Never trust the ratings
19 June 2008
As a guy, I have never been hit by a movie like this one. I went into this movie laying next to my girlfriend, expecting to be bored out of my mind. I watched it with her, for her. I never complained, and I'm glad I didn't. This movie reminded me so much of us, and how much I don't want to lose her. I believe the acting was superb on everybody's part, with humor very well done.

I never look at ratings for a movie, I read the back, or watch the trailers, and listen to ratings by trusted people I know. Never trust the ratings online or by critics, in any genre. Someone brought up the ratings on rottentomatoes, did they notice that over 95% of those ratings were from males? Now why would anybody in their right mind listen to a bunch of reviews by GUYS on a CHICK FLICK? This movie was for anybody that has the joy of being madly in love, if you are not, you won't get it.

The most powerful line to me was by the character, Daniel, "I want to be somebody's Gerry" was extremely powerful to me.
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