Splinter (I) (2008)
Good movie spoiled by shaky-cam
15 February 2009
In comparison to some of the terrible creature features that the Sci-Fi Channel shows, Splinter is definitely better. It's characters are pretty well rounded and believable and they do sensible things in an attempt to survive the menace.

But, as with many recent productions - every time the action gets going and every time the creature attacks - the camera goes into such chaotic movement that you can't even tell what's going on. I understand in part this may have been necessary to hide some low budget special effects but in this film, it's just way too much. Spinning, zooming, panning shaky-cam and rapid editing just end up frustrating the viewer. The creature concept seems to have taken a inspiration from "The Thing" - in being an organic amalgamation of dead human bodyparts - but I honestly couldn't quite say for sure, because I never caught a glimpse of it that wasn't in blurred motion. Truly a sad way to spoil an otherwise creepy and fun flick.
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