Review of Last Vegas

Last Vegas (2013)
insufferable waste of good acting talent
29 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
the script is at once, dreadful and unbelievable. Sam's wife (Kevin Kline) hands him a Viagra and condom as she drops him at the airport and tells him to go, "get it out of your system". And that is how this piece of trash starts out. It does not improve. Got two hours to burn? take a walk, read a book... watch Two and A Half Men if you crave some base humor, because this movie is worse. What a tragedy, that these great actors tainted their career by appearing in this disaster. I used to expect decent entertainment if De Niro or Kevin Kline were involved. No more, but I suppose anyone can be bought off for the right price. I am floored by the 6.8 IMDb rating for Last Vegas. Have the ratings been stacked by 13-year old kids?
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