Leap Year (2010)
CGI Ireland landscape shots and Irish culture stereotypes
30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I recently was asked to watch this film by my girlfriend after a conversation about romance movies. I have never been a big fan of romance films or rom coms but I have a soft spot for some classic romance novels such as Romeo and Juliet, Pride and Prejudice and Jane Erye. I reluctantly agreed to watch this movie which she claims is her all time favourite romance movie. In my opinion this film is about as romantic as forgetting your anniversary and buying a bunch of half dead flowers from the local garage on the way home from work to make up for it.

I honestly wasn't expecting much going into this movie as it's plot revolves around a woman who after being disappointed that her boyfriend doesn't propose to her after four years together gets the idea to propose to him instead. Anna (Amy Adams) travels across Ireland with a handsome stranger Declan (Matthew Goode) who she has just met so she can make it to Dublin just in time to propose to her boyfriend. Anna and Declan get into various situations that delay Anna from reaching Dublin and of course the two fall in love on this wacky journey and she leaves her boyfriend for Declan and they all live happily ever after.

This film was neither romantic nor funny. Amy Adams character is written the same as every other stereotypical female rom com character. She lives a charmed life, has plenty of money, a career and a boyfriend who she seems happy with at first until she meets Mr Charming Aka stereotype character number two Declan (Matthew Goode). Declan is the charming and handsome stranger who behaves like an immature man child who only cares about money until Anna melts his heart and he becomes tolerable at best. Nothing about these characters is original or even relatable they are basically just the stock characters that come with every half assed rom com movie.

I don't understand how any woman could find this movie romantic or heart warming if anything it's insulting to woman as it portrays the main character of the film as helpless and lost without the aid of a condescending, egotistical man in her life to insult her and treat like a lost puppy. There are far better romance films out there than this pile of rubbish there are far better rom coms aswell such as (A lot like love) and (When Harry Met Sally).

If your looking for a simple minded rom com that focuses more on handsome strangers falling madly in love for no other reason than because it's written in the script then Leap Year is the movie for you. However if your looking for something genuinely heartfelt, romantic and sophisticated then avoid this movie at all costs.
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