Alta Trinita beata (Anonymous)

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  • (Posted 2017-11-23)  CPDL #47679:       
Editor: Andrew Sims (submitted 2017-11-23).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 65 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Text in Latin and old Swedish (Swedish text given as translation below).
  • (Posted 2013-02-05)  CPDL #28216:       
Editor: Robert Urmann (submitted 2013-02-05).   Score information: Executive, 1 page, 82 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2011-12-17)  CPDL #25175:         
Editor: Michael Bächle (submitted 2011-12-17).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 169 kB   Copyright: CC BY
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2002-03-11)  CPDL #03346:     
Editor: Graeme Martin (submitted 2002-03-11).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 24 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2001-01-16)  CPDL #01979:      (MuP)
Editor: Vincent Carpentier (submitted 2001-01-16).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 31 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 1999-12-21)  CPDL #00651:      (Finale 1998)
Editor: Vladimir Ursic (submitted 1999-12-21).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 35 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Alta Trinita beata
Composer: Anonymous


This work has been misattributed.
See notes for details and correct composer below or see the discussion page.

According to a comment left on the talk page, this work was composed by Günther Ramin.

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredMotet for Trinity Sunday

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published:
Description: Lauda No. 31 from ‘Laudario di Cortona’ (Cortona, Italy, late XIIIth century); setting by an anonymous composer

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Alta Trinità beata,
da noi sempre adorata,
Trinità gloriosa
unità maravigliosa,
Tu sei manna saporosa
e tutta desiderosa.

German.png German translation

Hohe, heilige Dreifaltigkeit,
von uns immer angebetet,
glorreiche Dreifaltigkeit,
wunderbare Einheit,
du bist das köstliche
und ersehnte Himmelsbrot.

English.png English translation

High and blessed Trinity,
By us always adored.
Glorious Trinity,
Marvelous unity,
You are savory manna
and all that we can desire.

Swedish.png Swedish translation

Höga treenighet, evigt prisad!
För all nåd oss städs bevisad.
Treenig Gud, Fader, Son och Ande,
lov vare Dig i alle lande!
Goda gåvor allena giver Du,
som var och är och bliver.