Solomon & Sheba (TV Movie 1995) Poster

(1995 TV Movie)

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Solomon & Sheba has few lines on the bible, nothing as appears in this new version!!!
elo-equipamentos8 April 2019
Just to make a collating I've been planning to watch both version of Solomon and Sheba available in my collection trying to see which them were more faithful with holy book, this newest version made for TV has a different story from all sources, the plot driven force to a gold's mine lost in the desert, Sheba trying to takes trustworthiness from Solomon letting to him all lost gold, the upcoming events as treachery came from own political advisor called Jeroboan, actually the King Solomon as know as a wised man, but by force of destiny didn't realize such betrayal, also another inaccurate thing, so Solomon offers to divide the country with Jeroboan to end up the death sentence against Sheba, too many discrepancies lead to failure this cheaper and poor production!!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 5.5
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Solomon and Sheba (1995)
skiqueen_20199 August 2007
I only saw the preview for this movie in 1995 and I wanted to see it very much but I was not able to on the evening it aired. I have never forgotten it though. I have been looking for a copy of the movie for several years and always, always come up empty. I can't help but wonder if racism has something to do with it. Did Showtime receive complaints that they dare use people of color to represent people of color in this movie? Has public release of the movie been prohibited so as to erase all memory that the movie was ever made? I had several posters of African queens, Sheba, was one of them, in which the queens were depicted as the African women they were. They were hung on display in a public library and so enraged certain users of the library they were removed.....that is those that weren't stolen or destroyed.

Can anyone help me get a copy of this movie so that I can finally view it. Twelve years is a long time.
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Good for a laugh on a rainy day
lotsofwordz30 June 2007
One of the most hilariously dreadful films I have seen in a very long time. The acting is wooden beyond belief, but then - there is a very little for the actors (well, I call them actors ...) to work on. The dialogue is silly: when a conspirator tries to suck up to Sheba, he says "You and I have much more in common than you may realise; you are very beautiful". The plot is absurd, too. We get two royals riding huge distances in the desert (she is not even wearing a hat), with about half a dozen attendants each. Realistic or what? Sheba even gets to lead her own horse to water when they reach an oasis: I suppose the budget didn't stretch to servants and other such inessential items. Or maybe the research department fell down on the job. Be that as it may, I spilled my coffee laughing. But I can't pretend I tried to follow the storyline, as I kept missing bits when they spoke too softly while I was laughing. Berry in particular, needs to learn to enunciate and project her lines.
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Tok31 October 1998
I lose concentration many times while watching this movie. It's very boring, I almost can't watch till it ends. On my first thought was film like this should be on TV instead. Ha ha, I just knew it is TV movie. (I saw it on VCR in my country) The plot is so dull, I can't find anything fun in it (this is the main reason why I can't keep an eye on it) and filmography not help this movie more interesting. (it's so so, nothing fascinating)
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an agreeable watch
myriamlenys15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unless I'm mistaken "Salomon and Sheba" takes considerable liberties with the tale contained in the Old Testament - but who am I ? Not a Biblical scholar, that's for sure. Anyway, "Salomon and Sheba" strips away much of the pomp and circumstance associated with the episode. The result is a pleasantly human story about two individuals from different cultures meeting and falling in love, under adverse circumstances. Lead actors Halle Berry and Jimmy Smits make for a charming and charismatic couple of lovers. The costumes look authentic, evoking a time period very different from our own.

So "Salomon and Sheba" dispenses with much of the "riches beyond imagining" bling. However, the movie may be overdoing the pruning. For instance, it contains various scenes in which persons - monarchs, even - travel through the desert while accompanied by a tiny retinue. In real life, most rulers would have been clever enough to surround themselves with sufficient bodyguards, scouts, guides and interpreters. The desert is a treacherous environment, especially for people travelling through violent or unfamiliar territories.

Not particularly deep but pleasantly watchable. Better than average for the genre.
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Very Moving
cassieval19 March 2006
I viewed this movie when it aired on Showtime, and I recorded at the time. I think that this movie is well written and directed. I also think the acting was also superb. If it wasn't Halle Berry would not have been nominated for an Emmy. After reading the only comment on this movie I was compelled to write in to say don't let one person's opinion make you believe that this beautiful movie is the worst ever, because it isn't. I've had several screenings/and or loaned my video to co-workers friends and family, and I haven't rec'd one negative review. I think it's a sham that it's out of print so more people could view it and comment. and even a few co-workers at my home to get their opinion
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I want to order this
emssme200131 August 2010
I agree with the others that I remember when this movie aired on TV and and have been wanting to buy it for quite some time. I think it was a great film and told a great account of our ancient history. I am always wanting to learn as much as I can about Africa and the biblical era. I haven't been able to find this movie anywhere, and would love to have it for my Bible collection of movies. Halle Berry is a great actress and I can't believe this movie isn't more available. I've even looked in my public library and was not able to find a copy. Based on most of the reviews on this board, it looks as though there would be plenty of consumers that would like to buy this film.
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Solomon & Sheba casting Halle Berry & Jimmy Smits
hawkone21 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If this is the correct Solomon & Sheba: played by Halle Berry & Jimmy Smits I am commenting on, I thought the movie was excellent. It was a very nice Family Biblical film that my children and I enjoyed watching. I liked and enjoyed how Jimmy Smit portrayed the wise Solomon all at the same time trying to seduce Sheba (Halle Berry). Halle attacked the roll of Queen of Sheba just as she always does in all her performances. I enjoyed the part when she went undercover (playing the tuff guy) and then ending up falling for King Solomon. It was a very touching and emotional movie. A movie everyone should have within their archive of Biblical Stories/Tales. The only problem is that we have searched and inquired high and low for the purchase of this video/movie and we always come up empty. So if anyone can tell us where we can go or how we can inquire the purchase of this movie it would be deeply appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!
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sadji57 December 2006
I loved this movie and could not wait to hear and see one of the tales of Solomon and Sheba. I was just a kid when I saw this movie, and I was so entranced I looked both Solomon and Sheba up on the computer. I believe Showtime made the movie, they did a beautiful job on the scenery and authenticity of the clothes. I loved that they used Halle Berry, showing people that the Queen of Sheba was of African origin. Not a Caucasian like they use for Cleopatra and truly getting it wrong. Anyonewho says that this movie is bad is full of it. The acting was great and told of two monarchs who fell in love, but knew the reality of the situation. There story has been told for lifetimes and this movie did a good job of depicting this. Two thumbs up for me.
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Solomon and Sheba 1995
ladyt_5928 September 2009
I agree with everything that Ski Queen 2019 posted. I believe that this is an issue of race. This movie was excellent and I can see absolutely no reason as to why this movie is nowhere to be found on this planet for sale. I know lot's of people that would love to purchase this movie as well as myself and we can't do it. Who in this world knows where I can get a copy of this movie even if you recorded it yourself the night it aired on TNT. Which by the way I did but someone stole it!I have not found one site except this one that even acknowledged that this movie existed.Halle Berry and Jimmy Smits were awesome in this movie. They really lit the screen up and made this love story believable. -They looked like what you would picture in your mind as to what King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba might have looked like.The people responsible for casting this movie obviously thought they looked the part so they should be trying, as well as the producers and the director to get this movie on the market and make some money. And if you can't do that could you send me your copy? Please!
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Really moving
dya_one4 January 2010
OK so movie isn't as complex as it should be, but it's a TV series after all, so the best part about it is that the actors are very good, the scenery and the landscape also beautiful, and it is truly a beautiful, romantic movie, opposed to today's much more worse productions.The subject is very interesting, and I have to repeat, I loved the connection between the two main characters, they are just so beautiful together.The movie is relaxing and intriguing so, my opinion, go watch it!Oldie but goldie :)) PS: I also recommend it for those who like movies that are well written, very good acting and passioned about Ancient History.After the movie, I surfed the net to find out more info's on Solomon and I have to say I've found pretty interesting things.
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It is a very romantic movie
pablobarrera-836-9740014 December 2017
It is a very romantic movie, great performances by Jimmy Smits and Halle Berry. I was its translator to Spanish for Latin America. It was an awesome movie, specially the end has two of the most romantic paragraphs I have ever seen. I am an action movie guy, But the last two paragraphs will melt any woman's heart.
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Best Solomon movie
kristinlvt22 September 2019
As a Bible movie aficionado, I think this is the best Solomon movie there is.

In this fictional adventure story with a Biblical setting, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba go looking for the lost gold mines of Ophir. This is a character-driven movie. It portrays the wise and intriguing character of Solomon more believably than any other movie, including more Biblically literal ones. Halle Berry does a predictably fantastic job as the Queen of Sheba. Together, the two of them are likable, clever, and smoking hot.

This is a low-budget TV movie, which means no epic battles, grand processions, or even fancy costumes. It drags a bit in spots. That said: the plot is clever, the characters are likable, and the ending is satisfying. It is thoroughly enjoyable!

Shame it's still so hard to find!
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A true love story
vmusgraves20 May 2014
Like the other reviews, this was a very beautiful historical movie of The Queen of Sheba that was shown on Showtime and starring Halle Berry and Jimmy Smit. It seems that when anyone wants to buy it, no one knows why it was never release or for sale. I hope someone can finally answered the question, WHY? I would love to have a copy because it told a story that mark different places in the Bible. The storyline in the beginning was a little rush, but overall the movie was very good and inspirational. I do hope that with the people interested in this movie will encourage the writers, producers, stars, or whomever to consider to a make DVD of this movie. Thank you very much.
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Biblical movie of "Solomon and Sheba"
catwomen13696 August 2013
I have been looking everywhere for a copy of this movie. Finding "The Wedding" was challenging but looking for "Solomon and Sheba" has become ridiculous. DO ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW HOW I CAN PURCHASE THIS MOVIE? I'm determined and will inform others once I get a copy. I can't really give a review due to the fact that I cant find the movie. Halle Berry is such a top rate actress that it fumes me that one of her movies is being blacklisted for what ever reason. This is the 21st century and this is still going on. One day there will be a remake of "Cleopatra" and I hope Halle Berry gets to play that part. Censory is a horrible thing because I feel people, all people, should be able to watch what the want to watch and not just what the industry or government decides to provide for them. Just saying!!!
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