but they failed because no one can be Puck. I just wanted so bad to keep watching the show in hopes that it would get better but now I'm on episode 2 and I'm done. Season 1 episode 1 had me Immedietly but this newest season is a complete disaster. And worst of all is that all the returning characters have completely lost their spark. I wouldn't be surprised if the show got canceled after this season.
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One Of My Favorite Things
tigger_685 November 2009
With apologies to Julie Andrews for swiping the line, this show is even better than bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

A brilliant parody of high school politics combines with some amazing musical numbers. The cast is likable, even the bad guy characters have some spark and life that make you want to watch.

The members of the glee club are quite talented and give you a reason to smile.

Check out some videos on You Tube if you want some samples of the music and you'll find yourself watching the show.

Hopefully this will be one that will stay on the air for many years to come.
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If you love music, this is for you.
yeshwinhk4 January 2018
The first 3 seasons were filled with all the teenage drama you could hope for and more. Rivalry, teen pregnancy, relationship issues and many more and three sorry was quite reasonably and the acting well done.I really liked the car if the first three seasons which was the golden age of glee but after that the show just literally makes a joke of itself l.My most favourite character was Due Sylvester and just for her, I'd watch it again if possible (only first two seasons this time though). Overall if you're a TV show buff and love teenage drama(be prepared for lots of drama by the way),musicals need good entertainment you can definitely give it a go. Thanks for reading my tenure hope it helped.
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AWFUL in the most entertaining way.
readg-288399 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I got really into this show in high school when it first came out. I remember it being cheesy back then, but I genuinely felt inspired by the music and the (totally unrealistic) prospect of a high school glee club having unlimited access to an auditorium, a band and pianist on retainer, and all matching outfits for every number. Now that I have gained some emotional maturity and I work in schools, I can see how INSANE Glee is.

Almost every single character in this show exhibits horrible emotional regulation, frequently erupting into tirades of yelling or physical destruction from very small issues (like Mercedes throwing a brick through Kurt's window after he says he isn't interested. Woah). The school staff in this show cross boundaries that would get you fired in two seconds, while creating double standards for days (for example, a high school counselor tells a teacher she wants to do "the nasty" with him, like, in the middle of the hallway surrounded by kids. Yikes).

On top of the dysfunction of each character, the plot accelerates like crazy, with relationships forming and crashing to pieces in minutes. Pretty much everyone is deceptive and manipulative in their interactions, and infidelity is constant with pretty much no remorse.

Adding on to the absolute chaos that is the story line, the most cringe things about this show is the way that social issues are handled. The show frequently uses slurs and other stereotypes against a disabled character, Jewish characters,character, etc., with generally no justice given to the character who is targeted by hateful actions or words. Characters shame and manipulate each other constantly, with no respect for boundaries (such as Santana shaming Finn for being a virgin, everyone pressuring Kurt to pray/open up to religion, Sue body shaming basically everyone in one way or another, and more). In my opinion, literature, movies, shows, etc. can successfully send messages about social justice if there are consequences that the characters experience from the hate, but in Glee it's just normalized and accepted, and awkwardly tries to be part of the comedic relief. The message which (I think) was to help the "outcast" kids feel seen absolutely did not stick.

ALL THIS TO SAY - Glee is very entertaining to watch if you can accept how insane it is and just enjoy the ride. Many of the musical numbers are fun to watch, especially in how theatrically they are performed. The "musical" style of show was executed well and is fun to watch. Many of the songs did not land well as covers, but it's entertaining to watch anyway. Getting sucked into a high school fantasy world can be fun for 45 minutes.

TL;DR - Glee is a dumpster fire of hormones, manipulative and shallow characters, and rapid-fire plot that often makes no sense. If you're offended by slurs, this show isn't for you. That said, the show has many aspects that make it visually fun and entertaining, if you can take the whole thing with a grain of salt and realize how awful the writing is.
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