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Lemon and Lime



:bulletblack::bulletyellow: ♥ Our love is Forever ♥ :bulletgreen::bulletblack:

I'm not feeling too well so it's not really that great, but drawing has been taking my mind off of it a bit.

This is my OCs Exie and Jestryn. Yes, that is Exie XD I wanted to experiment with Exie a bit and created this "Lemon" version of her (since yellow is my favourite colour I thought i'd try it)

I did use a refrence for the pose: [link]

I hope everyone likes it.

♥ Exie // Jestryn (c) =Sakukko
♥ Materials Used: WHSmith Colouring Pencils
♥ Time Taken: 5 hours
Image size
717x1036px 1.35 MB
© 2011 - 2024 Sakukko
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speedywan's avatar
YELLOWS my fav colour too <3 <3 :D