World War Z (2013)
"Spines are devine, but knees are just fine"
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
World War Z (2013) is a somewhat ambitious zombie action movie that had a lot of potential to become a genre defining movie but sadly falls short in the movies third act.

World War Z follows a former UN field agent named Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) and his family who on a seemingly normal day find themselves fleeing a city wide zombie outbreak. The family just barely escape the city when Gerry is contacted by the UN Deputy Secretary General who arranges for Gerry and his family to be evacuated by evac chopper. There's just one catch, that Gerry go back to work for the UN and help investigate the origins of the zombie virus in the hope's of finding a cure. In return Gerry's family will be kept safe as long as he makes himself useful. Gerry agrees and once he and his family are rescued and secure he goes back to work investigating the origins of the now global zombie virus. This leads Gerry on a chase for information on the origins of the virus which takes him across the globe to Korea, Jerusalem and England as he fights for survival against innumerable hordes of zombies.

World War Z is primarily an action film that focuses it's attention more on how many CGI zombies are on screen at one time more than it focuses on it's characters and plot. Brad Pitt gives a great performance but his character is sadly lacking any real personality or backstory. All we really learn about his character Gerry is that he's a family man who gave up his job to be with his family and this all information learnt within the first ten minutes of the film. It's hard to get invested in a film where the main character has about as much personality and charm as one of the rotting zombies trying to kill him.

The first hour and a half of the movie are almost completely action oriented containing explosions, hordes and hordes of zombies, plane crashes, soldiers fighting off zombies everything you would expect from a blockbuster zombie action movie. Then during the last thirty minutes the movie suddenly turns into a Resident Evil film when Brad Pitts character has to slowly and quietly make his way through a research laboratory. The movie's ending is very disappointing and anticlimactic, leaving many unanswered questions in favour of a lazy voice over by Brad Pitts character.

The most disappointing thing about this movie is it's lack of blood and gore. In order to keep the film PG-13, the films overall violence and gore is toned down considerably when compared to other more adult zombie films like 28 Day's Later or the Dawn of the Dead remake. There's still plenty of action to enjoy in this movie but just don't expect to see anything particularly graphic or bloody because you will be disappointed.

World War Z is by no means the best Zombie movie ever made by it's certainly not the worst so I would definitely recommend giving it a watch to find out if your a fan or not.
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