Remember the Titans (2000) Poster

Denzel Washington: Coach Herman Boone



  • Coach Boone : I don't scratch my head unless it itches and I don't dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That's just the way it is.

  • Coach Boone : We leave for camp: Gettysburg College, August 15th, 7:29 am. If you show up at 7:30, you will not be playing football this season, you will be watching. You will wear a jacket and tie. If you don't have one, buy one. Can't afford one, borrow one from your old man. Don't have an old man, find a drunk, and trade for his. Cause I guarantee you, there ain't a bum on the street that looks as raggedy and ridiculous as what I'm looking at. This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am the law. If you survive camp, you will be on the team. If... you survive.

  • Petey Jones : [has hand raised for a high-five and is smiling] 

    Coach Boone : Put your hand down.

    [Petey does as told] 

    Coach Boone : You're smiling.

    Petey Jones : Yes.

    Coach Boone : Yes, sir. Why are you smiling?

    Petey Jones : 'Cause I love football. Football is fun.

    Coach Boone : Fun, sir? It's fun?

    Petey Jones : Yes.

    Coach Boone : You sure?

    Petey Jones : I think...

    Coach Boone : Now you're thinkin'. First you smile, then you thinkin'. You think football is still fun?

    Petey Jones : Uh, yes.

    Coach Boone : Sir.

    Petey Jones : Yes- no, sir.

    Coach Boone : No?

    Petey Jones : Um, it was fun.

    Coach Boone : Not anymore though, is it? *Is* it?

    Petey Jones : Not right now, no.

    Coach Boone : No, it's not fun anymore. Not even a little bit.

    Petey Jones : Uh... no.

    Coach Boone : Make up your mind. Think since you're thinking. Go on, think. Is it fun?

    Petey Jones : No, sir.

    Coach Boone : No? Absolutely not?

    Petey Jones : Zero fun, sir.

    Coach Boone : [addresses team]  All right, listen up! I'm Coach Boone. I'm gonna tell you about how much... *fun* you're gonna have this season.

  • Coach Boone : What are you?

    Team : Mobile, agile, hostile!

    Coach Boone : What is pain?

    Team : French bread!

    Coach Boone : What is fatigue?

    Team : Army clothes!

    Coach Boone : [Coach puts hand to his ear]  Will you ever quit?

    Team : No! We want some mo', we want some mo', we want some mo'!

  • Coach Boone : This is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we are still fighting among ourselves today. This green field right here, painted red, bubblin' with the blood of young boys. Smoke and hot lead pouring right through their bodies. Listen to their souls, men. I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family. You listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. If we don't come together right now on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed, just like they were. I don't care if you like each other of not, but you will respect each other. And maybe... I don't know, maybe we'll learn to play this game like men.

  • Coach Boone : Are your parents here?

    Bertier : There's my mother.

    Coach Boone : Good.

    [nods his head at Gerry's mom] 

    Coach Boone : You take a look at her. Cause once you step on that bus you aint got your mama no more. You got your brothers on the team and you got your daddy. You know who your daddy is, doncha? Gary, if you want to play on this football team, you answer me when I ask you who is your daddy? Who's your daddy, Gary? Who's your daddy?

    Bertier : You.

    Coach Boone : And who's team is this, Gerry? Is this your team? Or is this your daddy's team?

    Bertier : Yours.

    Coach Boone : Now get on the bus. Put on your jacket first and then get on the bus.

  • Coach Boone : Lastik. I want you to tell me something about one of your black teammates.

    Louie Lastik : [shouts]  Sir yes, Sir! I'm roomin' with Blue, sir! And I noticed that he wears that leopard-spotted underwear, Sir! Bikini-style, Sir!

    Coach Boone : Ok. How about someone who's not your roommate.

    Louie Lastik : Sir, I eat lunch with Rev. That's Jerry Harris, sir. People call him that 'cause he's always praying and he won't abide with a foul tounge, Sir!

    Coach Boone : And what's the Rev going to do after High School?

    Louie Lastik : I don't know. Go to college and all that stuff, I guess.

    Coach Boone : What about you? You going to college?

    Louie Lastik : [laughs]  No, not me coach. I ain't a brainiac like Rev.

    Coach Boone : Think you got a future in football?

    Louie Lastik : Heck no! I figured as long I'm going to be in school, I might as well hit some people while I'm at it.

  • [after Petey makes a fumble] 

    Coach Boone : Petey, how many feet are in a mile? How many feet are in a mile?

    Petey Jones : [mumbles] 

    Coach Boone : 5,280 feet! You pick this ball up and run every one of 'em! You're killing me, Petey! You're killing me!

  • Sheryl Yoast : Coach Boone, you did a good job up here. You ran a tough camp from what I can see.

    Coach Boone : Well I'm very happy to have the approval of a 5 year old.

    Sheryl Yoast : I'm 9 and a half, thank you very much.

    Coach Boone : Why don't you get this little girl, some pretty dolls or something coach?

    Coach Yoast : I've tried. She loves football.

  • Coach Paul 'Doc' Hines : You have twelve brothers and sisters?

    Coach Boone : Eight.

    Coach Paul 'Doc' Hines : Yeah, twelve sounds better.

  • Coach Yoast : [after winning the state championship]  I know football, and what you did with those boys. You were the right man for the job, Coach!

    Coach Boone : You're a Hall-of-Famer in my book!

    [both raise game ball in victory] 

  • Blue Stanton : Coach we need a water break, we been out here all day!

    Coach Boone : What did you say?

    Blue Stanton : Said, we need a water break.

    Coach Boone : A water break? Water is for cowards. Water makes you weak. Water is for washing blood off that uniform and you don't get no blood on my uniform, boy you must be outside your mind! We are going to do up-downs, until Blue is no longer tired, and thirsty.

  • Coach Boone : We will be perfect in every aspect of the game. You drop a pass, you run a mile. You miss a blocking assignment, you run a mile. You fumble the football, and i will break my foot off in your John Brown hind parts and then you will run a mile. Perfection. Let's go to work.

  • Coach Boone : Now I may be a mean cuss. But I'm the same mean cuss with everybody out there on that football field. The world don't give a damn about how sensitive these kids are, especially the young black kids. You ain't doin' these kids a favor by patronizing them. You crippling them; You crippling them for life.

  • Coach Boone : You look like a bunch of fifth grade sissies after a cat fight! You got anger, that's good you're gonna need it, you got aggression that's even better you're gonna need that, too. But any little two year old child can throw a fit! Football is about controlling that anger, harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!

  • Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass : I can't make that pitch Coach.

    Coach Boone : Yes you can. When I was fifteen years old I lost my mother and my father in the same month Ronnie, same month. 12 brothers and sisters I was the youngest one of them, now I wasn't ready either, but they needed me. Your team needs you tonight, you're the Coronel, you're going to command your troops! Twins right 48 zero read, *go!*

  • Coach Boone : What, you say your name was Jerry?

    Bertier : [annoyed]  Gerry.

    Coach Boone : No, you must have said Jerry. Jerry Lewis, which you make *you*

    [looks towards Dean] 

    Coach Boone : Dean Martin.

    [towards parents] 

    Coach Boone : Ladies and gentleman! I've got an announcement to make. We got Jerry Lewis, and Dean Martin going to camp with us this year. Jerry tells the jokes, Dean sings the songs and gets the girl. Let's give em a round of applause.

    [begins to clap, inching closer to Gerry, parents are quiet] 

    Coach Boone : Where's your folks... Gerry?

  • Coach Boone : [to his players]  Tonight we've got Hayfield. Like all the other schools in this conference, they're all white. They don't have to worry about race. We do. let me tell you somthing: you don't let anyone come between us. Nothing tears us apart. In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power. Well that football field out there, that's our universe. Let's rule it like titans.

  • Coach Boone : It's all right. We're in a fight. You boys are doing all that you can do. Anybody can see that. Win or lose... We gonna walk out of this stadium tonight with our heads held high. Do your best. That's all anybody can ask for.

    Big Ju : No, it ain't Coach. With all due respect, uh, you demanded more of us. You demanded perfection. Now, I ain't saying that I'm perfect, 'cause I'm not. And I ain't gonna never be. None of us are. But we have won every single game we have played till now. So this team is perfect. We stepped out on that field that way tonight. And, uh, if it's all the same to you, Coach Boone, that's how we want to leave it.

    Coach Yoast : Yeah. I hope you boys have learned as much from me this year as I've learned from you. You've taught this city how to trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him. And I guess it's about time I joined the club.

  • Bertier : [sees Sunshine get out of car with long hair]  Hey fellas! Look at that fruitcake!

    Coach Yoast : Gerry, just keep your mouth shut and get back on that field!

    Colonel William G. Bass : Coach Boone, I'm Colonel Bass. We just got transferred here from Huntington Beach, California. This is my son, Ronnie, he's a quarterback.

    Coach Boone : [shakes Sunshine's hand]  How you doin' Ronnie?

    Colonel William G. Bass : Coach Yoast.

    Coach Yoast : [shakes Sunshine's hand as well]  My pleasure.

    Coach Boone : We're pretty set at the, uh, quarterback Colonel. But if the boy's any good, you might want to check out Wilson or Annandale.

    Colonel William G. Bass : Well, I met Coach Taber. He won't let blacks play on his team. The way I see it, if these boys can fight a war together, they can play football together. Now, he's a pretty good runner...

    [Sunshine throws football towards Gerry, who is standing far away. The football hits Gerry square in the back. He turns around, angrily] 

    Big Ju : [laughing hysterically]  Yeah, a fruitcake, huh?

  • [Three seperate situations happening at the same time] 

    Coach Boone : [Talking to official]  Ref! He's lining up offsides! Look, he's *lining* up offsides!

    Official : [ignoring Coach Boone] 

    Coach Ed Henry : [talking to player]  Twins right, 99 Z. Go!

    Coach Boone : [to Official]  Ref! I *know* you can see him, you've got eyes!

    Official : [still ignoring Coach Boone] 

    Coach Ed Henry : [talking to different player]  Gun right, 84 stat! And tell Tommy to watch the free safety.

    Coach Yoast : [talking to Blue]  Get back in there! You know what I'm talking about. You can't be afraid of him!

    Coach Boone : [gesturing 'offsides' with arms]  Offsides! He's lining up offsides!

  • Coach Yoast : This isn't about me, I'm worried about my boys.

    Coach Boone : Well I'm not going to cut 'em and eat 'em. The best player will play, color won't matter.

    Coach Yoast : From the looks of our little situation we got us here, I think that's about all that does.

    Coach Boone : Yeah, you're right. We're in a tough spot, coach. You, me, the whole city. I think it'd go a long way to smooth things over if you'd stay, work on the staff, be a defensive coordinator, assistant head coach.

    Coach Yoast : Work under you.

    Coach Boone : If that's the way you see it.

    Coach Yoast : Good night, Coach.

  • Coach Boone : [after Gary got into his car accident]  I don't know mama, maybe Yost was right. Maybe I pushed him too hard.

    Carol Boone : Gary had an accident. Sometimes life's just hard, for no reason at all.

    Coach Boone : Do you think I was blinded by my own ambition?

    Carol Boone : Whatever kind of ambition it took to do what you did around here, this world could use a lot more of it Herman.

  • Coach Boone : I'm not gonna talk to you tonight about winnin' and losin'. You're already winners 'cause you didn't kill each other up at camp.

  • Coach Boone : I'm a winner. I'm going to win.

  • Coach Boone : Welcome to my life, Yoast.

  • Coach Boone : Lastik, what's the matter?

    Louie Lastik : I'm eligible.

    [walks over to Boone and embraces him] 

    Coach Boone : [talking awkwardly, while still being embraced by Lastik]  Well, um, I'm glad to hear that, son, but I'm already married.

    Louie Lastik : I got a C-plus average, Coach. I'm going to college.

    Coach Boone : [talking while hugging]  Lastik, that's fantastic.

  • Bertier : Coach? Could I speak with you in private?

    Coach Boone : Sure. What's on your mind, son?

    Bertier : I want Ray off the team, Coach.

    Bertier : [pause]  You know my policy, Gerry.

    Bertier : Yes I do, and I respect it, but I know that Ray missed that block on purpose. Sometimes you've just got to cut a man loose.

    Coach Boone : Hmm. Well, you're the captain. You make a decision, but you support your decision.

  • Bertier : Coach? Could I speak with you in private?

    Coach Boone : Sure. What's on your mind, son?

    Bertier : I want Ray off the team, Coach.

    Coach Boone : [pause]  You know my policy, Gerry.

    Bertier : Yes I do, and I respect it, but I know that Ray missed that block on purpose. Sometimes you've just got to cut a man loose.

    Coach Boone : Hmm. Well, you're the captain. You make a decision, but you support your decision.

  • Coach Boone : I'm a winner. I'm going to win.

  • Coach Boone : This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am the law.

  • Carol Boone : Alright you two, that's enough of that. Sheryl, don't you wanna play with Nicky?

    Sheryl Yoast : I hate playing with dolls.

    Nicky Boone : I'm not playing, I'm accessorizing!

    Coach Boone : Yeah, accessorizing, don't you want to go accessorize with -

    [Sheryl stares him down] 

See also

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