Irma and Chet , why they matter in 2006
5 October 2006
Between the character Irma's constant destructive enabling and antithesis to Harry's good-natured common sense, and the oldest son Chet who at 22 years of age refuses to get a job, do anything around the house and yet still has his hand out for an "ALLOWANCE", I mean really...a 22 yr old college graduate who gets an allowance??. One really gets a sense of why the values in our country are less then desirable in 2006. It really makes you think about what has happened to us in the 34 years since this show aired. This is a very good example of how the "Super Mom" approach to child-rearing even back in 1972 destroys the morals and values of the adults today. We have them to thank for lack of respect, suspicion, and the jumping to conclusions kids have towards adults. How fun it must be to be belittled, sworn at, made fun of, and even being threatened and knowing you can't do anything about it for fear of a lawsuit or more often the infamous Super-Mom quote: "My child couldn't possibly have done anything wrong! It is the teacher, the other parent, the doctor, or society's fault!"

Thank you "Super-Mom"
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