Reservoir Dogs (1992) Poster

Tim Roth: Mr. Orange, Freddy



  • Mr. Orange : [after killing Mr. Blonde]  Hey you, what's your name?

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : Marvin.

    Mr. Orange : Marvin what?

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : Marvin Nash.

    Mr. Orange : Listen to me, Marvin, I'm a c...


    Mr. Orange : ...listen to me, Marvin Nash, I'm a cop.

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : Yeah, I know.

    Mr. Orange : You do?

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : Yeah, you're name's Freddy something.

    Mr. Orange : Newendyke. Freddy Newendyke.

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : Frankie Fischetti introduced us about five months ago.

    Mr. Orange : Shit, I don't remember that at all.

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : I do. Freddy... Freddy, how do I look?

    Mr. Orange : [Freddy laughs]  I don't know what to tell you, Marvin.

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : That fuck! That sick fuck! That fucking bastard!

    Mr. Orange : Marvin, I need you to hold on. There's cops waiting less than a block away.

    LAPD Officer Marvin Nash : What the fuck are they waiting for? This fucking guy slashes my face, and he cuts my fucking ear off! I'm fucking deformed!


    [pauses and calms down] 

    Mr. Orange : All right, now you heard them, we'll make the move when they get back, so don't pussy out on me now, Marvin. We're just gonna sit here and bleed until Joe Cabot sticks his fucking head through that door!

  • [Joe counts the tip and finds it is a buck short] 

    Joe : Hey, who didn't throw in?

    Mr. Orange : Mr. Pink.

    Joe : Mr. Pink? Why not?

    Mr. Orange : He don't tip.

    Joe : He don't tip? Whaddaya mean you don't tip?

    Mr. Orange : He don't believe in it.

    Joe : Shut up!

  • [first lines] 

    Mr. Brown : Let me tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song. It's a metaphor for big dicks.

    Mr. Blonde : No, no. It's about a girl who is very vulnerable. She's been fucked over a few times. Then she meets some guy who's really sensitive...

    Mr. Brown : Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... Time out Greenbay. Tell that fucking bullshit to the tourists.

    Joe : Toby... Who the fuck is Toby? Toby...

    Mr. Brown : 'Like a Virgin' is not about this sensitive girl who meets a nice fella. That's what "True Blue" is about, now, granted, no argument about that.

    Mr. Orange : Which one is 'True Blue'?

    Nice Guy Eddie : 'True Blue' was a big ass hit for Madonna. I don't even follow this Tops In Pops shit, and I've at least heard of "True Blue".

    Mr. Orange : Look, asshole, I didn't say I ain't heard of it. All I asked was how does it go? Excuse me for not being the world's biggest Madonna fan.

    Mr. Blonde : Personally, I can do without her.

    Mr. Blue : I like her early stuff. You know, 'Lucky Star', 'Borderline' - but once she got into her 'Papa Don't Preach' phase, I don't know, I tuned out.

    Mr. Brown : Hey, you guys are making me lose my... train of thought here. I was saying something, what was it?

    Joe : Oh, Toby was this Chinese girl, what was her last name?

    Mr. White : What's that?

    Joe : I found this old address book in a jacket I ain't worn in a coon's age. What was that name?

    Mr. Brown : What the fuck was I talking about?

    Mr. Pink : You said 'True Blue' was about a nice girl, a sensitive girl who meets a nice guy, and that 'Like a Virgin' was a metaphor for big dicks.

    Mr. Brown : Lemme tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular fuck machine, I'm talking morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.

    Mr. Blue : How many dicks is that?

    Mr. White : A lot.

    Mr. Brown : Then one day she meets this John Holmes motherfucker and it's like, whoa baby, I mean this cat is like Charles Bronson in the 'Great Escape', he's digging tunnels. Now, she's gettin' the serious dick action and she's feeling something she ain't felt since forever. Pain. Pain.

    Joe : Chew? Toby Chew?

    Mr. Brown : It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt her, you know, her pussy should be Bubble Yum by now, but when this cat fucks her it hurts. It hurts just like it did the first time. You see the pain is reminding a fuck machine what it once was like to be a virgin. Hence, 'Like a Virgin'.

    Joe : Wong?

  • Joe : [points at Mr. Orange]  This man set us up.

    Nice Guy Eddie : Dad, I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell's happening.

    Joe : It's all right, Eddie. I do.

    Mr. White : What the fuck are you talking about?

    Joe : That lump of shit's working with the L.A.P.D.

    Mr. Orange : Joe, I don't have the slightest fucking idea what you're talking about.

    Mr. White : Joe, I don't know what you think you know, but you're wrong.

    Joe : Like hell I am.

    Mr. White : Joe, trust me on this. You've made a mistake. He's a good kid. I understand. You're hot, you're super fucking pissed. We're all real emotional. But you're barking up the wrong tree. I know this man. He wouldn't do that.

    Joe : You don't know jack shit! I do! The cocksucker tipped off the cops and had Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue killed.

    Mr. Pink : Mr. Blue is dead?

    Joe : Dead as Dillinger.

    Mr. White : How do you know all this?

  • Mr. Orange : What happens if the manager won't give you the diamonds?

    Mr. White : When you're dealing with a store like this, they're insured up the ass. They're not supposed to give you any resistance whatsoever. If you get a customer, or an employee, who thinks he's Charles Bronson, take the butt of your gun and smash their nose in. Everybody jumps. He falls down screaming, blood squirts out of his nose, nobody says fucking shit after that. You might get some bitch talk shit to you, but give her a look like you're gonna smash her in the face next, watch her shut the fuck up. Now if it's a manager, that's a different story. Managers know better than to fuck around, so if you get one that's giving you static, he probably thinks he's a real cowboy, so you gotta break that son of a bitch in two. If you wanna know something and he won't tell you, cut off one of his fingers. The little one. Then tell him his thumb's next. After that he'll tell you if he wears ladies underwear. I'm hungry. Let's get a taco.

  • Mr. Pink : [walks in]  Was that a fucking set up or what?

    Mr. Orange : Fucking right.

    [sees a bloodied Mr. Orange lying on the floor] 

    Mr. Pink : Shit! Orange got tagged?

    Mr. White : Gut shot.

    Mr. Pink : Fuck! Where's, uh, Brown?

    Mr. White : Dead.

    Mr. Pink : How'd he die?

    Mr. White : How the fuck do you think? The cops shot him.

    Mr. Pink : This is bad. This is so fucking bad. Is it bad?

    Mr. White : As opposed to good?

    Mr. Pink : Man, this is fucked up. This is so fucked up. Somebody fucked us up big time, man.

    Mr. White : You really think we were set up?

    Mr. Pink : Do you even doubt it, man? I don't THINK we got set up, I KNOW we got set up! I mean, really, seriously, where did all those cops come from, huh? One minute they're not there, the next minute they're there? I didn't hear any sirens. The alarm went off, okay. When an alarm goes off, you got an average of four minutes response time. Unless a patrol car is cruising that street, at that particular moment, you got four minutes before they can realistically respond. In one minute there were seventeen blue boys out there. All loaded for bear, all knowing exactly what the fuck they were doing, and they were all just there! Remember that second wave that showed up in the cars? Okay, those were the ones responding to the alarm, but those first motherfuckers, I'm telling you man, they were there and they were waiting for us. Haven't you fucking thought about this?

  • Nice Guy Eddie : Let me say this out loud, 'cause I wanna get it straight in my head. You're saying that Mr. Blonde was gonna kill you, then when we got back, he was going kill us, take the satchel of diamonds, and scram. I'm right about that, right? That's correct? That's your story?

    Mr. Orange : [weakly]  I swear on my mother's eternal soul that's what happened.

    Nice Guy Eddie : The man... Mr. Blonde... . who you just killed was just released from prison. Four years ago, he got caught at a company warehouse full of hot items. He could've fuckin' walked. All he had to do was say my dad's name, but he didn't; he kept his fucking mouth shut. And did his fuckin' time, and he did it like a man. He did four years for us. Four years. So, Mr. Orange... you're tellin' me this very good friend of mine, who did four years for my father, who in four years never made a deal, no matter what they dangled in front of him... you're telling me that now, that now this man is free, and we're making good on our commitment to him, he's just gonna decide... out of the fucking blue... to rip us off? Why don't you tell me what really happened?

    Joe : [walks in]  What the hell for? It'd just be more bullshit.

  • Freddy Newandyke : I gotta memorize all this? There's over four fucking pages of this shit!

  • Freddy Newandyke : [reassuring himself in the mirror]  Don't pussy out on me now. They don't know. They don't know shit. You're not gonna get hurt. You're fucking Barretta. They believe every fucking word 'cause you're super cool.

  • Mr. Orange : [telling the Commode Story]  This is a very weird situation. 'Cause I don't know if you remember back in '86 there was a major fucking drought. Nobody had anything. People were living on resin... smoking the wood in their pipes for months. This chick had a bunch. And she's begging me to sell it. So I told her I wasn't going to be Joe the potman anymore, but I would take a little bit and sell it to my close, close, close friends. She agreed to that, said we'd keep the same arrangement as before; 10%, free pot for me, as long as I helped her out that weekend. She had a brick of weed she was selling, she didn't want to go to the buy alone. Her brother usually goes with her, but he's in county unexpectedly.

    Mr. White : What for?

    Mr. Orange : His traffic tickets. Got a warrant. They stopped him for something, found warrants on him, took him to county. Now she doesn't walk around alone with all that weed. I don't want to do this. I have a very bad feeling about it. But she keeps asking me, keeps asking me, keeps asking me, finally I said OK 'cause I'm sick of hearing it. Now, we're picking the guy up at the train station...

    Nice Guy Eddie : Wait a minute. You go to the train station to pick up the buyer with the weed on you?

    Mr. Orange : The guy needed it right away. Don't ask me why. Anyway, we're get to the station and we're waiting for the guy. I'm carrying the weed in one of those little carry-on bags. I got to take a piss. So I tell the connection I'll be right back, I'm going to the boys' room. So I walk in the mens' room, and who's standing there? Four Los Angeles county sheriffs and a German shepherd.

    Nice Guy Eddie : They're waiting for you?

    Mr. Orange : No, they're just a bunch of cops hanging out in the men's room, talking. When I walked through the door, they all stopped what they were talking about and they looked at me.

    Mr. White : [laughs]  That's hard, man. That's a fucking hard situation.

    Mr. Orange : German shepherd starts barking. He's barking at me. I mean, it's obvious. He's barking at me. Every nerve-ending, all my senses, blood in my veins, everything I have is screaming, "Take off, man! Just bail, just get the fuck out of there!" Panic hits me like a bucket of water. First there's the shock of it... -BAM!... -right in the face. I'm standing there drenched in panic. All these sheriffs looking at me, and they know, man. They can smell it. Sure as that fucking dog can, they can smell it on me.

  • Freddy Newandyke : Motherfucker, I'm trying to watch 'The Lost Boys'!

  • Mr White : That girl's ass...

    Mr. Orange : It's sitting here right on my dick.

  • Freddy Newandyke : [asked by Holdaway to describe Joe Cabot]  You remember the 'Fantastic Four'?

    Holdaway : Yeah, with that invisible bitch, 'Flame On!' and that shit?

    Freddy Newandyke : The Thing; motherfucker looks like The Thing.

  • Mr. Brown : I'm blind, man. I'm fucking blind.

    Mr. Orange : You're not blind, you've just got blood in your eyes.

  • Mr. Pink : What was the name of the chick who played Christie Love?

    Nice Guy Eddie : Pam Grier.

    Mr. Orange : No it wasn't Pam Grier. Pam Grier was the other one. Pam Grier did the film. Christie Love was like Pam Grier TV Show without Pam Grier.

    Mr. Pink : So who was Christie Love?

    Mr. Orange : How the fuck should I know?

    Mr. Pink : Great. Now I'm totally fucking tortured.

  • Mr. Orange : [after being shot]  I'm gonna fuckin' die! I'm gonna fuckin' die!

    Mr. White : Your not gonna fuckin' die!

  • Holdaway : So if this fruit's a Brewer's fan, his ass gotta be from Wisconsin.

    Freddy Newandyke : Bing!

    Holdaway : And I'll bet you everything from a diddle-eyed Joe to a damned if I know that in Milwaukee they got a sheet on this Mr. White motherfucker's ass...

  • Off-Screen Police Officers : [From Trailer]  Freeze! Put the gun down!

    Joe : Here your name's. Mr. White, Mr. Blonde and Mr. Pink.

    Mr. Pink : Why am I Mr. Pink?

    Mr. White : Who cares what your name is.

    Mr. Pink : Easy for you to say your Mr. White you got a cool sounding name.

    Joe : Let's go to work.

    Mr. Orange : [the men walk out as White and Orange discuss there bank plan]  What happens if the Manager doesn't give you the diamonds?

    Mr. White : Cut one of his fingers off the little one.

    Mr. Blonde : If they haven't done what I told them not to do, they'd still be alive!

    Mr. Pink : [White punches Pink to the floor]  Your acting like a first year thief, i'm acting like a Professional!

    Mr. White : [White in bathroom speaking to Pink]  A guy like can put you in for ten years worth.

    Mr. Orange : [to Sheriffs]  BAM!

    Mr. White : [Discussing Blonde's situation in the bank]  BAM!

    Mr. Blonde : [Mr. Pink shoot's at the cops]  Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam!

    Nice Guy Eddie : [White, Orange, Pink and Eddie in the car discussing their favorite TV series from the 70's]  Your under arrest sugar!

    Mr. Blonde : [after White takes Joe's book]  Hey Joe, want me to shoot this guy?

  • Freddy Newandyke : What is this?

    Holdaway : That's an amusing anecdote about a drug deal.

    Freddy Newandyke : What?

    Holdaway : Something funny that happened to you while you were doing a fucking job, man.

  • Holdaway : Just think about it like it's a joke, alright? You memorize what's important and the rest you make your own, alright? You can tell a joke, can't you?

    Mr. Orange : No.

    Holdaway : Pretend you're Don Rickles or some fuckin' body and tell a joke, alright?

  • Mr. Orange : The situation is I'm shot in the belly. Without medical attention I'm gonna die.

    Mr. White : I can't take you to a hospital.

    Mr. Orange : Fuck jail, man! You don't have to take me in. Just drive me up to the front. Just drop me on the sidewalk. I'll take care of myself. I won't tell 'em anything, man. I won't tell 'em anything. I swear to God, man. Just look in my eyes, Larry. Look in my eyes. I won't tell them anything. You'll be safe, man.

    Mr. White : You're not gonna fuckin' die, kid, all right? Listen to me - you're gonna be fine. Along with the kneecap, the gut is the most painful area a guy can get shot in...

    Mr. Orange : No shit!

    Mr. White : ...but it takes a long time to die from it. I'm talking days. You're gonna wish you were dead, but it takes days to die from your wound. Time is on your side.

    Mr. Pink : Was that a fuckin' setup or what?

See also

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