11 Reviews
Rather well done
Chartreuse119 February 2021
Claire goes out with her gals on Valentine's Day and meets Brian who just happens to be a con man who ends up framing her for his wife's murder who just happens to be Claire's boss! Coincidence? Will Claire be able to clear her name? Tune in. Very well written story and some very good acting but a few plot holes. Definitely recommend.
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Is it Valentine's or Halloween?
joreen072914 February 2021
It is really annoying that the movie takes place in Philly in February and yet there is fall foliage everywhere. And she runs in the woods and there isn't one drop of snow in the whole movie. And no one is wearing winter coats. Fall clothes all around. Not important for the story but really annoying. No attempt was made for authenticity in keeping it a Valentine's movie.
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its a mare dream...
ops-5253517 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thats for sure, a psychopathic stalker that kills to involve others, using spyware on women pc's and phones to set the track for his next move, all because of girls night out and a blessed but unfortunate one night stand.

its a film made for a tv audience, therefore no bestiallic scenes nor graphic content, but it has some intense moments and of course loads of stupid descicion making that intensionally put in there to awake careere hunters to avoid doing thgese mthings in real life.

the cast is no more than the faces we usually gets from lifetime, dolled up in super chick clothes and shoes, neck and footlaced all over, a wolrld of luxury that wont happen to you . its also filled with an overdose of caracter building, social networking and daft dialouges coherent with the tv genre.

so nothing new, a time filler for the female audience, and just a small recommend from the grumpy old man.
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Pretty decent!
haroot_azarian10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all one night stands are a cry for disaster! I do not believe in one night stands! Goes against dignity and self worth! And by the way, I am not a puritan! Secondly, Claire should have immediately severed contacts with slimeball as soon as she found out he was married! Not given him the benefit of the doubt! In the end the full of himself slimeball got what he deserved!!!! Just to add something here, do women really fall for smooth talking slimeballs that easily? The guy made me cringe from the beginning to the end of the movie!
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A Cautionary Tale
bjpasca14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Beware of the following 1) dates that appear too good to be true, because they aren't, 2) watch your cell phone and computers...this has become a major theme in LMN theme and 3) friends are not always as they appear. Fast moving improbable storyline. Also, avoid dark stairwells and underground parking structures!
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Not bad for a lifetime movie!
aprilsfriendorin13 February 2021
Honestly, this movie isn't bad by lifetime movie standards. It does follow the basic lifetime thriller formula: bad guy stalks bland main girl, bland main girl has to prove the bad guy is evil. But it also features some unique elements that make it stand out. The villain is more complex than usual and the movie even has plot twists. So yeah, if you're in the mood for a lifetime movie, this is one of the better ones.
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Surprisingly good...
paul_haakonsen23 August 2021
Well, as I sat down to watch this 2021 thriller titled "Galentine's Day Nightmare", I must admit that my expectations weren't except up there. I mean, the movie's title seemed rather poor. But still, as it was a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to give it a chance, now that I had the opportunity to do so.

And I will go ahead and say that writer Andrea Canning actually managed to compile a rather interesting storyline here, and it was a story that proved entertaining and also had some good enough twists along the way, making it for a not overly predictable movie actually.

The movie had a good ensemble of actors and actresses on the cast list. I wasn't familiar with the people here, so that was good, as it is something I enjoy in movies.

While director Roxanne Boisvert definitely managed to make the script into an entertaining movie, this was hardly a movie that you will watch more than once though. Why? Well, the storyline just doesn't have the contents to support more than a single viewing. While this is not an edge-of-your-seat type of thriller, it is the type of thriller that creeps in under the skin and lingers.

My rating of the 2021 thriller "Galentine's Day Nightmare" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Galentine's Day Nightmare
burlesonjesse516 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Say goodnight Claire". In other words, someone wants to murder poor Claire in her sleep. Uh, psycho with grooming excellency alert!

So OK, we have a Valentine's Day Eve based on a girl's night out. A rookie director who knows how to twist and pull the audience. A Philadelphia setting where it's unseasonably warm. A Lifetime flick that's not helmed by the mainstays and barriers of David DeCoteau. Hey, it's time to take in 2021's Galentine's Day Nightmare.

Anyway, "Nightmare" is effective and labyrinth-ed in an old school sort of Lifetime way. This film harks back to the Lifetime pics I use to become addicted to in the 80s and 90s. Listen, we all know Lifetime movies have crazy, remorseless people in them that have no conscience, no couth, or even a shred of empathy. Galentine's Day Nightmare only reminds us that we crave this sort of thing as we nervously feel guilty about it all.

As something about a sly restaurant owner who tries to frame a one night stand for the murder of his working girl wife, Galentine's Day Nightmare gives invasion of privacy, manipulation, and pseudo identity theft the proper-ed treatment. Sliver's Zeke Hawkins while peeping in his own right, has nothing on "Nightmare's" nasty, alpha male villain (played by Drake lookalike and TV vet Anthony Grant).

The performances in "Nightmare" are raw and unassuming, the direction by Roxanne Boisvert is clean and tight, and the ending while a little deflating, lets us know that the bad guy really gets what's coming to him. Galentine's Day Nightmare is the reason why Lifetime vehicles will always be distance runners. They are cinematic train wrecks that not even the most snooty critic could look away from. Death, taxes, and Lifetime suck you ins are the only certainties we have. Rating: 3 stars.
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Definitely a 10. Surprisingly Excellent!
triasfighter-83-48218716 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most Lifetime /LMN movies are a means to pass time, while you're working at home or on your treadmill, when there are no sports, and all of the outstanding cable series are on hiatus until the following season. The average LMN movie will only provide a 3 to 5 rating. (Unless you watch the "Wrong" franchise movies, which top out at a 3 rating)

This movie actually provides some very creditable to excellent acting (the worst actor in the movie is stabbed to death fairly quickly), with a believable plot and even some interesting plot twists. The Tom Berry/Pierre David movies are usually among the best from these channels. This is, by far, their best. Give these actors more work in the LMN troupe. You won't believe how much you'll enjoy this movie. It's actually riveting and you don't want to see it end. Enjoy!
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An Instant Connection
lavatch17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On Valentine's Eve, Claire Donahue met a charming man named Brian in the City Bistro 250 in Philadelphia. By the end of the evening, they were both each other's Valentine due to what appeared to them as "an instant connection." Then, the nightmare began for Claire.

Claire and Brian both brought some baggage into their relationship. Claire's ex-boyfriend died when during an argument, he lunged at her, and she pushed him away....right into an oncoming motor vehicle. By comparison, Brian murdered his first wife, hoping for a big payout in inheritance.

Much of the film puts on display Brian's skills at tracking Claire and setting her up to take the fall for the death of his second wife, Margaret Coleman. It is only due to Claire's tenacity in proving her innocence that she is able to survive his devious machinations.

Behind the scenes, two female police detectives are on the case. One believes that Claire is guilty and the other that Brian has framed her. There was a good ebb-and-flow to the action, and Claire looks to an unlikely source of support: her profligate father, who was a womanizer and a disgrace to the family.

Two other well-developed characters were Claire's friends, Sophia and Tiffany. One of those characters holds the key to unlocking the secrets of Brian's sordid past. Brian had a curious problem with his mother. In his twisted mind, he is looking to honor his father with payback against women in general. But he never realized that he would meet his match with the formidable Claire Donahue.
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Decent engaging Lifetime movie
ztpbrmhw13 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unstable Claire falls for smooth talking Brian ever so quickly, encouraged by her questionable advice friend Tiffany. What could go wrong?

Star Claire makes some very poor choices early on and ignores huge red flags early on - but I guess that is all reasonable because she suffers from PTSD and is off her meds.

She quickly becomes a suspect though murder victim Margaret's husband Brian has two rich prior wives that both died under suspicious circumstances but i guess that's not a red flag and i guess they don't have probable cause to search HIS phone and laptop as would normally be due diligence in a murder investigation of a spouse in a marriage having problems.

And I guess I'll overlook that Claire has every critical conversation in front of an open laptop - including in the kitchen for no explicable reason.

All this said, the movie was engaging and has a much used premise of someone trying to clear their name by "proving who really did it" and the usual visit to the person from the past who knew about prior bad deeds but who wasn't taken seriously.

In the end I must say it made no sense for Brian to kill Claire. She had effectively taken the fall for the murder with little defense. With her murdered, he now jumps to the top of the suspect list for 2 murders.

You would think in a diligent investigation of a murder of a boss of a company on company premises with a workplace murder weapon that even a cursory examination of Tiffany's past work would reveal a connection to murderer Brian.

Aside from the illogic by Brian that essentially turned him in I found the movie a better Lifetime movie with some suspense and surprises.
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