Fear (1996) Poster


Reese Witherspoon: Nicole Walker



  • David McCall : Just you and me, Nicole, nobody else.

    Nicole Walker : Nobody else.

    [returns David's kiss] 

    David McCall : Do you want me?

    Nicole Walker : Yes.

    David McCall : Tell me, tell me you want me.

    Nicole Walker : I want you, David.

    David McCall : Yeah?

    Nicole Walker : [nods her head]  David?

    David McCall : Yeah?

    Nicole Walker : I love you.

  • Nicole Walker : My dad hates him, that's for sure.

    Margo Masse : Well that means that he knows you're sleeping together, you know it's that usual weirdo jealousy trip.

    Nicole Walker : How could he possibly know we were sleeping together?

    Margo Masse : Caught ya, ya hoe! You never told me you were screwing him! You'll always remember your first, not your second, not your third, just your first.

  • Nicole Walker : Isn't this the car they stopped making 'cause it, I don't know, blows up or something?

    David McCall : Guess that's why I got her.

  • Nicole Walker : Everybody says one thing and then does another.

  • Steve Walker : [after finding Nicole's note - "I'm sorry if I caused you to worry. It's over with David" - he checks on his daughter in her bedroom]  Nic?

    Nicole Walker : Please, Dad. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to be alone.

    Steve Walker : Okay... The pain will go away, honey. I promise.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  How about the scars? Will those go away, too?

    Steve Walker : ...I'm not sure. I hope so.

    [He retires] 

  • Toby : [DELETED SCENE: Nicole and Toby are chatting over ice cream at Baskin-Robbins]  ... Mom always tells you to wear a robe because of me? That's crazy. I'd never peep at you; you're my big sister.

    Nicole Walker : First of all, I know that - even if she doesn't. Second of all, I *like* it when YOU peep at me.

    Toby : Wow, I'm gonna have to remember that...! I don't know what I'd do without you, Nicole.

    Nicole Walker : [with a chuckle]  Probably get in a lot more trouble with your mom and my dad. Remember, I test boundaries so that *you* don't need to.

    Toby : Oh, yeah... Touche, mademoiselle.

    [as she happily ruffles her little brother's hair, Nicole notices David nearby. He is filming her and Toby with a video-camera] 

    Nicole Walker : ...Do you know how to flip someone the bird?

    Toby : How about biting my thumb at them, like in "Romeo and Juliet"?

    Nicole Walker : Close enough. Show me.

    [as Toby executes a picture-perfect thumb-bite, Nicole reaches out and aims him toward David - who stops taping. Nicole and Toby laugh some more] 

    Nicole Walker : Come on, Tobster... We're out of here.

    [as they both exit, Nicole looks to where David stood a moment ago. He has disappeared] 

  • Nicole Walker : Dad?

    Steve Walker : Daughter?

    Nicole Walker : Is it absolutely mandatory that I see James Taylor again?

    Steve Walker : When did you ever see a James Taylor concert?

    Nicole Walker : You, me, Mom, summer of '85. Does that ring any bells?

    Steve Walker : '85? You'd have been...

    Nicole Walker : Six.

    Steve Walker : Oh, come on, that doesn't count. I'm surprised you even remember it.

    Nicole Walker : I don't think there's a thing that's ever happened - or not happened, for that matter - that I don't remember. You're the one who blocks out the past.

    Steve Walker : Nicole, I don't block out anything. It just takes longer to... sort through 40 years of... data than it does 16.

    Nicole Walker : Maybe you oughta consider upgrading to a faster chip.

    Steve Walker : [laughs]  You know, sometimes you're pretty funny.

    Nicole Walker : I have my moments.

  • Margo Masse : [finds them playing "Street Fighter"]  Hey there, handsome. How soon are you gonna grow up, so I can ravage you?

    Nicole Walker : Leave Toby alone, Margo.

    Margo Masse : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  When did you start sticking up for this guy? I thought you couldn't stand him.

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  She can't; Mom had to force her to come downstairs and hang out with me.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  Well, at least he hasn't done what *you* did... I need some fresh air.

  • Nicole Walker : ...She's got this little chain she hooks through it and wraps around her waist. What would Dad do if I got one?

    Laura Walker : You know exactly what he would do.

    Toby : Yeah, firing squad at dawn.

    Laura Walker : Toby.

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  Not that bad, huh...?

    [to Nicole] 

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  No, more likely he'd just make you share my bedroom for a week or so.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  In other words, he'd actually punish YOU for something *I* did?

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  Quit torturing yourself; that's MY job.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: agrees with a laugh]  Totally!

    Laura Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  *Both of you.*

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: ruffling his hair]  The firing squad would be more humane.

    [Toby mimes getting stabbed, then looks up at Nicole with his best "You got me that time" expression] 

  • Nicole Walker : [her first line, as she comes in for breakfast wearing a sexy minidress - and notices Steve's disapproving gaze]  What?

    Steve Walker : Nothin'.

    Nicole Walker : Dad, you're looking at me like you didn't know who I was or something.

    Steve Walker : No, no. I was just thinking that maybe you'd like Laura to take you to buy new clothes.

    Laura Walker : What she's got on is brand-new.

    Steve Walker : *This* is NEW?

    Nicole Walker : Yeah. Why? What's wrong with it?

    Steve Walker : It looks like something you wore when you were 12.

    Nicole Walker : Yeah, so?

    Steve Walker : Look. All I'm saying is that it's - it's... What? I'm not allowed to have an opinion?

    Nicole Walker : No, Dad; *you're* allowed to do whatever you want. *I'm* the one who needs permission to breathe. So may I please go to school now, Father?

    Toby : [his first line, as he comes in]  Good morning, everybody.

    [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: wolf-whistles] 

    Toby : That dress looks great on you, Nicole.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: grins in spite of herself]  Thanks, I *think*.

    [she departs] 

    Steve Walker : Have a nice day, Nicole.

    [to Laura] 

    Steve Walker : Does *that* count as quality time?

  • David McCall : You're not dancing.

    Nicole Walker : I know.

  • Laura Walker : [as she and Steve are leaving for Vancouver; to Nicole and Toby]  The number of the hotel is by the phone. So just rent some videos, call Domino's, and try not to kill each other.

    Nicole Walker : I'll try and restrain myself.

    Toby : Relax, Mom. If she gives me any trouble, I'll just sic Kaiser on her.

    Nicole Walker : Ooh-whoo; I'm shaking.

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  You're right, that was a bluff; he likes you more than me, anyway.

    Steve Walker : Try and have a nice time, Nic. Life is short. But nobody in the house but you and Toby. You hear me?

    Nicole Walker : I hear you, Dad.

    Steve Walker : Smile?

    [Nicole forces a smile] 

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  That won't be a problem; none of the kids at school like me enough to come over.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE, just after Steve and Laura have driven off]  ... Since when?

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  Since a couple of guys from the "In" crowd took me to that Sharper Image place at the mall. They dared me to shoplift something; I don't even remember what it was. But then I wouldn't pinch it; I was like, "What do you people take me for, anyhow?" So they put me on their "Uncool" list, and said I could just walk home.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  There's an "Uncool" list at your school?

    [Toby nods] 

    Nicole Walker : Is that why you called me to pick you up, instead of my dad or your mom?

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  Yeah; you're welcome to search my bedroom, if you don't believe me.

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  No, I do. Keep talking.

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  ... Now anybody else at school who eats with me, or plays with me, or even talks to me gets labeled Uncool to boot.

    [He smiles unhappily at Nicole, who is duly impressed] 

    Toby : So I get *that* for doing the right thing.

    [He shrugs resignedly] 

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE, firmly]  Wrong. You get THIS.

    [She wraps her arms tightly around Toby's body and gives him a big smooch] 

    Nicole Walker : I'm proud of you, bro.

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE, as he gratefully returns the hug and kiss]  ... Thanks, Nicole.

  • Toby : [DELETED SCENE: Steve and Laura bicker about his cancellation of a family outing due to an emergency at work. As the argument escalates, their offspring listen in from the next room]  ... I hate it when they fight.

    Nicole Walker : Have they argued more often since I came to live here?

    [Toby thinks it over] 

    Toby : ...Not more often. Just longer and harder.

    [Nicole chuckles] 

    Toby : ... Seriously, why do people bother getting married, if they're just gonna divorce?

    [She puts an arm around his shoulders] 

    Nicole Walker : THEY'RE not getting divorced, little guy.

    Toby : When *I* get married, it'll only be ONCE - and FOREVER.

    [She buries her face in his hair and kisses him] 

    Nicole Walker : ME TOO.

    [He slides an arm around her waist and gently pats her hip] 

    Toby : Maybe you and I should get married, then.

    [She laughs] 

    Nicole Walker : Toby, why would you want to marry ME? Everything's already great between us; let's not spoil it, huh?

    [He smiles mischievously] 

    Toby : We COULD have just one kid, and then see how it goes.

    Nicole Walker : What...? *We could do WHAT?*

    [They embrace, giggling at the idea] 

    Nicole Walker : ... Tobias, what am I gonna do with you?

    [She nuzzles him] 

  • Steve Walker : [on the phone]  ... Okay, fine. You're right. It's not an emergency. All the same, could I please talk to the people that try and solve murders - ? Jesus!

    Toby : [sees Kaiser's head poking through the "doggy door"]  Come on. That's a good boy.

    [the dog's head, and ONLY its head, is shoved through and rolls across the floor] 

    Nicole Walker : Come here, Toby. Over here.

    [He runs into her arms and they hug each other] 

    Nicole Walker : ... I'm sorry you had to see that, bro.

    Steve Walker : [still on the phone]  ... Yeah, um - My - My name is Steven - Hello - Hello? HELLO?... The phone is dead.

    Terry : You're next, man!

    [Steve begins to rush after him, but Laura stops him] 

    Laura Walker : No, wait! We don't know whether he's alone out there. Here, security will come.

    [She taps a control panel repeatedly, but nothing happens] 

    Steve Walker : There's not even a siren.

    Laura Walker : Well, Larry will still get the signal.

    Steve Walker : No, it's disconnected. The system works through the phone lines...

    Margo Masse : Nicole, can I borrow him?

    [Nicole nods and dismissively pats Toby's shoulder] 

    Margo Masse : Over here, Toby.

    [He goes over to Margo and they share a tender embrace] 

    Laura Walker : ...It doesn't matter. No one is getting in here. You designed it, remember? Reinforced doors. No entry without the code.

    Nicole Walker : Dad...? David's got the code.

    [There is a beeping as David punches in the entry code. Steve hits the manual override just in time, thus keeping the door locked. There is banging and pounding as David's hoods attempt to break in through the windows and side doors] 

    Steve Walker : Nicole, take Margo and Toby up to your room and stay there.

    Nicole Walker : Will *you* be okay?

    Steve Walker : Laura and I will be fine. Laura, get the flashlight. Then turn off every light in the house!

    [Halfway up the stairs, Nicole screams as Logan leers in at her through a skylight] 

    Steve Walker : *Nicole!* I'm counting on you three guys to make sure they don't get in from upstairs! If that happens...!

    Nicole Walker : I get it, Dad. Good luck to you.

    Steve Walker : Thanks, now GO ON! AND LOCK YOUR DOOR!

    [as Nicole ushers Margo and Toby to her room, Steve turns back to Laura] 

    Steve Walker : Turn the flashlight off. I don't want them to know where anybody is.

    [the doorbell rings continuously] 

    Steve Walker : No one's gonna hurt our family, honey. No one!

    [Upstairs, Nicole sits with Toby on her bed while a tearful Margo paces the floor nearby. Toby gazes around the darkened room, and then forces a smile at his sister] 

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE]  ... You always said, if you ever invited me in here, it'd be the greatest day of my life.

    [Nicole returns the smile and kisses him tenderly] 

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE]  I'm still working that one out; give me time.

    [Margo sobs loudly] 

    Nicole Walker : I'll be right back, Tobster.

    Margo Masse : Oh, they're gonna kill us, just like they killed Gary.

    Nicole Walker : Don't say that. You need to calm down.

    [Toby notices Terry outside the bedroom window, and waves for the girls' attention. Margo screams, while Nicole produces an umbrella] 

    Nicole Walker : Toby! Coming through!

    [as Toby rejoins Margo, Nicole jabs Terry with the umbrella and he plummets to the yard below. Toby is duly impressed] 

    Toby : [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE]  Take a bow, Rapunzel.

    [In response to the joke, Nicole beams at him and flips her hair, a la "CHARLIE'S ANGELS"] 

  • David McCall : [preparing to execute Steve]  Daddy, you will forever hold your peace.

    [Nicole produces the "peace pipe" letter-opener and buries it in David's back] 

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: deadpan]  Oh, no you don't.

    [as David gets up and turns to face Nicole, she stands ready for him, despite no longer being sure of what he intends to do with her. Then Steve gets up and pounces on David from behind. They fight murderously as Nicole looks on in tears. Finally, Steve gets the upper hand; he choke-holds David, while turning toward Nicole's bedroom window] 

    Steve Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  ... I've spent my whole life taking the easy way out, David. Now, IT'S YOUR TURN!

    [David is thrown headlong through the window and plummets to his death. Steve then turns back to face Nicole] 

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: softly]  ... Dad, are you all right?

    Steve Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  ... I didn't abandon you this time.

    [She runs into his arms and they hug each other] 

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: sobbing]  ... I wanted to save David from himself, in spite of everything. I'm sorry I couldn't.

    Steve Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE]  Well, I didn't do so hot either, not on that score... But I think we BOTH did the next best thing, don't you?

    Nicole Walker : [CUTTING-ROOM-FLOOR LINE: forcing a smile]  Touché, Dad.

    [Laura, Margo and Toby come in and group-hug them both] 

  • David McCall : What?

    Nicole Walker : Nothing.

    David McCall : That was not "nothing" going on behind those beautiful eyes of yours.

    [Nicole snickers] 

    David McCall : Tell me.

    Nicole Walker : I was just thinking that... you're not at all like what I expected you to be the first time I saw you.

    David McCall : How so?

    Nicole Walker : I don't know. You're just...

    [shakes her head] 

    Nicole Walker : You're sweet.

    [he nods, looks down pensively] 

    Nicole Walker : What? You're the one that's hiding something.

    David McCall : It's just that I was taught... that if something seems too good to be true, then it probably isn't.

    Nicole Walker : Yeah...

    David McCall : So far what I know about you is... you're beautiful... and incredibly perceptive. I just need to know, like, one flaw, so I can believe the rest.

    Nicole Walker : Got a week?

    David McCall : I got all the time in the world.

See also

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