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Officially, Illinois Democrats were gathered in a hotel ballroom Monday to rally their troops at the start of the Democratic National Convention, but it was a different upcoming election battle that consumed much of the focus.

The question on the minds of many delegates here was not just how to help Democrat Hillary Clinton defeat Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in November, but whom to run against Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner in 2018.

Rauner’s name was mentioned as often as Trump’s during a two-hour breakfast meeting that featured pep talks from labor leaders and party officials, and regular reminders from the breakfast emcee, Cook County Recorder of Deeds Karen Yarbrough, that “we need a Democratic governor.”

The most buzzed about potential candidate was U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, a veteran lawmaker and party elder. Asked Monday about a run for governor, the 71-year-old demurred.

“The election for governor in Illinois is about 30 months away,” Durbin said. “I say to those who are focusing on that, they’ve lost sight of the most important election that is going to be just a few months from now for president of the United States and senator from Illinois. That is where I’m focusing my attention and my energy.”

The senator kept the door open when asked if he had ruled out seeking the governor’s mansion.

“Well, all I can say is I’m focusing on my positive responsibility that the voters gave to me in the last election,” said Durbin, who was re-elected in 2014 and would not face another Senate contest until 2020.

In a signal that Durbin might have party establishment backing if he ran, Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan declared him “uniquely qualified” for the role, saying the two had spoken about the possibility “a few months ago.”

Later, the speaker was asked about another Illinois politician often considered a potential candidate for the job, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, but he said he hadn’t spoken with his daughter about that possibility “recently.”

For her part, Lisa Madigan said she was focused on the election at hand. While an eventual run for governor has long been seen as a logical next step for her, the four-term attorney general said last time around that she wouldn’t run for the post while her father was serving as speaker.

Back in 2013, as speculation swirled about a Democratic primary challenge against then-Gov. Pat Quinn, Lisa Madigan issued a statement. “I feel strongly that the state would not be well served by having a governor and speaker of the House from the same family and have never planned to run for governor if that would be the case,” she said. “With Speaker Madigan planning to continue in office, I will not run for governor.”

With Speaker Madigan showing no signs of retiring in the midst of his pitched battle against Rauner, that leaves Lisa Madigan potentially looking at a run for a fifth term in 2018. A spot on the Illinois Supreme Court also could be an option should a vacancy occur.

Durbin’s cagey response left speculation to swirl, with some Democrats questioning whether he would be willing to abandon a powerful post in Washington for the governor’s mansion in Springfield.

“I wonder if he’d be willing to leave the Senate when the Democrats regain the majority, which I think is a distinct possibility this time,” said longtime Chicago Ald. Ed Burke, 14th.

Burke, meanwhile, offered up another name: Valerie Jarrett, a longtime adviser to President Barack Obama.

“I think she’d be an exciting possibility,” Burke said, brushing aside the fact that Jarrett has never held elected office and noting that Rauner also came to the governor’s office without any prior experience.

“She’s got a wealth of experience, not only in the public sector, but in the private sector,” said Burke, who said he worked closely with Jarrett when she was commissioner of the Chicago Planning Department, when she worked in the mayor’s office and when she was CTA chairman. “I think her links to the president, there is nobody closer to the president than she is, and she has the ability to raise the money and I think she can motivate women voters and clearly, there is probably no one more identifiable with the successful administration of the United States government over the last eight years than Valerie.

State Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, who holds Obama’s old state Senate seat, expressed his own interest.

“I wouldn’t run away from any job that would put me in a position to solve problems in our state, and we have a lot of problems,” Raoul said. “I’m in such a position right now, however, I’m one in 59 in my chamber… Certainly, being a chief executive puts you in a stronger position to solve problems.”

Raoul launched with ease into a series of campaign-style talking points about how he’s confronted tough issues such as the state’s pension problems, workers compensation issues, redistricting and criminal justice reform. And he noted that his personal life was on track to accommodate a campaign for the chief executive of the state, given that in two years he’ll become an empty-nester with children off to college.

Even as party leaders warned delegates not to lose sight of the November election, their fight with Rauner at the statehouse was front-and-center. That was a function of both the political nature of the gathering, and the topic of the day: Organized labor. Rauner has spent the past year-and-a-half trying to chip away at the influence of Illinois labor unions, with Democrats resisting in support of their union allies.

Delegates heard from labor leaders, who preached party unity ahead of the official nomination of Clinton this week, but also bashed Rauner for his anti-union efforts. As the breakfast meeting concluded, delegates were shown a promotional video featuring a number of labor leaders linking Rauner and Trump and declaring that there is “no difference between” the two Republican businessmen-turned-politicians.

Even a visit from Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy, a Democratic National Committee official dispatched to the delegation breakfast to offer some inspiration from the national party, became quickly focused on the state-level power struggle.

Accusing Republicans of being on a quest to “dismantle labor,” Malloy said “we have to fight back, and a Democratic governor is one of the ways to do that.”

Malloy also warned that Democrats need to take the governor’s office in order to keep control of the political map-drawing process. Rauner and Democrats who control the General Assembly are fighting over that issue now, too, with Rauner pushing to take the process out of the hands of elected officials and Madigan opposed.

Originally Published: