Poor written love story with boring characters
26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning the movie seemed quite interesting, but then the plot happened. It's not that i expected the most beautiful love story of all time, but at least something decent. The "scientific explanation" was silly and unnecessary. I mean lightning- how original, nobody ever explained super powers with lightning. A magical potion or door would have been more believable. Then- the police officer who calls the FBI immediately, just because a 45 year old women looks like 30-35?! I mean come on.. It's not like she was 70 at the time. Even without plastic surgery, there are people who look younger. And even then, nobody thought, that it could be a typo or something? Then, the love story with the long- hair- guy. It's just stupid. I can't even say it's clishee, because clishee would have been better. They tried to make the characters seem interesting and their dates so original, but the lack of chemistry, emotions and a normal human conversation made those scenes look completely implausible. I would rather see them go to a date to a fast food restaurant and talk about politics and the weather than this. What do we know about the guy? He's a stalker, he likes unusual girls, because- omg, she's reading braille and isn't blind, that's so cool! And he's rich, of course. His lines to hit on her were like he found them by googling "interesting facts to say on a date". It seemed like they didn't talk about anything personal, anyone's life, world views, likes and dislikes, but about random knowledge you find at the end of the newspaper. And she..after living for such a long time, it would be nice to see, not just how much random stuff she learned, but to see her wisdom or the typical old people's grumpiness, but no. She acts like she's 20 and just started her life and didn't figure out how to live with someone- not because she will loose him, but because the FBI scared her with their unsuccessful one time visit. And after a week or a month she loves the stalker guy?! The love story with her father was way better and had some real potential. I mean the guy named a comet after her! If that's not romantic..no. I would have rather seen her run away with him. But the young looking pretty girl can't ditch the young pretty guy for an old guy. And then, the electricity undoing her super power just because electricity is magical- what to say?! The last scene was hilarious- the narrator really had to explain to us, that a grey hair means she's getting old :D Just in case stupid people won't get how brilliant the movie really is. As far as the lines and chemistry goes, the narrator could have talked through the whole movie and explain to us how they loved each other and how touching everything is.
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